1007 Words
THREE MONTHS LATER Abigail never saw Demetri again, her beautiful handsome dark man that took her first she would sometimes think of that night and make her blush whenever she thinks about it but right now she need to think of school. She was able to get her mind off him for these three months helping Gloria finish school earlier, a lot has happened her parents got divorce and her father moved out to across town and she lived with her mother. She kind of saw that coming her mother can be real demanding and they only stayed together because of her, she would stay with her father on weekends, she was now in her cooking class only class she loved through out her classes. When Abby walked into the class room she didn't like the smell, she covered her mouth and ran back out, one of her classmates was calling her name. Abby made it to the restroom she tried to puke but it was clear, she heard someone knocking on the door after she finished she flushed the toilet and came out washing her mouth out as a paper towel came in front of her. "Thank you" Abby said shaky. "It's fine my sister use to get sickness when she was pregnant too" her friend Angie said Abby stop, what she was doing after everything click she became panic, Angie saw the look on her face. "Oh, you didn't know? When was your last period?" Angie said. "Four or three months ago" Abby said. "Do you need a ride to the clinic?" Angie said. "No, I can call a cab can you just tell the teacher I'm sick?" Abby said "Sure no problem" Angie said Abby walked out of the building towards the bus, as she waited she was scared please she said to herself it might just be stress she thought to herself again. She got on the bus and went downtown, she couldn't go to her normal clinic since she was still under age so she went to the free clinic when she got there she sign her name in, her legs was shaking as she was waiting but when her name was called she stiffen and looked up at the nurse that was calling her name. "Are you Abigail Torrez" the nurse said Abby nodded her head. "Follow me" she said Abby stood up, slowly her hands became shaky as she held them tight and followed her into a room she sat there spacing out until the door open. "Hello my name is Dr. Jane Harrison, so what did you come in for?" Dr. Harrison said. "Um....Well I haven't have my period for three or four months" Abby said softly. "Okay well first we are going to do a blood test, so can you hold out your arm for me" Dr. Harrison said. Abby nodded her head and did as she asked, once her blood was drawn she went out, Abby was so nervous that she was biting her lips and playing with her hands she was sitting in the their for an hour until the nurse came back in. "Okay, so your blood work shows that your indeed pregnant so I will have a nurse come in with an ultra sound and we are going to see how far along you are" Dr. Harrison said. "Okay, um will it hurt?" Abby asked. "No, I will just us a gel and place it on your stomach, go in that room right here and take your pants off, and put this sheet over you" Dr. Harrison said Abby nodded and did what the doctor said when she came back out and laid down, her breathing was shaky as the nurse was setting up once she was done the doctor came back in. "Let's get started" Dr. Harrison said. Abby, watched as the doctor place the get on her stomach, she knew she gain weight but she thought it was because all the food she ate when they made in school and she had gotten a belly after a while she heard whooshing sound.  "What's that?" Abby asked "That is your babies" Dr. Harrison said. "Babies?" Abby said "Yes, see these three little dots. That's baby A, that's baby B and that one right there is baby C" Dr. Harrison said Abby looked at the bean like dots as she teared up three babies, how/ "I'll give you a moment and print these out for you" Dr. Harrison said Abby nodded once she went out Abby cried out, with shaky hands she picked up her phone and made a call. "Hello? Abby" her mother said. "Mom" Abby sob out "Abby what's wrong?" her mother said. Abby cried a few more. "I'm pregnant" Abby said Their was silence at the other end as Abby held her breath waiting for her mother to speak. "Come home Abby" her mother said Then the phone hung up, Abby cried out again getting off the bed and went to the bathroom and cleaned up and put back on her pants when she washed her face her eyes were still swollen, once she finished crying she went back out as the Doctor was there. "I saw that your 17, since you cant do abortion because you already far along. Take this, I have a friend that works there that can see you he specializes in these and also her are some prenatal pills, the sooner you see him the better. He will give more information" Dr. Harrison said "Thank you" Abby said. "Well you are about 14 weeks which puts your due date around March 6-12, when you do see him, he will be able to tell you the s*x" Dr. Harrison said. "Okay thank you" Abby said. The doctor smiled, Abby grab her things and made her way out of the Clinic she looked at the picture and went to the curb side and hailed for a cab once in she gave them her address as she went home. 
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