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Abby stomach was much being in this past month that Helena was helping making sure she ate a lot for four people, she like her new house they were doing a gender revel for her, her father and David been working on the babies rooms so they kept the doors closed, it's been a lot of noise but she couldn't complain she was excited. "Okay Abby open for box A" Gloria said They were out in the back door, she invited a few people Gloria's family, Angie from school her Guidance Council Amy and her family, and two top favorite teachers plus her cooking teacher, Abby nodded her head and went up to the first box. "3..2..1..Open" Gloria said Abby open the box as blue balloons came out, everybody clap, Abby went to box B she did the same thing and another blue balloons came out, Abby saw her dad in excitement know he knows what color to pain the rooms. He had to wait until now to paint, the only person that knows all three was Gloria and she could keep a secret. "Last one" Gloria said Abby went to the last box, she was getting excited Gloria counted down and Abby open the last box as Pink balloons came out, Helena screamed out and jump up and down, she ran to Abby and gave her a hug. "Yes a girl! I was so scared thinking they were all boys" Helena said Abby chuckled and she nodded her head she too thought they would all be boys but she got a little princess, Abby's father came up to her. "I get another little princess" he said with tears in his eyes. "Looks like I won't be your princess for long anymore" Abby said. "Pumpkin you'll always be my princess" her father said. Abby was getting coagulations through out the party they ate and she was able to open gifts, most of the clothes were all 8-12 months so all she had to worry about was the newborn to 8 months clothes which she didn't worry about as she saved her money from her scholarships that the Amy her counselor helped her with and still had about one grand leftover from working at the café. When the party was over, Gloria and Helena cleaned up as they told Abby to go rest she would need lots of rest, Abby agreed she had to cut back on some classes as the doctor's told her not to put too much stress on herself these months so she started taking online classes and the only time she can go to school was for her cooking classes which were in the afternoon. -Time skip- Abby was now five and half months, her and Gloria went shopping for new born stuff. "I cant wait to see her in this tutu" Gloria gush. "Awe look at these tux" Abby said After an hour of shopping they went to go eat. "So names have you thought of it" Gloria said. "Well Maria for the girl after my dad's sister, and Hunter for the first born and Lorenzo for the second boy" Abby said "Hmm....I like it Hunter, Lorenzo, and Maria Torrez" Gloria said. Abby nodded after their dinner Gloria took Abby home where she saw her father leaving for work. "Did you pack lunch and had dinner?" Abby said. "Yes, oh before I go. The babies room are finished and I was waiting for you to come back so I can show you before I leave" her father said. Abby got excited as they made their way upstairs, in the first room it had the two boys name on the door, inside were too white cribs, with dressers and changing tables as well as a rocking chair the white match with the baby blue sky with clouds walls. "So, we got about five boxes pampers and wet wipes, all stock in the changing cabinet, the 8-12 months clothes are in the closet, and you can put the newborns clothes in the drawers, oh we also got this toy boys two chest set, no toys yet until later" her dad said. "I love it dad" Abby said. "Now on too our little princess" her dad said They went out the room and to the side was another door but it said Princess Maria on it, we castle and princess on there all pink, when she went in everything was pink there was a laced drape hanging down towards the crib, it was shape into a castle and it was pink, there was so much pink and princess theme the walls had a castle painted with all the different princess on it above her crib had her name on their like the boys room but this had a crown above the name. "I had to build in another closet for her were her gowns will be at and table with a tea set in the corner there" her dad said Abby went towards the small built in closet and she saw small gowns already inside she also saw the tea set table with small chairs, she couldn't help but tear up. "This is so beautiful dad, I wish my room was like this" Abby said. "I got the idea when, I wanted your room like this but you know your mother" her dad said. "I know, I love it, I can't wait to have tea party with her" Abby said. "I know me too, she's gonna have all of us wrap around her fingers" her dad said. Abby nodded her head, she then saw her father off to work as she went back inside the house locking up the windows and doors before she went to her room, her room was plain but there was pictures of herself and Gloria as well as Gloria's parents and herself with her father. She had a desk with her laptop and books as well all her maternity clothes in the closet. she also had a queen size bed with a body pillow and her own bathroom.
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