Lucky and Unlucky...

1860 Words
NATASHA POV It's been a week now and I haven't seen any sign of that man. I was scared thinking he will return back but thankfully he didn't. Infact it's like he disappeared into thin air. I feel like I can finally breathe peacefully. My life is now back to normal. I can rest now from thinking too much about him. I heard my door opened making me look up only to smile as I watched my baby run to me smiling brightly. “Mummy am back from school.” he said smiling. I kissed his forehead. “Welcome my baby. How was school today?” I asked him as I helped him pull off his school bag. “It was fine. I played with my Julie and Gerald today.” he said happily. “Awwn I see you had so much fun to at school.” I laughed. “Mummy I have a gift for you.” he sounded so excited as he opened his school bag. I sat down and watch my little angel as he was busy looking for something in his school bag. He pulled out a note book and showed it to me. “Look mummy, I scored all my classwork. My teacher said I am the highest in the class.” he gave me a huge smile. I flipped through the part he was talking about and saw he scored everything. I smiled and picked him up before placing him on my laps. “You deserve a huge kiss from me for being a smart kid.” I said as I placed a long peck on his cheeks. “I am so proud of you my baby.” I said to him. He has always been so intelligent. I have to say, am not as intelligent as he is. I wonder where he got his brains from. I also can't say it's from his father because that guy doesn't seem like someone who is that intelligent. Damien has always been this intelligent right from when I gave birth to him. He talks so perfectly well than kids who are his age. He is good in his class work and he is a fast learner. I am always proud of him. “But mummy I don't want a kiss from you.” he said as he shifted his head. “Huh? What do you want now baby? Name it and I will get it for you.” I said to him. “I want a new transformer toy. Gerald has one. He brought it to school today. I always want one mummy. Please mummy.” he said giving me his adorable puppy eyes. I laughed and nodded my head. “Fine let's go get you a transformer toy.” I announced. He jumped from my laps in a full speed and began to jump in excitement. “Now can you stop jumping. I don't want you to injure your self.” I warned him. “Okay mummy.” he said and quickly stopped. So obedient too. I picked my bag and walked out of the office with him in front leading the way. I first locked my office before heading to the kitchen. “I will be stepping out for a little while. Keep everything in order while I am away. Caleb you will be in charge while am gone.” I instructed my workers. “Yes Miss Scott.” They all chorused. I smiled and walked out of the kitchen. I held Damien's hand as walked out of the coffee shop. We walked down and headed to the shopping mall. Damien was so excited that he couldn't keep still. He kept jumping and jumping happily. We got to the shopping mall. I walked to the toys section. We looked for the type of toy he wanted. Thank goodness we found it. I checked the price tag and damn that's a lot of money for just a toy. I looked at Damien's face and I saw him looking at me with so much hope and innocence in his eyes. I knew better than to return the toy back. “Let's go pay for your new toy. Shall we?” I asked smiling. “Yeeeyyyyy thank you so much mummy. You are the best.” he smiled giving me a tiny thumbs up. I laughed knowing I just fell into his trap. Well I can't say no to my baby no matter what. Besides I don't mind spending my money on him. I am working just for him and for his needs. His needs are my responsibility so I don't mind providing it for him no matter the amount or the price attached to the price tag. As we were about to walk to the cashier's desk, I felt like I was being watched. I turned around but saw no suspicious face around. Maybe it's just my imagination. I decided to ignore the feeling. I walked to the cashier's desk with Damien and paid with my card. After we were cleared, we walked out of the shopping mall. “Now are you ready to go back to the shop?” I asked Damien. “Not yet mummy. Please one more thing.” he said giving me a puppy look again. “What do you want again Damien?” I asked him. “Ice cream...” he whispered. “What did you say? I didn't hear you.” I pretended. I heard him the first time but I wanted him to be confident and not scared of asking me for anything. “I said I want ice cream.” he repeated in a loud voice this time. I smiled and played with hair. “See it wasn't so hard to say. Now let's go get you some ice cream. I think we passed a shop when coming here. Let's go check it out.” I said to him. He grinned so widely as we walked to where I saw the ice cream we passed while walking to the shopping mall. We walked in and Damien rushed to check for the flavour he wanted. “Mummy I want the chocolate flavour please.” he requested. I ordered for chocolate flavour for him then strawberry favour for myself. Yes of course, I also will like to have some ice cream. I can't watch my kid take his without me having a taste also. I collected our ice cream and looked for where to sit. We sat down and took some pictures first before we began to feast on our poor ice creams. “Mummy I have something to tell you.” Damien started. “Alright mummy is all ears.” I said. “There is this new girl that came to our school. She isn't my friend but she keeps bothering me in class. She likes to follow me around when we are out of class. I don't know what her problem is. I am getting tired of her.” my poor baby whined. I began to think about what I just heard. It's obvious that the reason why this girl is following him and bothering him is because she likes him. Awwwn my innocent baby has someone who is crushing on him. But I won't tell him that because he is too young to know this things. “Don't you want to be friends with her?” I asked him. “No I don't want to. She talks too much and she's loud.” he replied. Oh my. I feel pity for all the girls out there because it's certain my handsome son is going to break some hearts in the future. “But it seems like she wants to be friends with you.” I said to him. “I don't want her to be my friend. I don't like her. I just wish she stops bothering me.” he said. “You can tell her you don't want to be her friend and tell her to leave you alone.” I told him. “I have but she refuse to listen to me.” Now I don't know what to say him again. “Don't worry with time she will stop bothering you.” that was the only thing I could think of to tell him. “I hope she does that fast.” he sighed. I laughed. We finished our ice cream and went back to the coffee shop. Finally it was time to close for the day. I dismissed all my workers and locked the place up. I walked home with Damien. But on getting home, I faced a scary scene. My door was broken. I walked in to see my properties were all scattered all over. Some properties looked missing. “Mummy what happened here?” I heard my son's scared voice. I quickly turned to him and hugged him. I felt him shake in fright. I couldn't help but feel bad. My son shouldn't experience this kind of thing at his young age. Look at how scared he is. “Calm down baby. Everything is alright. It's just some bad guys who came to our house.” I explained to him in the way he will understand. “Mummy I don't want to stay here anymore. What if they come back or they are still here? Am scared mummy.” he said in a tiny voice. My heart broke for him. “Am sorry baby. I am so sorry you have to experience this. Come on I will take you to our neighbor's house.” I said to him. I took him there and told them what happened. They agreed to take care of him while I try to call the police to inform them of what happened. I went back to my house and couldn't help but feel frighten too. What if the thieves come back again like Damien asked? I don't think I can deal with them on my own. I need to find a solution out. My son can't stay here. Not on this state. I can't risk our safety for anything. I need to come up with a new place to stay. I pulled out my phone to call the police when I heard a sound of someone walking in. I froze in fear. Could they be back? Are they with dangerous weapons? Is my life at risk? What exactly could they want from me? The questions kept running in my mind. I couldn't stop shaking in fear. I needed to get out of here. I was about sneaking to hide somewhere when strong hands grabbed my arms. I let out a loud bloody scream and fell on the floor covering my eyes immediately. “Please don't hurt me. You can take anything you want but please don't hurt me. Please.” I begged in fear. “Hey Natasha calm down it's me.” I heard a familiar voice. I raised my head to be sure and it was indeed him kneeling right next to me looking worried. In shock I asked; “Why are you here?”
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