
1108 Words
Bang! Mike's grandfather's walking stick hit the wall. He had aimed it at Mike but missed. It turned out that the White family weren't the only ones who were shaken by the last revelation online. "Grandfather I...I...was.." Mike stuttered and tried to explain himself. The old man's old but sharp and eagle eyes bore into his soul and he kept mute instantly. Grandfather Vincent was the pillar of the family and no one dared to provoke him. He was the father founder of Troy group. "I told you at the initial time that you have to get married before I hand my company over to you. I wanted to see if you were man enough to handle a family first before my company. And now, as shameless as you are, you are seeing two sisters." His mother, Catherine, wanted to speak up in her son's defense but she knew better than to incur the old man's wrath. She only looked on with pleading eyes while the old man treated her as air. "No, grandfather, it was just a fling. I was drunk." "A fling, you were drunk. What a hopeless excuse! If you could do something like this after consuming a few glasses of wine, I bet you will not handle the company well after you consume wine at business meetings. You will probably sell off the company!" "I'm sorry, grandfather," Mike pleaded. He didn't want to loose his inheritance. After his father died, his grandfather chose him from his multitude of offspring and promised to hand the company to him. "You must get married to someone from the White family. You know their importance and relevance. I don't need to remind you of that over and over. I will be the last person to support any immoral lifestyle. You will get married to the girl whom you have defiled. Clear the story off the net and get married to her. This is your last chance. You have Seventy two hours to do that or I will consider you unsuitable for the position of the President of Troy group," grandfather finished. It was a threat but Mike knew his grandfather meant every bit of it. He looked at his mother for help but she had no help to offer. He bowed before his grandfather and left for his own room. "Damn! Damn that bastard. That useless girl!" he cursed in anger. He really wanted to strangle her at that moment. If only he could lay his hands on her. "She wasn't even good in bed. Now, she wants to cost me my inheritance. Ahhh!" he screamed and knocked down the books on his reading table. He decided to start from somewhere. The first step was to take down the news before it was leaked to the outer word that he, Mike, the heir to Troy group had an affair with Amy White. Lily heaved a sigh of relief when she saw that the news had been taken down. She felt very bad that her plan had gone wrong. But Mike had more surprises for her. He showed up at her place that evening with a solemn look on his face. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. "I know what happened, but I forgive you." For quite a while, Lily stayed by Mike just because she wanted to be the new and respected mistress of the Sullivan family. She needed the fame and power that accompanied the position. She would overlook everything to make sure she gets there. Her parents were both seated in the sitting room. Mike greeted them respectfully and began, "Dad, mum, I sincerely apologize for what happened. You know I can't do anything to hurt Lily on purpose. It was Amy who seduced me last night. She came into my room and pretended to be Lily. I tried to resist but she was so much of an actress and she had a lot of evil skills. Under the influence of alcohol, I gave in thinking it was my fiancée." "Amy again? But she…" Jason started. He smelt a rat in what Mike said. He might not care for his daughter but he trusted her and knew she wouldn't do something dishonorable. "Yes, Amy. That shameless child. She has done what she knows best. Seducing men for money. Now, she wants to ruin her sister's marriage, unfilial child," Jane cut in. "I forgive you, Mike. I know it was Amy who seduced you in order to break us apart." "Thank you for believing me and forgiving me as well. But I can't go ahead to get married to you. It will only be an insult to you that I came back for you after having your sister. I don't want you to be disgraced or called a second fiddle." "But, I am not. She's the one who is a third party." Lily pleaded. "I know, I'm only doing this for you, I love you, that's why I can't bear to hurt you. I'm sorry." Jason cleared his throat and said, "I have heard what you said. You will hear from us soon." Lily and Jane couldn't do anything about it. Jason on his own part had wanted one of his daughters to be married off into a rich family in order to get more benefits. If the family chose Amy instead of Lily as agreed, it was still a win. Who was he to stop them? "We can use her to get all the riches, fame and power from the Sullivan family," Jason suggested. Boom! That was all the mother and daughter pair needed to hear. They saw this as a very brilliant idea and Amy was compelled to marry Mike. Amy received the news with a sad and heavy heart. She didn't want to marry Mike for any reason. She feared that Mike would mistreat her. "Get married and save our family the ridicule of being rejected by the Sullivan," was all her father said to her when she came crying to him. She had no say, her opinion didn't matter at all. She was optionless and was delivered as a living sacrifice to Mike to be his wife. Mike flung the marriage certificate they had obtained at her in anger. "There, that's what you wanted you cheap w***e. I will offer you an employment in the company as my grandfather has requested. But bear this in mind, I will ensure a life of comfort for you. But do not expect the fulfilment of typical husbandly duties. Do not expect any form of affection from me. I will never love you."
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