A father who can't recognize his son

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NATASHA POV I looked at the man who is standing right in front of me. I clearly remember everything about him. His touch, his voice, his looks, everything. I still recognize him like I just met him yesterday but it's more than four years. How on earth did he find me? Just why do we have to cross paths. America is a big country, we shouldn't be seeing each other. Why my coffee shop of all places? I almost passed out when I saw him but I was relieved he didn't recognize me at all. After all I was just a one night stand. It's not everyone remembers their one night stands. Besides who knows how many ladies he had had s*x with. So I am not so important for him to recognize me which is a good thing because I am not ready to be embarrassed. Here I thought the storm was over since he doesn't recognize me, but then Damien decided to walk in. I can't stop shaking inside in fright but I put on a straight face like I was okay. I needed to be strong because I mustn't give any emotions away that will reveal my secret. “I asked a question and I deserve an answer from you Natasha. Whose child is this?” he asked again. I really don't know his problem. He seems to have an anger issue. Why is he interested in my son? Or does he knows it's his son after all? No that can't be possible. Damien looks nothing like him. Damien only got his cute looks from me. The color of his eyes are brown just like his father but that's the only thing they share. So it's not possible for him to figure that Damien is his. Besides Damien isn't his, he is mine. Only mine. “Excuse me but I really don't get why you are getting all angry over my child. And who my son's father is it's non of your business. He is my son that's all.” I said to him looking at his face. “That is not the answer I want to hear. How is it that you have a son in the first place? Like I don't understand. You aren't supposed to have a child. What about mine?” he muttered the last part although I heard him. I wonder what he meant by that but right now I can't ask him anything. “I refused to tell you anything about my personal life. You are just a mere customer and nothing more.” I said to him refusing to back down from my stance. I need to prove to him that I am strong so he won't take my child from me when he figures it's his child also. “Natasha I won't ask you again. Who is.......” he started but was cut off immediately. “Can you stop raising your voice at my mummy?” I looked down to see my sweet boy glaring at the strange man who he just met. My heart fluttered that he was standing up for me but I don't know if this is right. The stranger in question looked so surprised at Damien. I am sure he wasn't expecting him to take back at him. “I was only asking your mum a question boy.” he answered Damien. “And she said you don't need to know about my daddy. Can't you see you are hurting her by bringing up my daddy?” Damien said boldly still glaring at the stranger. “What is the kid talking about?” he looked up at me and asked. He sure was confused to what Damien means. I let out a sigh and decided to answer this time. “It means his dad who you are asking about is dead. He died a long time ago. Are you happy now that I have answered your question? Now can you please stop asking me more questions. I won't be sharing any more personal information to you.” I told him. He was silent and kept looking at me. After some seconds has passed he let out a sigh. “Am sorry about your loss. But at the same time I am glad. Now we need to talk Natasha. I really want you to be mine. I am sure you don't have a man in your life so please just accept me already. I will take care of you and your son. I will accept him as mine.” he said. I looked at him and was beginning to get really pissed off. Why on earth can't he just accept the fact that I have rejected him already? I know nothing about him and boom he wants me to be his. I think he is crazy or he has some mental health challenge. It is obvious he is suffering from an illness that's why he keeps speaking like a delusional person. “And I said no I won't be yours. Look I know nothing about who you are. You are just some stranger who I just saw today. Yes you look like someone who is wealthy. But as you can see, I am also doing well on my own. I don't need any man to take care of me. So please leave my office right now that I am asking nicely. Don't force me to call the cops on you for stalking.” I warned him. “Nata......” he started. “My mummy doesn't want you here again so leave her alone.” Damien said to him in a serious tone. I almost didn't recognize him as my son. He is really a sweet boy. I have never seen this side of him before. He has never been this way with any one before. The stranger began to look at him. My little boy looked at him back and the both of them began a staring competition. They both refused to give up and move their eyes from each other. I could see that the two of them shared something similar as father and son. They never back down in a challenge. It was the stranger who removed his eyes first. He looked impressed at Damien. “Alright fine, I will leave. But Natasha mark my words, I will be back. So be ready for me. And it's nice to meet you little man.” he winked at Damien before leaving my office. I let out the breath I have been keeping in me when I was sure he has left my coffee shop. I sat on my chair and buried my head in my hands. I felt small hands wrapping theirselves around me. I raised my head and saw it was my baby. I smiled and hugged him back. I felt comforted by his gestures. “Mummy don't worry when he comes back again, I will handle him myself. I won't let him take you or hurt you.” he said to me I smiled and placed a kiss on his hair. “I can't believe my baby is this big.” I played with his hair. “Mummy I have always told you not to call me a baby because I am now mature. Even that scary man called me little man because he knows I am a man.” he said with so much pride. I laughed at his innocent thoughts. “You are right. You are no longer a baby again. You are now a big boy. But Damien why were you acting that way with him?” I asked him the question which has been bothering me. “I hate it when someone makes you sad or tries to make you cry. Mummy I know he isn't a good person because he raised his voice at you. I don't like him mummy. I just hope he never comes to our shop ever again.” he said innocently. I looked at him and couldn't find the right words to say to him. I just nodded and continued to stroke his hair. “Mummy I am hungry.” he pouted knowing I can't say no to his cute face. “Let's get you something to eat then.” I smiled at him. He held my hand as we walked out of the office. The place was looking normal unlike before that it was a mess with coffee spilled on the floor. The customers were all enjoying theirselves like nothing happened. I walked into the kitchen and saw my staffs there. I looked at the girl in particular who caused the issue in the first place. She looked at me and immediately dropped her head to the ground in shame.() “I am so sorry Miss Scott for what happened earlier today.” she apologized with so much sincerity. “It is fine. Let it not repeat itself again. Okay?” I said to her. “Yes of course. It will never repeat itself.” she replied lifting her head up. I smiled and began to prepare something for my son. I liked to prepare his food myself than allow the chef to do it. I made omelette and some donuts for him. We walked back to my office with his food. As he was eating, my mind kept going back to the man who walked into my office. I couldn't stop feeling bothered about him. I thought I will never see him ever again. I wonder why fate is playing this kind of game with me. After so many years. I truly wish he doesn't recognize me. If I remember correctly, we were both drunk when we had s*x so definitely he won't recognize me. I hope it remains like that. I decided to forget about him and focus on my work. After work, Damien and I walked home. My house wasn't far from my coffee shop so no need to buy a car. When we got home, I happily prepared dinner for us. After eating, I bathed him then got him ready for bed. I told him his favorite bedtime story which he loves so much. He slept early this time around. He must have been exhausted from all that happened today. I went to the bathroom to take my bath. I was about thinking about that man but I quickly pushed the thoughts away. I finished and wore a light pajamas. I laid on the bed next to my baby and looked at him. “I won't let anyone take you away from me my precious baby. I will never accept that man no matter what he says or has to offer.” I whispered and hugged my son as I closed my eyes to sleep.
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