Chapter 12 Dinner Time

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Minnie's POV I thought about his inquiry into my life and at first I felt like he was being pushy, but maybe not. Maybe he isn't a bad man, but just curious. The doors loudly ding as they open, exposing my floor. So I walked out of the elevator and headed straight to my door as he quickly followed me down the long hallway. You can hear the squeals and squeaks from my pup, that is getting not just me smiling but Lachlan chuckling. "I'm going to assume that's ya pup?" I smile and nod. "Walter.. his name is Walter." I say as he chuckles even louder. When I unlock the door and hold it open for him to enter, he looks down at me with our eyes locking once more. "I'm sorry if I put ya off with my question. I never intend to offend." "You didn't offend me.. it's just hard to talk about." I say as I shut the door behind me once we are both in. I lock it and bend down to give my little squealing man a hug as I rub my hands over his back, showing how much he loves letting me love him. "Honestly," I say to Lachlan, thinking for just a second before adding. "I am running from my old life." I declare as I can feel his eyes boring into the side of my head. "Like a bad boyfriend?" he asks me as I let out a sigh. "you could say that." I look up to see that he is still intently staring. I clear my throat before continuing. "I was abused in more ways than I would like to admit by my ex.. and because of that, I lost most of my friends.. and then my grandparents died one after the other a little bit after.. and I just didn't want to be there anymore.. I had to get away and there was nothing besides my parents to keep me there since my brother moved away.. and my parents were too involved in their retirement travels to care where I went at that point.. so I left." I say this almost casually to him, trying to not feel so vulnerable in this vulnerable moment. "Why would ya lose yous friends? Did they not believe ya or just didn't want to associate with ya after the fact? because if so, then that's messed up and not even worth ya time." he declares almost sounding defensive over me in this conversation, which is sweet, I wasn't expecting that . "No.. it's not like that.. um.. after a rough night where we will just say I ended up in the hospital after my ex was done with me.. My friends went for him.. to confront him.. and I don't know the details about what exactly happened since I was bed-ridden in the hospital.. but there was a fire.. that ignited at his place and they all died in it that night.. I couldn't get past the idea that they died for me for so long.. I was depressed and didn't find a reason to get out of bed in the morning and that's what I had really wanted was a reason for living, since all mine was ripped from me so abruptly." I declare feeling the heartbreak coming back to me tenfold. I let out a deep breath as I say quietier than the rest. "So when my body was healed, I knew I had to get away.. I felt like there was nothing more to stay there for. My friends were gone, my grandparents were gone, my brother had moved.. My parents made it very hard to even talk with them about anything, because my parents didn't know what to believe about the abuse because there was no substantial evidence to prove he was the one that did the things he did to me.. and they loved him way too much to ever fully believe it.. and the only people that did believe me, died for that cause.. I felt like it was all my fault and I couldn't face their families nor mine.. So I left on the first bus I could." I explained to him as I felt the tears dripping from my eyes and drifting down my cheeks at that thought that I have tried avoiding for years. "I'm so sorry.. that's.. awful." he says softly from beside me, I don't know when he did it, but he got down right next to me and was petting Walter with me, without me even realizing. "So what did ya do? just come here?" he asks me as I shake my head. I let out a deep breath, still petting Walter's soft fur because he is loving the extra attention and because it's helping soothe my soul at the moment. "Not exactly.. I was already working at being a nurse, so I got selected to be on a traveling nurses program from this ad I saw.. and I traveled to different states and when I got here I was fed up with that life and wanted to leave it.. So I stopped here and I have been trying to save up money to go ever since." I state with a little bit of confidence. "To go where?" he asks me as I slowly stand up, but he does the same with me as he continues to stare like he is very invested in my story, but I don't know why he would care. "I.. don't know.. I guess home.. I just want to settle down.. I have had enough traveling in my life." I say this to him as he nods and thinks about that. "So I'm sure you probably have a man to settle down with right?" he asks as I scoff at that. "No.. not at all." He stares at me for a short moment before saying. "I wasn't trying to offend with that comment either.. maybe not a man but a Sheila?" he asks me, just assuming that's what the scoff was implying. "No.. I like men.. I just don't have one." I explain way too awkwardly for my liking. "Oh.. really.. I don't know how a blindingly beautiful sheila such as yourself doesn't have men lining up to be with ya." he declares as I feel my eyebrows touching. "Oh.. well that's sweet but no, I have never had anything like that happen to me.. but thanks." I say to him as he clears his throat and glances around, taking a look around my place. My eyes are glued to him but I don't know everything to say. It's strange that I'm feeling slightly better after having that conversation with him. Letting all that out to a neutral source is something I never expected to be stress-relieving, but it was nice that it did make me feel slightly better. He has a natural comforting essence to him like his father did, but for whatever reason, for me it feels stronger with him than what it did with his father. But either way, I appreciate it. Lachlan's POV This whole situation is iffy. Everything around me has been completely flat out. Too busy with everything going on that I wouldn't have ever foreseen it was going to be like this when I traveled here. But the hardest realization for me in all of this, is the shock of missing out on seeing my father. Even if it was right before he passed, I would still have felt better about it, I think. It has been a lot to handle and way too much for my sanity.. but with the strong feelings just pushing me to the edge of my sanity to jump, there seems to be this woman holding me here and not letting me. I don't know how or why, but she is. She was apparently there for my father and surprisingly enough, she is there for me as well. I don't know what to do, or how to even start handling this situation, but at least I have a place that I can decompress for a moment to calm down instead of breaking down.. She is distracting in every way possible, which is helping. I might just have a mental breakdown later, when I am on my own again. The exhaustion in my body is making me feel completely buggered.. but the food she has cooking smells too good to ignore. The aroma fills the room, making me hungrier than I ever thought I was. So, after eating, I will figure out where I am going or what I am doing next. I watch as Minnie walks away from me and across the room as she lifts the crockpot's lid up and stirs everything before she turns to look at me. "Would you like some food? I would assume you're probably hungry, but I guess I never actually asked, I just assumed." she states as I smile over at her. Without hesitation, her beautiful smile matches mine as I declare. "I'm starvin." That comment makes her smile emerge into a bigger one that keeps my eyes glued to her. She is beautiful in every sense of the word. She seems genuine and nice, so that's a plus but nothing surpasses those big beautiful eyes of hers. They shine even with the sadness glowing in them. I observe as she prances around the kitchen grabbing bowls and throwing the food she has been cooking into them before she starts nervously explaining her recipe. "I don't.. normally have people over.. so I don't know if you will like this. But I like it because of the tinge of spice it has and the emense amount of flavor.. it is a recipe I found and just fell in love.. I just hope you don't mind.. I.." she turns as I reach down grabbing the bowl from her to help as I say. "I'm sure it will be amazing." she smiles at me before walking over to her table and having a seat. So I do the same right beside her which, I think, makes her nervous by the look on her face. I know that I could be sitting across from her, but I like being right by her, so why not? This isn't going to last long, so why not take advantage of the enjoyable situation. I don't want to bother her longer than she will allow.. but in this big city that I have never visited or even remotely know anyone in, it's nice to have someone here with me. I do appreciate the fact that she insisted on me being here with her, not just for my sake but her's as well.. I know she is only doing this because of my father and the relationship the two of them shared.. but I won't hate where the care comes from, since I feel like I need it right now. I feel lonelier than ever and it hurts. So I'm thankful for her in this moment. I'll just enjoy what care I get when I get it. I take the spoon and fill it up as I blow the steam and heat off of the little bit of food. I plunge the spoon into my mouth, initing the plethora of flavor. This is not what I was expecting at all but amazing. The aroma mixed with the sensations of the spices dancing with my tastebuds was unexpected. I thought it was going to be good because of good it smelled, but didn't anticipate this. She is a great cook and doesn't even know it. I hum out getting her attention as I say. "This is absolutely scrumptious." she chuckles at me as she denies my words. "you're just saying that." I shake my head as I declare with more confidence than before. "NO it is really good.. I needed this after the day I have had, thank ya." I send her a small smile, but it can't be any bigger than that or food will be coming out of my mouth since it's filled once again with this delectable cuisine.
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