Where is my mate?

2099 Words
LUCIANO POV “Welcome to America sir. Hope you have a nice flight?” Mark who is in charge of my company here in America asked as he collected my luggage. “It was long and tiring.” I answered as we walked out of the airport. The moment I got out, flash lights began to hit my face. I quickly pulled out my black shades to cover my eyes before this damn reporters blind me. I was surrounded immediately by some huge men who blocked the reporters from coming close to me. It's a good thing Mark has already planned this out. “Mr Emilio what brings you back to America?” “Mr Emilio are you here to stay?” “Mr Luciano Emilio how long will you be here?” “Mr Luciano Emilio is it true you are dating Diana Milla the super model?” “Mr Luciano Emilio can you share the secret to your massive success and wealth?” “Mr Emilio are you gay?” “Mr Luciano when are you getting married?” The questions kept coming and coming. Being the person I am, I simply ignored them and walked to where my ride was packed. I got into the car successfully. Mark joined me before the car began to move. The reporters where still running after the car and asking their questions. How stupid of them to risk their lives knowing I won't stop the car to answer their damn questions. I have no f*****g time for that. I let out a long sigh immediately the place was quiet from the reporters. “Now give me a full update on what has been happening in my absence.” I instructed. Mark began to speak on how my company was going. I have two branches here in America and other branches across the countries. I am a wealthy business man who never jokes with his businesses or money. People have met with me and told me how I have influenced them in a positive way. I take my work seriously and because of that other problems keep arising. People assume I am either gay, impotent or I just have a phobia of love and women. I am even surprised those reporters asked me about some model who I know nothing about. I am not interested in women or in the rumours going around because I am searching for that one woman who is mine and mine alone. And I am certain that soon I will find her. So for the meantime I will remain a workaholic. I stared at the streets of America. As usual it is busy with people walking around to where ever their destinations are. I can't wait to be done here so I can go back home. I don't like being here. I love staying at home where I can see my friends, family and my people. Italy is the best place to call home. I checked my Rolex wrist watch to see the time. “I think there is a little bit of time. I need to take something that will help wake me up a little from the jet lag.” I told Mark. “Will you like to take some food or you will prefer coffee?” he asked me. “Coffee is preferable.” I answered. He gave the driver some instructions. I took out my phone and began to check my mail in case there is an important message. But there was no important message except irrelevant ones which were sent from people I don't have strength to deal with. The driver parked the car making me raise my head up. I was confused when I saw he parked right in front of a small coffee shop. “What the hell is this? Why the f**k did you stop?” I demanded looking annoyed. “Sorry sir. This is the only coffee shop which I know so well that makes the best coffee and pastries. You will like it here that's why I stopped here.” the driver answered. I could see him shake in fright. Seeing him get scared made me and my beast feel happy and proud. “Move the car and take us somewhere else.” Mark said to the driver. He quickly turned the car on. Just as we were about to leave the place, my inner beast requested we stop immediately and I should enter because he feels something. “Stop the f*****g car.” I instructed. I got out of the car and looked at the coffee shop. I need to find out the reason why my inner beast is on the edge. Something is off about this place. I walked into the coffee shop and immediately a sweet scent knocked my brains. Yes everywhere was having the scent of coffee and some delicious flavour, but the scent I was perceiving it's completely different. It's coming from a human being who I can clearly tell is a lady. I need to find her immediately. I walked to the counter where a young female waitress was standing. The scent wasn't coming from her. “Good evening and how may I be of assistance to you?” she said in a tiny voice while blinking her eyes so fast. I get what's she's trying to do right now but I am not going to pay any attention to her because I am still in search of the owner of the scent. “I will like a strong black coffee.” I said to her before going to sit down. I needed to find my woman. “Do you need anything else? I don't mind being of help at all.” the annoying waitress said. “Yes I need something else from you. Can you do the both of us a favour and shut the f**k up then go get me my damn coffee.” I glared at her. She looked scared because of my change of tone. She ran to get my coffee. I sat down looking at every girl in the coffee shop but none of them was my woman. I was getting frustrated already. I stood up to look outside. I didn't notice the waitress rushing with my coffee. I bumped into her making the whole coffee spill on my damn f*****g expensive suit. I looked at her and saw how wide her eyes were. “ARE YOU f*****g BLIND OR SOMETHING?” I shouted. “I so sorry sir. I am truly sorry. I didn't see you.” she said. “Sorry for your goddam self. Where is your manager? I need to have a word with whoever it is.” I demanded. I was already angry that my mate is this close to me but I can't find her. So I am transferring my anger to the poor girl when she is innocent. Kinda. “WHERE THE f**k IS THE............” Never in my life have I froze halfway in a sentence. But right now I couldn't speak as my eyes were on a lady who just walked in looking confused. “MATE!!! MATE!!!!! WHY ARE YOU f*****g STANDING THERE FOR GOODNESS SAKE? GO GET HER RIGHT NOW. WE ARE TAKING HER HOME WITH US.” Leo, my wolf growled in my head. I looked at her and damn she is so beautiful. Her brown long straight hair was so perfect. Her face was so beautiful and it was free of makeup. Her curves were just so right. She is perfect and everything I ever wanted as a mate. But why is she human? My mate is supposed to be just like me. And for some reason she seems familiar. But maybe it's because of the mate bond I feel. She looked at me and I saw how her face turned pale. She must know who I am. I mean I am everywhere on the news so it's not something new. She must be shocked that I am in her coffee shop. “Good evening sir. I am the owner of this shop. Can you tell me what's wrong?” she said in a sweet and lovely voice. My mind was in a haze at the moment. I can't think of anything at all. I had even completely forgotten the reason why I was mad in the first place. “What is your name?” was the first question I asked her. She looked confused for a second but she still answered me. “Natasha Scott.” Natasha. Wow I love her name. It's perfectly for her. But that Scott doesn't suit her name. Emilio will be much better. Natasha Luciano Emilio. Perfect combination. I couldn't help but let out a smirk. But I noticed from the corner of my eyes that she reacted to my facial expression. Now when ladies see me smirk or smile some even go to the extend of fainting or screaming in excitement. But she was different. She was looking at me with fear in her eyes. I have never done anything to her so I wonder why she's scared of me. “Can we talk? Like privately.” I said to her. She looked at me and looked around to see her customers were all staring at us. She nodded and began to walk in front. I looked at that ass of her's, I can't stop screaming perfect in my mind. She opened her office and I walked in. I sat down and made myself comfortable. Her office looks really nice. She must have put in a lot of work to make this business work. At least she isn't the lazy type. “I will first of all apologize for what happened between you and my employee. So sorry about that.” she started in her angelic voice. “Oh it is okay. I have forgiven her already thanks to you.” I smirked while she looked confused. “What does that mean? What does this have to do with me?” she asked. “Well I don't know how to put this but right from when I saw you, I can't help but fall in love with you. I want you to be mine.” I said going straight to the point. There was silence for some seconds before she started laughing. Like she was laughing so hard. I began to think of what I said that was actually funny because I wasn't finding any joke in what I said. “Oh I am so sorry about that. Just that your joke caught me off guard.” she said wiping a tear off her eyes. “Well I wasn't joking.” I said in a serious tone. “Then you must be delusional I see. First of all your pickup line is so lame and second of all I can't be yours. Never will be. Now we will order a new suit for you so we can take care of this one which is already bad. We will compensate you for the damage we have caused to you.” she said in a professional manner. I can't help but be proud of her although I was just rejected right now. “I am not leaving here until you except to me mine. I want you and am not going to accept your rejection.” I told her. “Look I really don't have time for this.” she said letting out a sigh. I was about to speak when we were interrupted by someone opening the door. I was angry that we were interrupted. I turned to see who the f**k it was when I saw a little kid running in. He ran straight to my woman and hugged her making her smile. “Who is that and why is a boy hugging my woman?” my wolf growled in jealousy. I can't believe he is jealous of a little kid. But I also want to know who this kid is. “Mummy what is wrong? You look tired.” the little kid said. Now the fact that he called my woman mummy caught my attention. I looked at the two of them and began to see a striking resemblance between the both of them. That means my mate has a son for another man who is not me. I got so angry and stood up. I couldn't control myself. “Who the f**k has this child? Give me a f*****g answer right now.” I demanded.
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