Chapter 3 Car Phone Call

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Minnie's POV I turned and finished walking down the hallway as I peeked into Mr.Thomas' room. I knocked lightly on the door frame, gaining his attention. "Minnie.. my favorite Sheila.. G'day! So tell me, how was the rest of ya shift?" He quickly asks as he pats the chair beside his bed. "It was good.. the same old same old.. so I can't complain.. I brought you something special." I declared, pulling an extra butterscotch pudding out from behind my back for him because it's his favorite, and there was extra. "Minnie, ya shouldn't have! Yous spoil me.. ya really do.. You make me so happy because ya remind me so much of my late wife.. Yous two would have been the best of friends because ya so much alike in personality.. So it has helped ease my mind since ya remind me of home." He declares taking the pudding and spoon out of my hand that's extended toward him. I smile over at him as I wave his comment off. "You are just saying that to be nice.. But I'll still bring you the pudding even if you don't say nice things about me." I declare as he shakes his head. "Yous a good Sheila.. ya really are. If only we were in Australia, I would introduce you to my son.. he is handsome like his old man.. not as clever but funnier for sure.. We could be one big happy family because I'm positive he would love ya as much as I do. But too bad we can't have that since we are not at my home." he declares, looking around this room as if he hates it here, being disappointed with this reality. "I appreciate that, and it sounds like that idea could have been fun, but you know you love it here." I state playfully before he nods, looking a little sad about that thought. "Minnie? Do ya love it here? Since ya moved here by your own decision?" I shake my head, trying to be honest with him. "No.. I just came here because I was a traveling nurse.. and didn't want to do that job like that anymore.. So I found this job that wanted to pay me more.. but I have considered just dropping it and going back home many times.. Florida is just not for me, and I want to get myself out of here as soon as I can. Anywhere is probably better than this place. The humidity is not for me. Colorado is different than here in so many ways.. it was a complete culture shock for this small town country girl.. it's been a lot lately for me as well that I find myself just craving to be away from here while wishing I had a change of scenery." He nods sadly again with understanding as he pats the top of my leg. "Do you not love it either?" I ask as he shrugs his shoulders. "I miss home.. down under is where I belong.. it's my world.. things are different here.. but not in a bad way.. it's nice and all, but I got my fill of the heaps of cultural difference.. now I want to head back home, out to the bush.. mostly because I miss my son.. he is all I have and is my best mate. I miss him terribly. We used to do a barbie every weekend, sharing a cold one to pass the time." he states, reminiscing about the good ol' days as I sadly nod at that idea. "Well, maybe you can head home when you're feeling better." I suggest as he sends me a look that I know means he can't leave just yet. "You know I would have to wait a while for that, and I haven't been feeling like myself.. I don't feel right. Things in my life don't feel right.. So it would be iffy, to say the least.. Besides, I know that I'm not stable enough to fly there." He states as if it should be obvious, and to us it is. "Well, can he come here to see you? I could make sure he gets sent a message.. we can tell that nanny you have, you know, to call him." I suggested as he curiously looks over at me, not knowing who I am talking about, so maybe she is not the nanny.. she is younger, so maybe a daughter. But he has never mentioned a daughter in any of his stories, only a son. He keeps staring over at me, still looking confused about that, so I explain further. "That young woman who came in when you first came into here.. I know she has only come in a couple of times that I have seen.. But I could call her and ask her to contact him.. I would call him for you, but I don't know if I can make long-distance calls from the building.. but if you know how I could email him or something, I could try to help contact him." I suggest again as he huffs out in frustration. "After my wreck that caused all of this, I have been feeling like a galah.. I can't seem to remember any of those things.. but the number ya could call for me is in my files.. and yous could tell Lydia to call my son.. Maybe then I could finally get the closure I need." he explains, which makes me feel sad at that thought. "Did you and your son have a falling out?" I curiously ask as he shrugs his shoulders. "Sort of.. being in different countries has put a wedge between us, but he also didn't like the decision I made when I came here or why... so I'm sure he won't like the idea of crossing the pond to come visit, but our family love for one another always conquers all.. He is a good mate, the best bloke that is just misunderstood, but if he ever found the right sheila for him.. I could honestly say she would be the lucky one if he could find that match. He is loyal to a fault, stronger than ever and just as nice and understanding as his pop." he declared as I was smiling his way. "Well, maybe one of these days I will have the chance to meet him.. I hope sooner over later.. and believe me, I'll make sure to contact Lydia for you so we can get this process underway." He nods at me as he pats the top of my leg. "I'm sure Walter is missing his Mum.. So ya better be heading home and I'll see yous tomorrow." He says to me as I think about my sweet dog that I wish I could sneak in here.. He loves people and the attention they give him way too much to ever sneak him in here.. But Walter is the sweetest little dog ever, but maybe I am being biased. But he is probably right.. I should get home to him. "Yes, sir Mr Thomas." I agree as I stand, but he waves my comment off as he says. "I have asked ya to call me Oliver.. time and time again, Minnie.. I know ya are respectful of me, but ya can break the rules every now and then for an old bloke, can't ya?" He asks, and I feel bad. I'm just trying to be respectful, not offend him. "Oh, believe me, I can.. I'm a rule breaker through and through.. How do you think I got that pudding, Oliver?" I humorously reply to him, causing a laugh to emerge from his lips as they curl into an even bigger smile. "You're right, I shouldn't be associated with a criminal such as yourself.. soon enough, I might be guilty by association.. and what would that mean for an old man like me? 20 or 30... minutes in time out? What a larrikin ya are." he agrees with my joking while playing along like we always do. "Yeah or even worse.. no dessert for a night." I spat, making him feign shock. "Oh no.. you can't get an old man's pudding taken away.. that's blasphemy." I laugh at that before leaning in and giving him a small hug. "See you soon.. get some sleep, and I'll make sure to call Lydia." He nods before squeezing me tighter than I ever expected, then letting me go. "Thanks for everything, ya a lovely sheila." He responds as I smile, then waves before making my way out of the room. I turn, leaving down the open hallway before ending my trek in front of the front desk. "Hey Savanah, I was hoping you could give me the number of Lydia in Mr.Thomas' file.. He has requested for me to call her on his behalf to contact his son." I explain to her, as she nods with my words, while all that can be heard is clicking from the keyboard keys as she types away. "Ok.. I have it here.. I'll write it down for you, Min... and... here ya go." I smile and nod, taking it away with me as I quickly clock out and then grab my things to take my leave for the night. I quickly make my way to my car as I unlock it to hop in as if my feet are about ready to crumble like a cracker under pressure, so I can't stand and have to sit.. I took out my cell phone from the hidden cave, better known as my purse. I click on my screen just to see that there, of course, are no missed calls, but I don't know why I would ever expect to see anything.. My parents are too caught up in their own retirement to even think about me and my brother is consumed with his newborn and wife, so not much attention or thought goes into the same old story that is me and my life. I'm the unspoken disappointment of the family from being 30 and single.. My family has always put a lot of emphasis on the idea that I'm only successful if I have a career and a family to be the mom of the house.. But instead, it's the same old tale that really does get old every time I think about it, but I won't let that get me down.. I enjoy my own company and love the time alone I am given when I have it.. I work a lot of overtime, so not much extra time is given, but that's something I do to myself just to keep me busy. Obviously, there is no family to take care of yet and the only man or I guess child in my life is my sweet puppy, Walter, but that's the only way I want my life as of right now. There is nothing wrong with that either, I know plenty of people who live the same life as I do.. Just after a while, I can feel myself feeling lonelier as the single years go on.. but the dating market out here is nothing to want to join.. and every time I try, I regret it instantly.. So I kinda just stopped trying as bad as that may sound. I let out a deep breath, feeling my throbbing legs just enjoying the little bit of time I have to sit.. but I know when I have to get back up, that's going to be a problem for me. Especially since they have been screaming for some time to relax and believe me, I will give it to them when I can get home and jump into my big bathtub that I sprung for, just because of the spa features that seemed so appealing to a woman like me that is always on her feet.. I need it to survive this job, and I found out taking care of my body after such hard work is exactly what I needed. I easily got distracted thinking of myself, but as my mind thinks over the last bits of my day, I find my eyes trailing around the car until I look down in my hands seeing the sticky note in it, I know what I should be doing and accidentily forgot about. So I dialed the number given as I put my phone to my ear. It rings a couple of times before I can hear loud music playing in the background. "Hello?!" This slurred word is belted out.. making me think she might be drunk. "Hello.. Is this Lydia?" I ask as she quickly responds. "Ya.. what do you want?" She asks as I clear my throat. "Hello Lydia, my name is Minnie, and I work at the Sunset Living home.. I work with Mr. Thomas." I say as she instantly sounds confused.. I don't know if it's the alcohol or I called the wrong Lydia.. But I guess I will find out. "Who?" I'm confused now, too. "Um.. I'm Minnie, and I help take care of Mr. Oliver Thomas." I explained further as she huffed out like this is the most annoying call. "Ok.... and what do you want? Did he die or something?" She casually asks as my mouth drops open in shock at that question and how casually she asked it. Obviously, I wasn't expecting that response. "What? No, not at all.. he has requested that his son be contacted for him.. He needs to see him and, with his condition, as of right now, he obviously can't travel to his son, so he was hoping you could contact the son to get him to come here. He has just been feeling homesick and wants the family close." I explained as she groans out in displeasure. "Ugh, I hate his son.. and he hates me, so that won't be fun.. I don't know."
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