23: Two Men

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EVERYONE LIED to me by making me believe this damn nightmare challenge. Officials ask us every day what happened in our nightmares because they want to know what’s happening in Dystopium. They basically made us their spies without our knowledge. Or at least not me. I never told them my real nightmares. We both lied to each other. Sarah and Jacob. I understand their job and loyalty to Utopium. There are rules and laws that must be followed. But now I’m overthinking again as a lot of if what ifs, possibilities, and questions flooded my mind. I am sure that there are more secrets about to be revealed. But I'm anxious. What if those things I want to know are not supposed to be revealed? What if they are meant to be mysteries forever? I hope I won't end up like the main character in a story from Tales with Wings called A Bird's Wish. What do you do when you want something but everyone around does not want you to have it? What do you do if you have something but everyone around wants to take it away from you? What do you do if you say something true but everyone does not believe you? Did you ever hear about a bird who couldn't fly but flapped its wings and flew to its dream city? If not, get ready for a tragic and gory story. Once there was a little red bird who can't fly. Five years in existence yet it still suffers due to the discrimination from its own kind... own family. The bird's gorgeous wings added up to its physical beauty, attracting noble birds. But when they discover its disability, they immediately go away. One day, there was a surprise attack from the birds hungry of power. A jealous raven is one of them and it wants to kill every bird that has an overwhelming beauty, especially those in red, its favorite color. The red bird who can't fly is in danger! It is beautiful yet not capable of defending itself. Well, not really. There are other ways to protect oneself. Sometimes, you can't just defend. You also need to attack. All for one reason. Protect yourself. But is selfishness really for protection and survival or for showing one's dark side? The red bird became selfish. In its heart and mind, nothing's more important than staying alive. It was ready to do everything, even if it hurts others. After all, everyone hurts him. Where could it get conscience for cruel creatures? Why would it pity those who bring him pain? Beautiful birds were killed and a lot of them are red. The jealous raven thought everything went well as planned, but it was wrong. Deep down the ground hides the red bird who kept on wishing to be able to fly even just for a limited time. It wanted to go to its dream city, Paris, before death. The bird wasn't ready to leave this world, despite the cruelty. Aware of the fact that his family is dead, the red bird didn't really feel sad. All his life, they wished for him to die because he was considered useless. Its siblings even tried pushing the red bird to a deep dry haunted well. What made the red bird angry was itself. Despite trying hard for days, flying was still unachievable. Finally, it decided to go out of its secret shelter, disguised as young white bird. It had one goal. Sneak into the room of a witch to drink a potion that enables anyone to fly. But the plan was messed up. The war is still going on. A lot died but more were still alive, fighting for survival. The red bird realized how coward it was for hiding. Surprisingly, it was able to sneak into the castle. It met some soldier birds but wasn't kicked out. Then it reached the jealous raven's throne. The red bird was glad to meet a raven for the first time. But there was no time for amazement. As the red bird sang a cursed song, everyone stopped moving... except for the raven. "I know who you are. How's your useless wings?" the raven said. Caught off guard, the red bird stopped singing. "The curse worked well," the raven added. The red bird didn't answer because of confusion. Its mind was in total chaos at that moment as its mouth was not able to release even just a single word. It shouted in pain as it turned back to its original form, a red gorgeous bird. In surprise, the raven also transformed into exactly how the red bird looks like, but in the color of green. The red bird recognized the raven. They were lovers. But the relationship was ruined not because the red bird can't fly, but because it had a very dark secret that no one knows, except the red bird itself and the raven. The secret is still not revealed. Still a mystery. Seeking for answers, the red bird asked the raven a lot of question but the answer was "Stay curious and angry forever." No one knows what happened next. Or maybe there is but that someone does not want to let the world know. Just like what the raven said. Stay curious forever. Maybe they want this story to be a mystery forever. However, what's sure is that angry filled both of the birds. In the end, the red bird survived but it was eaten by guilt and regret. The raven was killed. Mysteries are still mysteries. Questions still don't have answers. There's no turning back and running away is not a great thing to do. No other choice but to face everything until the mad monster in its heart and the hungry hole in its mind fade away along with the wicked wind. How far can your curiosity and anger go? After the raven's death, the red bird was finally able to fly. It flew to Paris and enjoyed there for several hours before he reached his finale. The red bird was poisoned by a delicious drink from a French witch, who is believed to have planned everything. But there are no evidence. A lot about this story are still mysteries and most likely would stay mysteries forever. At least the red bird had his wish come true before it died. THE b****y hands of the Son in Power were washed with cold water flowing from the faucet. It wasn't that hard to scrub his skin since the blood was fresh. What's difficult is to look at him in the eye. Who would have thought we'd met again like this? Why would he come back like this? But at least, he is safe and alive. Navi, on the other hand, is with me, staring at Dave too. I’m done treating Navi’s wound, but I still don’t know what happened to the both of them, but they said they weren’t enemies. The air of relief enveloped me as I heard that. However, I can't deny the fact that suspicion lingers in me when their eyes meet, and no one dares to speak like something exists between them and only they can see. After Dave washed his hands, Navi went to the sink and washed his hands as well before getting cooking ingredients and equipment. Everything is so awkward. We are doing our own thing without anyone speaking. Why would they need to speak, though? Why do I even want them to talk? They have their own lives. Navi quickly finished whatever's he was cooking. I just hope it's not some wild animal or what. "Chicken," he said like he knew what's in my mind. I nodded and smiled. Thank goodness. "How long will you stay here?" Navi asked as he sat down beside me. I swallowed hard and glanced at Dave who was actually looking at us. "Midnight," I answered and immediately drank a glass of water to hide how nervous I am. They still don't know what happened and what will happen to me. “Why not stay longer?” “I’m... busy.” We ate dinner and Dave didn’t even speak. He was just quiet, but I see the longing and loneliness in his eyes. I know he suffered during the time he was gone. We all suffered. I really wanna ask Dave and Navi a lot of questions but it kinda feels illegal to do so. They didn’t tell me not to ask but I feel like they don’t want me to ask. Or maybe I’m just misunderstanding them. I’m crazy, you know. “You, how long will you be here?” Navi asked Dave. “If you don’t want me here.” That was his first time speaking since the revelations outside. “Then you can leave now.” “Sure, and she’ll go with me,” Dave pointed... me. “Why would she?” “Because I’m her fiance.” Dave turned his gaze to me. “Right, Amara? We’ll be married soon.” Pain ran through Navi’s eyes, but he replied, “You can’t. The Evil is taking over Utopium. I can marry her too... here in Dystopium.” Tension arises and I’m not liking this. “I will not marry anyone.” I let out a deep sigh before I started eating first. I’m not up to fights. Why not just eat? Finally, I could eat peacefully when they stopped talking even though tension still exists. Or so I thought. We heard a bang upstairs... and then creepy sounds. I know you know what came into my mind first. I know where those sounds came from. Shit. What are we going to do with those creatures?! I stood up in frustration, leaving my food on the table and above all, my wish for a peaceful dinner. No one can grant me that wish. Peace really does not like me. I love peace but it hates me. Why can’t you be with me, peace? I said I won’t marry anyone but I can marry something... and that’s peace. ***
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