Chapter 4 Being Home

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Minnie's POV I can understand not liking someone and not wanting to talk to them, but it's not like she will have to see him at all. She isn't part of his family, so why not? I tried to convince her even more. "He has just been feeling lonely and really misses his son.. If you don't want to call him, then I could get his number from you and call him in your stead.. But Mr. Thomas is adamant about seeing his son.. so please help me by calling him or giving me his number.. either way, I would appreciate it." Her groans get louder, making my eyes roll. She sounds like a teenager who was asked to do a chore.. It's annoying, but I just want an answer. "Please." I practically beg her as she huffs out. "Fine.. I will call.. anything else, or can I go? I'm in the middle of dancing and drinking." She declares as I nod because I figured that. "Nothing else, ma'am. I just need to make sure that you will call the son for him." I repeated myself, causing a grunt to emerge automatically. "Yeah, I'm not stupid or deaf.. I will call him jeeze.. bye." She spats before hanging up the call. I nodded to myself as I set my phone down while shoving the keys into my ignition so I could get home. That was irritating to deal with, but I called like I promised him I would. I'm just worried she might not do the same. Since by that conversation, she shows how much she doesn't care for that idea.. but let's hope. I pull up to my apartment building as I grab my things and take the elevator up to my floor. My dog can hear me coming, I think, because it was silent until I started getting further down my hallway.. but as I get closer to my door, I can hear his squeals of excitement, causing a big smile to emerge over my exhausted features. He brings me so much happiness and the only man I will willingly have in my life for years to come. At least, that is the case for now. Maybe that will eventually change, but not until I find a good one, and what I have seen on the dating market is not many good ones, at least that I have come into contact with.. I'm just hoping that I'm not looking in the right spots or it's just the wrong time for me.. Or at least that's what I will tell myself to make me feel better. I use my keys to open the door as I'm instantly bombarded with squeals, licks, and spins.. I taught him at a young age not to jump on people, with my parents being older and all.. plus, I have been trying to convince my work to let me bring him in. So when I do finally convince them, I would hate for him to hurt anyone just because of not being properly trained.. So when he is excited, he just spins constantly as if he is chasing he tail, but he could care less about his tail, just excited that I'm finally home. "Hey, my handsome guy... how is my good boy?" I asked as he kept spinning, staying right beside me while I made my way into my place and shutting the door behind me. Once everything is emptied out of my arms and onto my countertop, I can properly greet my baby. I bent down and opened my arms, giving him the signal that he now knew it was time for a hug. He runs and jumps into my arms as I hug him tight while running my hands through his soft fur over and over again until my legs start to shake, letting the exhaustion get to them. So I kiss his forehead before gently setting him back down with his four paws to the ground, then standing up and making my way into the kitchen noticing the scrumptious smelling food I have been cooking all night in my crock pot. I smile to myself because I honestly forgot about that meal, but I needed it. So with the anxiousness in me to eat, I quickly prance over to my room while stripping off one layer after the next, just needing to get this off before I can finally relax after a hard day of work. I got to my drawers, grabbing a pair of shorts and a spaghetti strap. I slip my fuzzy slippers on as I walk back through my place to grab the much deserved meal for myself. I feel licking on my now exposed legs as I look down to see my happier than ever pup at my side, just loving to know I'm here.. He must have been lonely. I grab a bowl, filling it with the spaghetti noodles, chicken, and a special creamy sauce also made with tomatoes and peppers.. I love this meal. It's easy to throw together and cooks all day until it's perfect for me to eat when I get home. I head straight for the couch to have a seat and eat while watching some TV to entertain me, but at this point into the night, I mostly just daze off, not even remotely concentrating on the show howling from the screen while melting into the cushions.. But maybe that's the point is to just relax and this routine helps me do that. I have made the mistake of getting too comfortable. Now there is no energy in me to even take a bath, and I feel almost glued to this comfy spot. I noticed my dog jump up on the couch beside me as he snuggled up to my side.. he doesn't beg. He just wants to have my presence, and I appreciate that. It shows his love for me and how true it really is.. I feel that animals weren't given the chance to talk because humans needed to be shown that true love and dedication are shown through actions and not words. Walter has shown that to me time and time again over our years together, so I know that, no matter how lonely I feel at times, that I do have him here. I smiled and pet him before finishing up my delightful meal that really hit the spot. I washed the dishes I created before going right back to my spot on the couch.. my eyes feel heavy, but the desperation to not give in so easily and have some time to myself is straining my eyes. I keep watching whatever is on, just dazing off with my little Walter on my lap. I get caught in the automatic movements of petting him over and over until I somehow let the exhaustion take over as my eyes can't stay open any longer. They close, and I pass out on the couch. -------- Hours Later--------- My dog's tongue covers my cheeks as he whines and whimpers at me. I nodded as I slowly opened my eyes and sat up because of his beckoning call, since I know what it means, even though I don't speak dog. The only sound that emerges from my lips are the groans of not wanting to get up but knowing I have to if I don't want to clean up a mess from Walter. I wandered around for a short moment before slipping on my slippers and grabbing his leash to hook him up. I can hear the excitement in the pitter patter of his nails on the tile floor next to me as I grab a hoodie to slip on, so I'm not showing everything off to anyone who could be around. I zip it all the way up as I walk us out of the apartment with keys and leash in hand. I'm groggy as I stumble here and there, but I have made this walk every day for 4 years, so I know this pretty well to be able to mindlessly do it.. But that's not exactly safe by any means, so I rub my eyes, stretch my muscles, and try to let the cool air help wake me up. I get outside and do a small lap around our building as he finally does his business. The clean-up is easy and done with as we turn, but I run directly into someone, waking me up instantly. "I'm so sorry." I instantly declared as his chuckle graces my ears. "I wasn't paying attention either if that makes you feel any better." My neighbor, Sam, declares to me. He is the cute neighbor that Marilyn has been talking to me about quite often lately, saying he could be a good distraction from work. I smile at his response before laughing with him because it's nice to know I'm not the only one in a daze. I watch his dog see mine once again as I hear him groan out and start rubbing his head. "Is everything ok, Sam?" I ask, just trying to make conversation and be nice. Even though I know it's not my business, and I'm still partially out of it anyways, so it's not like it matters how he responds, because it's not like I will fully remember it.. but even though I'm barely here, there is a tiny bit of concern in my tone, at least, so I deserve some credit for that. "I was drinking all night with a group of my friends.. I don't see them much anymore because of my job keeping me away, so when I do have a chance to go out, I party hard to make sure I get my fill.. But man, I am feeling it today." I nod in understanding as I look down at my watch, noticing it's 5 in the morning at this point. "I get that.. but at least you had fun." I declare in a delightful tone, making him smile as he brings his phone out and shows me a picture of the group of friends at the bar. They do look incredibly wasted but fun all the same. "That does look fun." I agree with him as he smiles and pats my arm. "Maybe you could join us next time." He suggests, but I don't know if it's because he feels bad for me or actually wants me to go, but either way, the answer is probably the same. I don't want to join them or even him anywhere, but how do I say that without sounding rude? "Oh no way.. I don't know if I could even keep up.. I'm not a big drinker." I explain trying to let the conversation end about that. Sam nods but says. "It's ok. I have been slowing down too, and if you ever didn't feel comfortable with all the bar hopping, then you and I could have a night out.. Just the two of us." He declares as we enter the building, then turns to start taking the elevator back up to our floor. "I would probably feel better with that, over bar hopping.. but I am so busy all the time from working a lot as well." I explain to nicely shut him down, but I don't think he is getting the hint as I watch him nod. "I understand. Just hit me up, maybe this weekend.. I don't have plans in a couple of days if you don't either, we could plan for that." He says, pushing this to me as I get nervous looking over at him. He seems nice and all but just not my type.. But I don't know how to say that without offending him. I'm just not attracted to him, I don't feel that spark. I just don't know how to say it because I don't like to say no or hurt peoples feelings. "I know I work." I say as he instantly cuts me off. "Well after.. there are plenty of places open 24/7... I'll just come on by and help convince you." he declares not giving me much of a choice. I just silently nod, not wanting to agree, but what could I just say that wouldn't make him feel bad. "Um.. sure." I sigh as he gives me a small hug, then walks past to his room before saying over his shoulder. "Good seeing you.. have a good day, beautiful." He declares as I wave, watching him leave into his place. "Uh, huh.. you too." I state wanting to change plans already, knowing I don't want to go, but maybe the couple of days will help me figure out an excuse to get out. I head back into my place. I'm too tired to even attempt to stay awake, so I head to my room and flop down on my bed just to pass back out until I really have to get up and start getting ready.
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