Chapter 20 Mechanic

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Lachlan's POV We got into Minnie's car right after talking with the nicer than expected Lawyer. I love on Walter as much as Minnie does the same, making sure he knows how much we love to have him around, even though we have been spending all day running errands.. It's been hours now but I feel like we are actually getting somewhere with this mystery of what's going on with my father, because Lydia is getting more suspicious than ever. I can't wait to take care of this and even though I'm not wanting all the money.. I can't wait to see the look on Lydia's face when she figures out she is not getting all she wants to get. I smile to myself while I'm petting Walter and looking down at the card in my hand, that has the information of the mechanic who took my father's car after his wreck. "Can I please see the mechanic's shop address so I can take us there." Minnie asks me sweetly as I willingly place the card into her extended open hand. "Oh.. I know this place.. this is where I get my car fixed.. I'm on good terms with the owner Tony." She states as she quickly flips us around and starts heading the other way. We drove for only a couple of minutes before we pulled up to this mechanic's shop covered in blue paint and a blinking sign to direct us to the right spot. I get out with Minnie just following her lead, especially since she knows where she is going and who we need to talk to because of being here before. She heads straight into the shop as the older man walking past does a double-take, looking at Minnie. "Minnie my girl! Is everything ok with your car? Do you need anything?" he asks with so much concern as she smiles and gives him a hug because of his inviting arms that are out expecting the hug from her. "My car is perfectly fine.. No need to worry, thank you Tony." She says so nicely before looking up at me as I take the cue and hand him the paper information about my father's car. "G'day sir.. my name is Lachlan.. This is the car we were hoping to ask ya 'bout.. and maybe see it too, if it's not asking too much of ya." I ask him as we shake hands but this man looks suspicious of me and who would blame him. He probably knows that I am not from here, not just because of the accent, but because I feel like I stick out like a sore thumb in every sense of the phrase. "He takes the paper from me, reading it as he walks around to the computer, that's behind the desk. He waves the girl off of it, silently telling her to move as she moves to the side. "Go get some coffee for us please." he says this sounding like a request, but the look on his face says it's a demand. He waits for her to leave before he turns the computer before typing in a couple of things, reading what he has found, then saying. "That BMW was totaled and requested to be smashed by the woman who was also on the lease.. She even paid extra to have it done quickly." He states looking at me and handing the paper back. "So you already smashed it? nothing more was done with it?" I ask sadly as he nods. "Yes sorry I couldn't help you more. Have a good day sir and of course Ms. Minnie." he states as I nod then turn to walk back to the car but Minnie quickly stops me with her hand on my arm, before she puts her hand up, getting his attention and stopping him. "Oh come on Tony.. You're the best parts dealer around the area and you're telling me you did nothing more with the car? I mean what a waste.. if the car was already going to get smashed and the perfectly good parts are there for the taking, why not grab them out then smash the car?" Minnie asks him as he looks from me to her."I thought you were a nurse not a police officer." He states as she smiles at him. "You are correct.. I am a nurse but that man was like my father. We are just trying to figure out what happened in that wreck.. I need to know please.. and since we can't see the car I would love to know what was going on with it." She says to the man as he looks at her then looking around the room before pulling us to the side and out of everyone's view and probably out of earshot. "The front of the car was demolished.. you can tell he went down a hill." he says to us as I ask without hesitation. "How can you tell that?" he glares over at me before looking nicely back at Minnie. "There were branches and leaves in every open crevice on that car along with the one that plunged through the front and into the man.. your father." He says to her as she nods sadly. "So last thing Tony.. I know you grabbed some parts to resell right?" he reluctantly nods at her as she states. "I don't care about the parts at all.. I just want to know what parts looked suspicious or maybe strange that they weren't working.. You know what I am saying?" the guy groans out, looking like he doesn't want to say anything as she begs once more. "He was family Tony.. My family, please help me figure out what happened to him." she begs of this man for something to help us and it looks like her words hit straight to the heart. "Ok.. Minnie.. the only thing I saw for myself was that the brakes didn't look right." He states as she looks from me then back to him. "What, does that mean?" she asks as he says softer than the rest. "The breaks looks tampered with.. that's all I'm going to say Minnie.. I hope you guys figure out what you need to, but I need to protect my business as well." we both nod as she says sweetly. "Thank you for everything Tony it means so much to me.. no one will know you helped me I swear." they hug once more as we quickly leave the place and head right back to her car. Once we sit back down, I look at her with a type of astonishment. She looks over at me as the curiosity gets the best of her. "What are you looking at me like that for?" I smile as I just let out a deep breath. "Just.. thank you." She shakes her head as if not understanding. "For what?" she asks as I keep the smile on my face just letting it grow larger. "For everything, yous have helped me out so much.. If ya wouldn't have known this man, we wouldn't have gotten the information needed because I wouldn't have pushed things.. Also, if ya wouldn't have taken the files then we wouldn't have been able to find the home and the items I wanted most.. ya found the lawyers card and had the guts to do all this.. I just wouldn't have any of this without yous.. thank ya." She smiles then waves off my comment. "I don't deserve all the credit that you're handing out, because it was the both of us doing all this today.. I honestly think that together we have made a great team.. I couldn't have done it without you either, so give yourself some credit." Says this in a sweeter than candy tone that almost makes me believe her words, even though I'm not too big to admit that she has had the bigger part in all of this. "I am just admitting what I have seen first hand." I declare as she gives me a side eye and grin. She looks at her watch before she states. "It's dinner time and we have spent all day doing this investigating thing like some kind of professionals or something.. I think that we should take a break and get some food while we look over what we know.. sounds good?" I just nod automatically. "That sounds great.. Let's do it." her eyes widen at my response as I clear my throat. " I meant dinner not.. 'It' ya know.. well, not saying it wouldn't be great or worth it because I'm sure it would, but I just don't think right now is the time for such things.. I'm sorry, this is not what I wanted to say.. so just ignore me." I feel stupid with the anxiousness overwhelming my nerves, making me sound like an i***t. But at least she doesn't look offended.. she just laughs and nods at me like this is a joke. "It's ok.. I knew what you meant." she states as she continues to drive. "What would you like? You could probably have anything that you would want." she states giving me the chance to make this decision, which is nice, but I was always thought that the lady should do that out of pure courtesy. "Where would yous like?" I change it for her so she has the change to choose. "We could always do something like outback steakhouse.. maybe something closer to home for you." She now suggests this with me in mind as I quickly nod. "Sure, whatever you would want." "Well, supposedly it's authentic Australian food, but I'm sure it won't be the same, but maybe close enough if you're feeling a little homesick." she says to me as she looks slightly sad about that.. maybe feeling homesick herself. "What's wrong?" I quickly ask her because it worries me to see her look sad. "Oh.. nothing don't worry about it.. let's head to the restaurant and we can get the food togo to come back to myplace and look at everything we have. if that's alright with you." she changes the subject but I can tell that there is more to this then she is letting on. "Sure, that sounds great. Anything you want." I say not trying to sound desperate for her time, but loving it all the same. She puts a smile on her face but it doesn't take the sadness out from her eyes. I bet she thinks she can fake the happiness with me, but for some reason, I can see straight through her charade like glass. I don't know if I should tell her that or if I should just leave it be. I have never been a person to force anything to happen but I would like her to talk with me. I keep my mouth shut because I don't want to make her feel bad. I feel the momentum of the car slowing down, getting my attention. I look up to seeing this restaurant that she was talking about. We get out, leaving Walter in the car for a moment, so we can order than I'll send her back to hang out with him while I pay and grab our food. I'm walking ahead of her to try to be a gentleman and hold the door for her but as I approach the door I can see through the glass and to the inside of the restaurant, exposing that Lydia and that guy from before that was claiming to be me. I quickly spin around as I push Minnie and I into the shadow of the alley. I cage her in between my arms as I lean in and covering her from sight in the darkness. "What are you doing?" she asks with straight confusion as I put my finger to her lips. "Shhh." I say as we hear Lydia talking with that man. I can't hear exactly what they are talking about, but we can at least hear the butt end of the thought. "I think we need to call her now.. she knows something we just need to figure out what." she says this as she walks past the alley, making it so the rest of her thought is fading away. "Call her?" I say to myself as I think about it. "Do they have anyway to contact you?" I whisper to Minnie as she replies just as softly. "I don't know how they would.. the only thing she knows me from is my work and they can't legally get that information.. but if I am right that is Marilyn's boyfriend and she knows about me.. but she won't tell him anything if she knows that he is stepping out on her." She declares as I think about that.. I don't know if they are talking about her, but I would rather be safe than sorry.
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