Chaoter 19 Talking to the Lawyer

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Minnie's POV I keep searching for Lachlan, hearing the gate's motor start up again to close. So I pick up my pace as I nonchalantly search for Lachlan through the wall of trees then around the bushes as I get closer to my car but I can't seem to find him. I shake my head as I get to the side of my car and bringing out my keys to unlock it, as I feel a hand wrap around my mouth while I let out a scream but it is muffled by the hand. I quickly react by elbowing him in the stomach before whipping around with my hands up and ready to give a beat down. But it is the actual Lachlan groaning silently to himself while he holds his stomach. "It's me Min." he says through clenched teeth as I rush bending done next to him. "Oh Lach I'm so sorry.. are you ok?" I whisper this in hopes we weren't heard at all. He just nods at me as he quietly says. "You were right.. you can take care of yourself." I smile as I help him up and to the passenger side of my car before opening the door for him. Just for him to get bombarded by Walter who must have been very concerned for him since he hasn't even noticed that I am now here or even sitting in the car right beside him. I sit down and start the car as Lachlan leans over looking at me. I just keep my eyes on the road while I drive us away from the house. "Why did you do that?" he asks me as I shrug my shoulders. "I didn't want you to get in trouble.. but I knew I could fake a reason for being there and not get in trouble for doing it, so why not?" I exclaim as he groans out. "but you egged them on Min." he says this to me as I glanced over at him before putting my eyes back on the road. "I wasn't exactly meaning it like that but.. you heard her.. she was lying to my face saying that, that imposter was you! How stupid does she think I am?" I ask him rhetorically before scoffing loudly. "Yeah, but you could have just faked it, since we now know for sure that she is lying to us.. Plus, that proves that she isn't completely innocent in all of this.. you shouldn't have called her out because they could hurt you baby." he says to me as I glance over at him liking the sound of his protectiveness and pet name calling. "I.. know.. I just hated that she was lying about you and Oliver.. it's infuriating and sometimes I feel like I don't have any control over my sassy mouth and blunt thoughts." I state as he smiles then nods in understanding. "I get that but just be careful next time.. I don't know what I would do if you got hurt because of helping me." he say as I smile and reach into my pocket to pull out the lawyer's card I grabbed from the office. "Well no matter what, at least that was a successful trip.. we got you the sentimental things you needed.. and I think I found another lead that might help answer a couple of questions at least." I state showing him the lawyer's card, causing him to smile then taking the card from my hand. I take us straight to the next destination so we can keep trying to get as much information as we can. We have a pep in our step after the last endeavor because of not getting caught and honesty feeling stealthy about all of that. We walk into the building that we are targeting next. It has people walking around, but they all look like they are on a mission and have no time for us. But that's ok we are more than willing to do our own thing as long as we are not interrupted. We walk down the long hallways taking turns here and there, wherever the signs lead us, just to see more offices. My eyes have been locking on the name tags presented for every office. Some of the doors are open and some closed, but they all have their own type of business that keeps things interesting.. I would assume he was here for wills but who knows there might have been some other reason for him to be here.. I guess we will find out soon enough. With every room we approach, I keep looking at the names on the doors until we come to a door that has the right name on it. We knock a couple of times before we hear footsteps approaching, as the door swings open to expose a man looking like he may be in his mid forties. I extend my hand to start this off since he is obviously confused. "Hello my name is Minnie and this is Lachlan." I state as the man looks curiously between the two of us. "Hello, how may I help you?" "Can we please come in and talk about this privately because it's a sensitive situation." He nods leading us into the room as we shut the door behind us. "Ok this is hard to start.. and sounds a little insane.. But I was the nurse for Oliver Thomas. Since he died last night, things have been chaotic. But what I do know without a doubt, is that what he cared about the most was his son.. but his girlfriend is trying to take everything from him, Lachlan, but I want to see if there is anything we can do for him so he is not screwed." "Well that's is a strange thing because Mrs Lydia was just in here earlier with a man that she claimed to be Lachlan.. So do you have any proof you are who you say you are?" he asks staring at Lachlan as I do the same. He reaches into his pocket, pulling out his driver's license and passport, handing both to him, he also pulls out his phone, pulling up one picture after the next of him and his father together throughout the years. "This is the best I got sir, I didn't know my father was going to be passing away when I had traveled here from Australia. He was just being held in the nursing home that was trying to help him recover, and I wanted to see him." he states in his sexy accent that I just love causing me to bite my lip and stare, until I realize I am staring, but I think they realize it as well, since they are both looking at me as well. I clear my throat and look around the room, hoping the attention will be taken from me. "This is all the proof I need.. thank you.. I requested this from Mrs. Lydia when she claimed that her 'Lachlan' was his son.. but then they quickly got frustrated when they had no proof whatsoever on them, but still trying to claim the money for both of them. But of course, I wasn't born yesterday, so that didn't work. I need actual substantial proof before I can give anything away.. It's my job. But... Mr.Lachlan Thomas? If I can borrow these just for a moment, I will need to make copies of these to put with my files and I'll need your personal information to be able to give you everything your father intended... money and all." the lawyer states as Lachlan rolls his eyes. "I don't care about the money.. I just want the sentimental items." He says this so sweetly as the lawyer laughs at that comment. "That's funny.. that's exactly what your father said that you would say.. he even wrote it right here in his will." he states showing the will to Lachlan as he reads out loud. "And the sum of the money will be given to my son even though I know he won't want to take it.. only the sentimental items.. but he will get both." Lachlan gets a small smile on his face as his eyes brim with tears. "Does it say in there what he wanted for himself to be buried or cremated?" I ask bluntly as the Lawyer nods. "yes all the details are in the will.. I can get you a copy if anything, but you have my card now, so if you need any back up on what to do, just call me." he states this so nicely as I smile and nod noticing Lachlan is doing the same while still reading over the will. I reach over patting his arm as I ask softly. "Are you alright?" he glances at me for a short moment. "Yeah.. it's just funny.. He knew me way too well apparently," Lachlan says lifting the paper in his hands as the lawyer chuckles. "Yes he must have.. now is there any more questions you have for me Mr. Lachlan Thomas?" he asks as I stare over at him. He thinks about it for a second before he looks up to ask him. "What happened to my father?" The lawyer looks sad but he sits down at his chair then extends his hand out, pointing at the other chairs for us to take a seat as well. We both sit down getting comfortable as he starts. "Well, things had been hard for him the last couple of years.. he was feeling depressed and wanting to go home and get to you.. That's when he started the will for everything.. I don't know what ignited it all but the only thing he confided in me is that his depression was making life hard to live." He stopped for a second, looking at us. I look over to see that Lachlan is crying and wiping away stray tears. I reach over, grabbing his hand as he squeezes it tight, but not taking his eyes from the lawyer. "He told me that he wanted to go home in one way or another.. A little while later, he got into that car wreck which impaled him with a tree branch.. he, honestly, should have died right then and there.. but somehow he survived the wreck.. they found out that he had a heavy dose of sleep aid in his system while he was driving, but those were already prescribed to him and he could have easily mixed them up with the other medication he was taking daily.. by taking his daytime medicine over his night time.. or they even speculated that because he was so sad lately that he might of done that to himself.. self harm,.. if you know what I mean." he says as nicely as he can configure getting us to nod. "He wouldn't do that." Lachlan declares in his father's defense as the lawyer puts his hands up in surrender. "I didn't think so either. But either way.. he fell asleep at the wheel, before driving off the edge of the road and down a cliff. After that wreck, he was worried that someone might have been trying to sabotage his car.. he said his mind was foggy but that he thinks he remember his breaks not working.. But he said he didn't know if that was a dream or not.. so he made sure to change his will without Mrs Lydia around... just in case." he declares this making me even more curious about why Oliver would have done that or if he knew something else. "What did he change about the will that he couldn't do it around Lydia?" I ask him as he looks from me to Lachlan. "He said he saw her putting something into his drink before all of this happened. But she claimed it was just his regular medicine, but he couldn't prove otherwise. So he got suspicious and decided to change it so she didn't get any money, just the house since he still cared for her.. and he said that she can do what she wants with it.. But.. That's it.. no more car.. no more millions of dollars.. anything.. That all went to you.. but I'm thinking maybe she figured that out." He says as Lachlan asks. "Why would you say that?" "Well, she came in with a man telling me it was you, Mr.Thomas.. So she is trying to get everything that was meant for you." He explains as I pipe up. "Well then I am glad we came here to get him exactly what he deserves.. But just wondering about the wreck with Oliver.. Um.. Is there any way that we could take a look at the car to maybe see if the breaks were tampered with? Because maybe that wasn't a dream." "I'm not sure if you can see the car.. but this is the mechanic shop that towed the car away and brought it to their place.. the car was totaled so I don't think there is much you can get from it." He says handing a card to Lachlan as he also hands him some papers. "These are a copy of the will as well.. and hopefully that will help you out.. I will be keeping in touch with you Mr. Thomas and Mrs.. Minnie, stay safe out there.. but let me know if there is anything else I could possibly help out with." I reach out shaking his hand before Lachlan does the same. "Thank you for everything.. you stay safe as well." I say to him as we leave the building and headed right back out to the car to check up on Walter while figuring out what our next step is.
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