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NATASHA POV “What did you just say? I am what??” I asked in disbelief. “Congratulations Miss Scott, you are… three months pregnant.” the doctor said smiling. I couldn't understand the words that were coming out from her mouth and why on earth is she smiling? Does this seem like I am happy about this shocking news? I only came here to get treated from the fever I was feeling and now she claims I am pregnant. Like I am pregnant. She must be kidding me. “Look doctor I know you mean well but please can you not joke around with this. It's really not funny. Can you just prescribe some antibiotics for me so I can leave here? How will you say I am pregnant when I just saw my period a week ago?” I asked her because clearly she is mistaken. Maybe my test results was swapped with some lady. “I am not joking around Miss Scott.” she started smiling like everything was well. “You are pregnant. Seeing your period a week ago is normal for most pregnant women. It's called spotting which is normal. If you don't believe this test result then you can go do another one.” she continued. I looked at her and decided it's best to another. I can't go to another hospital because this hospital is the best hospital around here. “I will go for another test.” And I got up and left her office. I went through the whole procedures again. I began to wait for the test results. As I was waiting, I began to think of what will happen next if truly I am pregnant. Am I ready to have a baby now? Am I ready to be a single mother? Can I take care of a child? Can I do this alone? I couldn't stop feeling nervous. I don't like the idea of abortion because I am scared of that. I really don't know what to do right now because I don't know if I can keep the baby. I just hope the results comes out to be negative. Yes I know am twenty four years and already a matured lady but I have no knowledge of being a mother. I don't know what I am supposed to do. I have always been alone so I don't know how to care for anyone except myself. I can't do this, I really am not fit to be a mother. “Miss Natasha Scott.” I raised my head up when I heard my name. “Yes that's me.” I answered. “Your results is ready. You can go in to see the doctor.” the nurse said before walking away. I took a deep breath before knocking the doctor's door then I walked in. I sat down and held my hands together. I could feel them already sweaty. “Welcome back Miss Scott. Now let's see the second results.” the doctor said giving me a warm smile but I still couldn't calm down. She began to read the paper in her hand. After she was done reading it, she looked at me and still smiled at me. “Miss Scott from the second test which we conducted, it still shows the same thing. That you are pregnant.” she said. I couldn't speak. I just kept looking at her with my mind feeling so blank. I couldn't think at the moment. This is actually real. I am pregnant. I am PREGNANT!!!! “Listen Miss Scott, I know this is a lot for you to handle right now but I think it's best if you calm down and think about what you will want to do with your unborn baby. You can discuss it with the baby's daddy and you both can plan what to do next.” I heard the doctor say. I almost laugh at what she just said. Because I have no knowledge about who my unborn child father is. I only had a one night stand with him. I don't even know his name or where he stays. I know nothing about him. “Thank you doctor. Can I take my leave now?” I asked her. She gave me a sad smile like she was pitying me before she nodded. “You are free to come back anytime to register for antenatal.” she said. I stood up and thanked her before walking out of her office. I began a slow journey home. I didn't take a taxi because I wanted to walk although it was an hour journey to my house on foot but I didn't care. I needed to think alone. I kept walking without minding where I was going to. I brushed some few people but I couldn't concentrate. I got tired along the way and decided to rest in a coffee shop that I saw. When I got inside, I felt a sense of warmest coming from the shop. It was filled with customers which is a good thing. I began to admire the place and they really serve the best snacks. Being here made me forget for a while that I had a huge problem to deal with. I just loved the atmosphere. It was perfect. Everyone looked so happy with the smiles on their faces. “Sorry do you mind if I please sit with you? This table is the only empty table right here.” I looked up and saw a woman holding a baby on a carrier. “Sure you can sit.” I smiled at her. She sat down and made her orders. She caught my attention by how she was so attentive to her baby. She was staring at the baby and began to smile or even laugh at the sounds the baby was making. She caught me staring at her and blushed. “I am sorry about that. Hope I am not disturbing you?” she asked. “No it's fine. You can continue with what you are doing. I see you love your baby so much.” I smiled. “Of course I do. No mother won't love their own child. Besides I have only her so I am happy.” she said smiling. Now her words caught my interest. I wanted to know more about motherhood. “What do you mean by you have only her? I am sure her dad won't be happy to hear that you picked your daughter over him.” I teased. Her smile dropped and I was quick to notice it. “Oh I am sorry if I said something that is upsetting. I didn't mean to.” I quickly apologized. “No it's fine. You don't need to apologize for saying that besides you are just meeting me for the first time so I know you don't mean any harm. Actually I lost my husband before I found out I was pregnant for my daughter.” she said. Now I feel so bad for saying that. I didn't know she had a closed wound. Now I have opened it. “I am so sorry. Really I am. I shouldn't have brought it up. Am so sorry if I have hurt your feelings in anyway.” I apologized. She smiled again. “No it's fine. I know you don't mean any harm. It's in the past now and I am fine. Besides I have my daughter by my side. I actually thought loosing him will be the end of me but when I found out I was pregnant, I felt so alive. I am no longer alone and I am always happy. Children are indeed source of happiness.” she said. I decided not to ask anymore questions so I don't hurt her again. But her last sentence kept bothering. ‘Children are indeed source of happiness.’ So if I keep this child, will I be happy again? Or will I regret my decision? I got home and laid on my bed without changing my clothes. I slept off immediately because of how tired I was from walking home. I had a dream where I saw myself happily running. I was so happy that it felt so unreal. I looked closely to see who was the reason for my happiness. I couldn't see the face but from the height it looked like a kid. “Mommy wake up.....” the kid said making me open my eyes immediately. I looked around my room and saw it was just me. No one was here. No kid. Well except for the one growing in my womb. What does this dream mean? Is it an answer that I should keep the baby? I was so happy in the dream which means something. I looked at my still flat stomach and rubbed it. It felt so nice. I decided to come to a final decision. “I will keep you and take good care of you. It is you and I against the world. I can't wait to have you in my arms my little buddle of joy.” **************** SIX MONTHS LATER “Congratulations Miss Natasha. It's a baby boy.” I heard as I was still trying to catch my breath from pushing a whole baby out of my small v****a. Who ever said giving birth is easy is a freaking psychopath who is crazy. I feel like hell right now. I was about giving up at some point but I couldn't because I needed to see my baby. “Here is your baby ma'am.” a nurse said as she brought my baby close to me. When I saw his pink face, I let my tears fall. I did it. I am now a mother to the most beautiful baby ever. I couldn't help but fall in love with him over and over again. I am sure when he grows up, he will be a heartthrob. I know it from mother instincts. “What name will you give to your baby?” the nurse holding him asked. I collected my baby from her and held him close to my chest. I looked at him and he opened his eyes to look at me. I was awed by how cute he looks as his eyes were opened. I feel so happy just looking at him. “Hello my little buddle of joy. Your name will be Damian Scott. Mummy loves you so much and she's so happy to see you.” I said to him. I think he recognized my voice because he began to move his head before he gave me a new born smirk if there is anything like that. I just know my son smiled back at me. My smile was so large. Finally I have a new family. I am now complete. I am no longer alone. I have my son with me and that's all that matters. “I will take care of you, my son and I won't let anyone take you away from me.” I promised both him and myself.
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