Chapter 13 Staying Here

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Lachlan's POV I see her happy eyes turn sad ones as she thinks about my words. "Yeah.. your awful day.. I'm still, so sorry." she says to me as I shake my head. "I know you are.. but it's not your fault.. it's really not.. Please stop blaming yourself." I insisted, trying to reassure her so she wouldn't continue to beat herself up anymore than she already had.. But I'm sure if the tables were turned, I would feel the exact same way. I even feel bad, but I know it wasn't my fault. I wasn't even there, but that's why I feel even worse about it. He needed me and I wasn't there. I can't get that thought out of my head as I see in my peripherals that Minnie is shaking her head many times. "I just don't understand it.. I don't know why he wouldn't let me help him." she says this almost to herself. If I wasn't sitting right here next to her, then I might not have heard it. She looks so sad, pushing her food around in her bowl as she stares down at it. "I know what you mean, that doesn't sound like him because he has always been a fighter.. but I feel that everything happens for a reason." I say as she nods still looking down at her bowl, pushing her food around with her fork. "I wish I knew what happened to him and why he was really put in there." I say to her as she looks up at me for a short moment to say. "He had surgery.. and 'Lydia' couldn't take care of him properly." she states this in a mocking tone when she says her name which makes me smile because I despise that woman. "Of course she couldn't, a box of rocks is smarter than that girl.. It was probably my Da insisting on being in there because he didn't want to have to depend on her for care, just knowing she probably couldn't do it." I declared as she laughed and then nodded, agreeing with my comment. "Yeah she is so dumb.. I wanted to punch that woman, especially after her being such a b*tch to your father last night and this morning.. actually it was about you." she says as my ears perk with my eyes glued to her. "what did she say or do?" I asked her curiously. "They were having an argument because Oliver wanted Lydia to call you again and even offer a big chunk of money to help you get here and see him because he thought that's why you wouldn't want to come and see him." She states as I shake my head. "Why would he ever think that I wouldn't want to see him at all?" I ask as her eyes widen. "Uh.. well.. Lydia told him that you said you didn't want to come because you were busy and that she has been calling and begging you and that you reluctantly said you would try to come." she declares, as she looks concerned for me. I think she can see the anger building on my features. "Ya joking with me?!" I spat out at that thought. Her hand gently touches over mine, "I'm not.. But don't worry Lachlan, he didn't believe it.. your father.. he told her that she must not have explained things right because if she did tell you how serious things were, that you would have come instantly." she quickly states as I huff out and nodding. She stretches out her other hand until it lands on mine, getting my attention as she declares, "Hey Lachlan.. if it means anything.. your father knew that you would put family first when he wanted to contact you.. but she told him that you didn't want to come.. and he even said it didn't sound like you.. he knew you would have been here.. he never doubted it.. but he missed you so much that he was planning on coming home to you, he wanted to move back because he missed you so much. He told me that right before he passed." she explained as I nodded at her, thinking about her words. Her eyes showed concern for me, wanting to make sure I knew how my father felt and it means more to me than she will ever know. Her eyes are big and shining as she stares at me holding my big hand within her two little ones. Her grip tightens and it does help ease my mind. She has a strange effect on me and I'm not sure if it's just because I am vulnerable at the moment or something else, but it is special. I don't remove my hand from hers, I just use my other hand to continue eating as I think about her comforting words. "Such furphy! I can't believe that snake said that to him. I wish she would just piss off." I snap out, but I hope she knows it not at her.. I appreciate her telling me this, I really do and I needed to hear it. But that thought doesn't make it any easier to hear. I let out a deep breath. "I told her that I was coming straight here as she called me a couple of days ago.. She told me not to.. then she turned around and told him that I didn't want to come. I think she did this to him.. She had a part in his death.. all of this happened right before I got here.. too many coincidences for my liking." I declared feeling the anger building up within me. She shakes her head for a short moment until she starts thinking about my words. Maybe she knows more than she is letting on. "She wasn't in there when all that happened.. He told her that he was leaving her to move back with you, and she was mad.. But she wasn't there.. it was just me in there with him.. But.." she says before stopping and thinking about it as I softly asks. "But what?" I squeeze her hands that are still wrapped around mine, while letting out a deep breath, wondering what she knows as she lets out a wavered breath. "I walked into Oliver's room when Lydia told him he had to choose between her and you... It was hard on him.. but he told me he reiterated his choice to her multiple times that he chosen you.. He told her last night and they had another argument about it today.. she wasn't happy.. and I did see her talking with the nurses that I worked with when I had showed up.. a little bit before he passed away.. and it was the same nurses that gave him his medicine and vitals but that doesn't mean it was her.. Lydia has been the only person with his information, so any updates we are giving to her and the doctor.. that's it.. they might have been talking to her about his condition because it seemed like he was getting worse when he should have been getting better." she declares to me as that thought alone gets my mind running full speed. "She did it.. I know it sounds insane but I know that she did." I declare as she shakes her head but doesn't out right object to my thoughts, her grip just keeps tightening on my hand. I think knowing how my anger is building again but this time with anticipation to avenge my father. "She wasn't there Lachlan... I was.. if you're going to blame anyone, blame me." she says this as I shake my head automatically. "I'm not blaming ya.. yous not like that and don't deserve that.. I'm blaming the gold-digging b*tch who was always after my father's money. I know she had a part in his death and I'll prove it." I declared with confidence as I take my last bite, standing up and leaving her at the table probably in a type of shock. I bring the bowl to the sink and clean it out quickly. But as I turn around I almost run over Minnie. "Lachlan." my name sings out from her lips sounds like a song and I have to say that I love it. I swipe her hand up into mine before bringing it to my lips. I kiss her hand gently before thanking her for her time. "Thank ya for helping me and feeding me.. and giving me the information that ya have but I won't bother ya any longer." I declare, as she instantly states, "you're not a bother... at all." her eyes are looking as if they are pleading with me but I have a mission to take care of. I try to walk past her, slowly letting go of her hand as her grip on my hand tightens. "Lachlan.. please stay." she asks me as I look back curiously, because I don't think I heard her words correctly. "What?" I ask as she nervously fidgets her feet before looking down to the ground then back at me, locking her eyes with mine. "Just stay with me please.. for tonight.. it is late.. you don't know you way around the city and maybe I can help you get some information on where to go and who to see.. maybe from my work.. tomorrow." her eyes plead with mine while her soothing words persuade my mind. I keep looking from the door, then back to her as she nervously realizes that she is still holding my hand. She lets it go and silently apologizing for holding it.. but she is right.. I don't know where to go or what to do about this right now, but maybe she can help me with what I need. "Ok.. I reckon ya right.. I will stay as long as I'm not going to be bothering ya by staying here." I say this so nicely to her that it seems to have created a smirk on her face, showing that her good looks and sweet heart has won this argument for her. "You're not a bother I swear.. this is probably the only logical thing to do for right now and we will see what inforation we can give you tomorrow ok?" she asks this as I automatically react by nodding, causing her to smile. "Ok well, I need a shower after that long shift and if you wanted to as well, you can after I am done. But I didn't see any bags with you.. did you not bring any?" she asks me as I groan out thinking about that dumb fight I had with the airport earlier. "Ugh no.. I mean I have bags.. it was all so iffy.. they lost them and said they're tracking them down for me.. They have my cell number to call me when they get them, but I would still love a shower after ya, of course." I declare as she nods but states. "I'm sorry I don't have anything for you to change into." I shrug my shoulders as I reply. "it's alright if anything I'll buy me something to wear tomorrow.. I appreciate all yous have done for me, so thank ya." The smile that forms on her features is gorgeous, but that doesn't stop her from doing what she needs to, so she wanders off and I have a seat on her couch with her little pup snuggled up right next to me. I hope she doesn't mind him being on the couch, because I'm not planning on kicking him off.. He is too cute for that treatment. After just a little bit, she emerges from the back of her apartment, leading out the billowing steam filled with the sweet smells of her body wash and shampoo that seems to spread throughout the room and to say I love it is an understatement. "What is this?"she asks pointing at me and her pup who are pretty comfortable together on her couch. I feel myself panicking as if I have offended her again. "I'm sorry,, I hope ya not crook at me.. he jumped up and got comfortable and then fell asleep.. and I didn't have the heart to wake him up or kick him off." I explain as best as I can to her. Her giggle is the only sound that fills the room before she declares. "I'm just kidding.. but that is his spot that you're sitting in." She states to me as I smile big, realizing the calming humor that she has, is making me feel slightly better. "Oh no I would hate to offend him like that, but I think his snoring is saying that he is not even remotely offended." I declare as she smiles then stares at us. "Yeah I think he is as comfortable with you as I seem to be." I'm shocked by those words as I don't know what to say back. I just find myself staring at her soaking wet hair that drapes down around her face. Her hand holds the towel up over her body as she I think notices my staring making me embarrassed at that thought. She clears her throat before saying, "The shower is all yours Lachlan." I nod way too many times like a bobble head as I stand up slowly leaving a sleeping pup behind me as I walk behind her down the hallway. She opens one door to the right as she stops in the doorway and then points out to the left. "The bathroom is in there.. let me know if you need anything." I silently nod as I open the door following the strong sweet steam into the bathroom before stripping down and having a moment to myself.
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