Don't you shout at my mom...

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NATASHA POV “Hey are you alright?” he asked looking at me with those brown eyes. I stood up and dusted my trouser. I can't show that I am weak in front of him. “I am fine. Now answer my question. Why are you here? And how do you know that this my house?” I asked him. “I am here because of you. I found out about what happened so I came over. Aren't you happy to see me?” he asked with a smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes. “Why should I be happy to see you. How did you know I live here? You haven't answered that question yet.” I asked glaring. “Well not because I haven't showed up at your face doesn't mean I haven't been seeing you everyday.” he answered. “In simple teams, you mean to tell me you have been stalking me.” I said. “Hell no. It's really offensive the way you put it. It's not stalking my dear. I am really interested in you and that's it.” he said. “Look I don't have time for all this bullshit right now. As you can see I have a bigger issue in front of me. So if you will be so kind to let me be, I will love that.” I said to him. “What if I am here to offer you some of my help?” he asked. I raised my eyebrow to look at him. “What help can you offer me? Besides I never said I wanted your help.” I said to him. “Trust me Gattina, you do need my help. And don't worry, I am a good person by nature so I will give it to you.” he winked. What the hell is Gattina? Why does that word sound so sexy? I thought. “Thank you but no thanks. Not interested. Now can you leave me alone.” I glared at him hoping he just leaves already. Am getting frustrated seeing his face. Now it's not the time to play around with him. Instead of answering me or even leaving, he removed his phone from his pocket and began to touch it. I wondered what he was doing. He put the phone on his ear and looked around. “Yes it's me. I need you to come over to the address I will send to you right now. And don't f*****g waste my time. Come fast.” he said before hanging up. To me I see it as rude although I don't know who he was talking to. But you don't just order people around like that. He began to type on his phone. Am guessing his texting the address. But where is the place? I just hope it's not here. He ignored my presence and began to walk around my house looking at everywhere. He still doesn't want to leave. “Why aren't you leaving already?” I asked him but he continued to ignore me. I was just about to loose my cool when police men began to run into my house. Last I checked, I don't think I have called them yet. So why are they here? I stood confused. They gave space for some man in uniform who walked in. From his tag, I opened my eyes when I saw commissioner boldly written. What on earth is the commissioner himself doing in my house? Is something happening? I hope I am not in some kind of trouble. “Mr Emilio good evening. We rushed immediately we got your call. How may we be of help to you?” he said to the guy who has been ignoring me. Now this the first time I actually got his name. Mr Emilio. Wow sounds like a cool name but I won't let him know that. “Look around, this house was burgled. I need you to investigate this matter and I give you before twenty four hours to catch the bastards who did this. They need to be punished.” Mr Emilio said with a cold look. Now I really don't know what on earth is happening here? Who the hell is he that the commissioner himself rushed over immediately after his call? And why is he giving the commissioner such orders? He even seems so different to how he was when it was just the both of us. Now he looks like someone who has so much authority and his aura screams power. What exactly am I missing here? “Alright sir. We will investigate on this issue immediately.” the commissioner said to my greatest surprise. He was obeying him and addressing him with sir. The commissioner looks older than him for heaven sake. “Good.” Mr Emilio said before turning to me. “Gattina pack the important stuff you and your son will be needing. You are moving in with me.” he said still having that cold look in his face. “Hold on a minute. What did I hear you just say? First of all my name isn't Gattina but Natasha. Second of all, I am not going anywhere with you.” I said to him confidently. The commissioner looked surprise after I spoke but he covered his expression fast. “Gattina I am not going to repeat myself again. You are coming with me.” he said again looking more serious than before. He thinks I will be scared. Hell no I will stand my ground on this. I won't allow him order me like some slave. “And I said no. I am not going anywhere with you and that's final.” I said to him standing my ground. He looked at the audience who were with us in the room. Without saying a word, they all began to leave. Now it's just him and I. “Why the f**k are you so stubborn?” he said sounding a little relaxed unlike before. “I am not being stubborn. You are the one who is being difficult. Why on earth will you want me to just go with you? I know nothing about you so please let me be.” I said to him. “Listen I am only doing this for pure and good intentions. That's all. I am sure you won't want to stay here and you seem like you have no other place to go to. Think about your child for a minute, do you think he will be okay staying here after what happened?” he asked. There he just hit the nail on the head. I just remembered my son's safety. And the fact that earlier he was so scared. “I can manage on my own. I don't need your help or anything.” I said to him. “Trust me you do. Your son can't live in this kind of environment. I am ready to give him a better environment where he can be protected and free.” he said. I began to think about what he said. Damien really needs to be in a better place. But should I trust this guy? Like he read my mind, he added. “I promise with my life that am not going to hurt you or your son. I am just doing this because I care and I don't want you or him to stay in this mess. So please pack the important stuff you will be needing and come with me so we can let the police do their work.” he said. I looked at him and decided to just accept his offer. Besides I will be staying at his place for some few days till the issue is resolved. “Alright then. Wait for me outside.” I said to him. “Are you sure you will be fine alone?” he asked. “Of course I will be. I am not scared of anything.” He listened to me this time and walked out. I began to stare at my scattered house. I have already started missing this home because this is the first time I will be sleeping out of this house. It has been my home and I have made so many memories in here. I just hope everything gets resolved so I can come back. I slowly began to pack my box. I packed some important things Damien and I will be needing. When I got out, Mr Emilio was quick to grab my box. I wanted to stop him but he once again walked away ignoring me. I walked to my neighbor's house to get Damien. I thanked them for helping me out then we walked to Mr Emilio's car. “Mummy where are we going to?” he asked me. I decided to explain everything to him. “Baby, we have to move away from here till the police gets the bad guys. We will staying at that uncle's place for a while then we will come back.” I smiled. “Are you sure we should go to his house?” he asked me. “Of course baby. We will be together remember.” “Okay mummy. Let's go.” he said. We walked to the car. I opened the back door and entered. I thought Mr Emilio will be the one driving but I was startled when he opened the other back door and got into the car. Now Damien was in the middle of us. “Erm why are you here? You should be in front getting ready to drive the car.” I said to him. “Well Gattina, I am paying my driver for a reason.” he replied. That's was when I realized there was actually someone sitting in front. I shut my mouth not to embarrass myself again. The car began to move making me question myself if I made the right decision or not. The ride wasn't a long one but I was dumbfounded when we arrived at Mr Emilio's house. “Isn't this a hotel?” I asked him but he ignored me and began to walk in front. My luggage was already been taken care of. We entered an elevator and he pressed the last button which means we are going to the last floor. When we got out, I noticed there was only one door on this floor that's apart from the elevator. Mr Emilio opened the door and walked in. I walked in with Damien and my jaw dropped. This is a freaking penthouse. I have never been to one. And this one isn't just any ordinary penthouse but it looks so expensive, classy and huge. This guy must really be flirty richer than I thought. “Can you close your mouth and come here so I can show you to your room?” I heard him say making me join my lips together quickly. Why am I trying to embarrass myself in front of him? I need to be cool, calm and collected. I shouldn't let him get to me. “Hey little man, we haven't spoken yet. Tell me, do you like this place?” he asked Damien who has actually been silent since. “I don't talk to bad men who shouts at my mother.”
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