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"MOM! Please!" Abby cried out as she was banging on the door. "Get the f**k out of here! I didn't raise no slut!" her mother yelled from the other side Abby cried as she bang on the door, when she came home she thought her mother would comfort her but instead she threw out of the house calling her all names that hurt Abby, her mother threw her lugged out the door and shoving Abby out as well too. Abby cried as she picked up the two big suitcases and made her way downstairs. She wiped her tears, she was able to get a cab by the time she reached her fathers place it was already dark, he began working at the docks so he started making more and he could afford the nicer apartments on this side of town. Abby got down with her things and made her way inside her father was her last hope now she reached up to knock but hesitated after awhile the door and she saw her father was about to leave and he was surprise to see her there. "Abby?" her father said "Daddy" Abby cried Her dad pulled her into a hug, she cried in his chest when he looked down he saw the suitcases and sigh out, he brought Abby in the apartment along with her things, Abby stop crying she was sipping the water. "What happened?" her dad said. "Remember when I went to Gloria's house before school ended" Abby said "Yeah?" he said confused "We went to a club and I met a guy" Abby sigh out. "And he got you pregnant didn't he" her dad said Abby teared up and nodded her head. "I'm sorry I am a disappointment" Abby said "It's okay pumpkin, I'm here no matter what. I know how it feels to be kick out of your home same thing happened when I told my parents about you. I just can't believe your mother did that she should've have known" her father sigh out. "The doctor said it's triplets" Abby said. He father was shocked, he was silent for along time, raising one baby was hard enough but three that would be a challenge. "Well figure something else, I'll get a second job if I have too" her father said. "No, I can just work full time and then when the kids are a little older, I can go back to school" Abby said. "No, I want you to finish school. Your mother and I never went to college at least you should finish" he father said. "I can always use my tuition and ask for the scholarship instead, and apply for for scholarship and use the money for school" Abby said. "No, leave the tuition money alone. Just see if you can do scholarships and use the money from that but nobody is quitting school" her father said. "Okay, but I really should talk with my guidance council and the doctor, I have a card from the doctor she said he will ask her friend to give us a discount and that he specialize with my kind of situation"  Abby said. "Okay, will go tomorrow. Go get some rest, I'm head out and celebrate with some friends and tell them the good news" her dad said. Abby got up and hugged her dad. "Thank you daddy." Abby said. "Your my one and only special girl, and I made an oath when you were born that I will always be there for you no matter what. Well get through this hiccup" her dad said. She nodded and went into the room, she had no energy so once she laid down she fell asleep fast and didn't wake until the next morning. When Abby woke up, she felt someone on the bed she open her eyes and saw it was Gloria looking at her. "Hey" Abby said softly. "Your dad called this morning, my mom and dad are with him in the living room" Gloria said. "Did you get in trouble?" Abby said. "Yeah, grounded and told me to help you out since I was the one that got you in this mess" Gloria said. "Sorry" Abby said. "It's fine, as long I get to spoil the little one" Gloria said. "Three little ones" Abby said. "Three?" Gloria said with wide eyes. "Yeah" Abby said. "Well come on, let's get going my parents want to see you my mother was pissed when she heard what your mom did" Gloria said Abby nodded, she got ready and they all sat down for breakfast during breakfast Gloria's parents gave Gloria's old car to them since they were going to buy a new one for her but as for her punishment she won't be getting it. And Gloria's mother Helena will be taking Abby to her appointments if her father can't take her, they also offered to babysit when the baby comes and Helena also offered to help Abby on parenting they also agreed that she should stay in school. When they were finished they went with Abby and her father to the doctor's office since Helena wanted to help out as much as she could, Abby father Arthur offered a better job for Abby's father David to work as a security guard so he can use the benefits for himself and Abby and the kids when they come also the pay was good more then at the docks. Once they were able to get the information they need from the doctor Helena helped Abby out with what to do on food and snacks, David helped Arthur in finding a home near them that can be cheap since they would need a bigger place when the babies come so that way then can come over and help as well or to check in on Abby when Arthur had to work nightshift, with in a month they were settle in a four bedroom home, as Helena and Gloria were setting up a baby shower for Abby.
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