I finally saw him

1134 Words
There he was, standing near the window. His soft brown hair and his gray eyes met mine. Edward wore a black suit and stood as if he were a painting. I couldn't help but stare. "George, you're here." An elderly man hugged my Grandfather. "William, it's so good to see you again," my Grandfather said while hugging the person's back. As it turned out, this person was Mr. Hale. Mr. Hale turned and looked at me and smiled. "You must be Nadine," he said with a gentle smile. My Grandfather smiled, held my shoulders, and said, "That's right." "It's nice to meet you, Mr Hale," I said to Mr. Hale with a smile. "Oh dear, please call me Grandpa," he said with a chuckle. I nodded my head and smiled. Mr Hale then gestured towards Edward, and he went forward. "You must be Edward," Grandfather said. "Yes, Mr. Garcia, it's nice to meet you," Edward said with a small smile, shaking my Grandfather's hand. Mr Hale, or Grandpa, looked around with a nostalgic sparkle in his eyes. "It seems like only yesterday that George and I were running around these streets, causing mischief," he chuckled. Grandfather nodded, reminiscing about their childhood adventures. Mr. Hale invited us into their lavish dining room, adorned with elegant chandeliers and a long, polished table. The room was filled with the intoxicating aroma of various mouth-watering dishes, a feast fit for royalty. Mr. Hale sat at the head of the table, a man exuding confidence and power. Opposite him, my Grandfather took his seat with his dignified presence. I sat next to Grandfather, and Edward sat next to Mr. Hale. As the conversation flowed between the two, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and privilege. Midway through the sumptuous dinner, Mr. Hale's gaze shifted towards me. His eyes twinkled with curiosity as he spoke. "Well, Nadine, your Grandfather told me you are a neurologist. Impressive!" Straightening up, I nodded and answered, "Yes, I am currently a specialist at the Heartfelia General Hospital. It's a rewarding field that always challenges and fascinates me." Mr. Hale chuckled heartily, his booming laughter filling the room. "George always brags about you, Nadine," he commented, a jovial smile spreading. "He talks about how smart his Granddaughter is." Blushing slightly, I couldn't help but feel grateful for Grandfather's unwavering support and belief in me. His encouragement led me to become the accomplished professional I am today. Mr. Hale leaned in and shared, "Edward is the CEO at one of our family-owned hotels," he said, a glimmer of pride in his voice. "Thanks to him, the hotel has flourished and become renowned in the industry." I turned to look at Edward, hoping to share his success and offer my congratulations. But to my surprise, he seemed strangely preoccupied, his gaze fixed solely on his plate. It was as if he had retreated into his world, detached from the conversation and festivity around him. Concern etched itself onto my features, but the evening drew close before I could delve deeper into his peculiar behavior. The final course was served, and we bid farewells, leaving me with many unanswered questions. After chatting, Grandfather and I said goodbye and found our driver waiting at the front door. "Thank you, Mr. Hale, for inviting us," I said with a smile. Mr. Hale returned the smile and pulled me into a gentle embrace, his warm presence making me feel at ease. Grandfather and I settled into the comfortable leather seats of the car, and as the engine hummed to life, we began our journey back home. As we glided through the city streets, the gentle rhythm of the car matched the thoughts racing through my mind. It had been so long since I had seen him—that boy who had once captured my heart with his infectious laughter and mischievous grin. Over the years, the memories had faded, tucked away in the corners of my mind, but as I stood in Edward's elegant home and looked into those familiar eyes, it felt as though time had reminded me of a place. Lost in my thoughts, I didn't realize that Grandfather was watching me, a twinkle in his wise eyes as he waited patiently for me to break the silence. Startled, I turned to face him, blushing like a schoolgirl caught daydreaming. "Well, what do you think of the boy?" Grandfather finally spoke, his voice carrying a mix of curiosity and nostalgia. I took a moment to collect my thoughts, finding comfort in the familiarity of the question. "It was nice seeing Edward again after so long," I replied, my voice filled with a quiet longing. Grandfather smiled, his eyes filled with unspoken understanding. "Life has a funny way of bringing people back into our lives, doesn't it?" he mused. "Sometimes, it's the sweetest surprise when old memories come alive again, like forgotten chapters waiting to be rewritten." His words resonated deep within me as if he had unraveled the secret yearning hidden in my heart's depths. As the car glided down the familiar streets, the weight of time seemed to lighten, replaced by a renewed sense of hope and possibility. Lost in our thoughts, we journeyed back home, the whisper of nostalgia and the promise of an uncertain future intertwining like the delicate ribbons of a cherished memory. And as the car came to a gentle stop, we stepped out. Grandfather squeezed my hand, his touch conveying unspoken love and support. "Remember, my dear, life is a tapestry of experiences, and you are about to start a new one," he said softly, his voice carrying the wisdom of a lifetime. Hugh stood before the door, waiting patiently for Grandfather and me. His warm smile greeted us, exuding a sense of comfort that felt like home. "Welcome home," Hugh said with genuine warmth, his eyes twinkling. "We're home," I replied, returning his smile. The weight of the day's events was beginning to fade as I ascended the stairs, eager to retreat to the solitude of my room. Once inside, I quickly changed into comfortable clothes and showered. The warm water cascaded down my body, soothing my tired muscles and restless mind. As the steam clouded the bathroom, memories of seeing Edward flooded back, causing my cheeks to burn with a secret blush. But amidst the joyous chaos, something still nags at me—the silence shrouds Edward throughout the encounter. Curiosity gnawed at me as I wrapped myself in a fluffy towel and stepped out of the shower. The mirror reflected a face filled with unresolved questions. I swiftly dried off, slipped into a cozy robe, and went downstairs. Grandfather and Hugh were engrossed in a spirited conversation in the living room, their voices blending in joyous harmony.
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