The day of reunion

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It had been a couple of days since I met my Grandfather. The thoughts of our discussion kept lingering in my mind. I was going to marry Edward. The nurse's gentle knock snapped me back to reality as I was lost in deep contemplation. Startled, I realized I had been absorbed in my thoughts for far too long. I quickly composed myself and opened the door, only to be greeted by the nurse, her face tinged with concern. "Dr. Garcia, the patient is ready," she said softly as she handed me the file. I glanced down at the folder she had placed in my hands, the weight of it sinking in. As I flipped open the stiff cover, I read the troubling words that stared back at me: "Brain Tumor - Case No. 7324." The patient, a woman in her early forties, had been silent for months. Her life had taken an unexpected turn when she began experiencing severe headaches, dizziness, and difficulty maintaining balance. After numerous tests and consultations, the crushing diagnosis was finally confirmed—a tumor nestled deep within her brain. I sighed, feeling a surge of empathy and responsibility rush through me. The weight of Anee's condition settled on my shoulders, reminding me of the monumental task ahead. I closed the file with a determined spirit and strode purposefully toward the patient's room. The door creaked open, and I entered to find the patient, Anne, lying in the dimly lit room. Her eyes, clouded with fear and uncertainty, met mine. Silently, she gripped my hand as I pulled up a chair beside her bed. We sat in silence for a moment, both aware of the gravity of the situation. Gently, I spoke, breaking the heavy silence. "Anne, I am Dr. Garcia. We are going to fight this together. I have studied your case thoroughly and plan to give you the best chance of recovery." Anne's eyes filled with unshed tears, her grip on my hand tightening. With a trembling voice, she whispered, "Please, Doctor, do whatever it takes. I want to live." Over the next few days, our journey began. Anne underwent several surgeries and treatments, each fraught with uncertainty and hope. I navigated through the complexities of her case, utilizing all the knowledge and skills I had acquired over my years of practice. Despite the odds stacked against her, Anne displayed immense strength and resilience. Her determination to fight the tumor and regain control of her life became her guiding light. Together, we fought through the darkest moments and celebrated the smallest victories. And finally, the day arrived when Anne was declared cancer-free. The room filled with tears of joy and a sense of triumph. We had prevailed against the odds, and Anne had emerged victorious from the battle that had threatened to consume her. I went back home with a big smile on my face. When I turned the knob and pushed open the heavy wooden door, the butler bowed and greeted me warmly. "Good evening, Miss," he said politely, beckoning me inside. I gracefully walked inside and sat on the luxurious couch, feeling the soft cushions embrace me. "May I offer you a glass of water, Miss?" the butler asked, his voice as gentle as a breeze. "Thank you, Hugh. That would be lovely," I replied, feeling parched after a long day. As Hugh handed me the glass of water, I felt a sense of comfort. It was as though he knew exactly what I needed. "How was your day, Miss?" Hugh asked, his eyes full of genuine concern. "It was quite pleasant. My patient is recovering well," I replied, feeling a sense of pride in my voice. As I was about to reach the stairs, Hugh stopped me from heading upstairs to my room. "Your Grandfather wishes to speak with you, Miss," he informed me. Without hesitation, I made my way towards his room. "Thank you, Hugh," I said, flashing a smile. As he watched me leave, I felt grateful for having such a kind and caring butler. I reached my Grandfather's room and gently knocked on the door. I heard his gentle voice from the other side saying, "Come in." I turned the doorknob and opened the door, revealing my Grandfather sitting in his favorite rocking chair, engrossed in a book and sipping his piping-hot tea. "Come in, dear," he said, smiling warmly at me. I walked closer to him and sat in the chair opposite his. The room was filled with a comforting aroma of antique books and the smell of his Chamomile tea. I couldn't help but feel concerned and asked, "Is everything okay, Grandfather?" With a reassuring smile, he patted my head gently and replied, "Yes, dear, everything is perfectly fine. In fact, I recently received a call from William, and he suggested that we should meet soon to introduce ourselves." I furrowed my brow in confusion. "William? Who is William?" I asked. Chuckling softly, Grandfather clarified, "Oh, my dear, William is Mr. Hale. William is his first name. We have been friends for years." "Mr. Hale would like to meet soon to introduce Edward and you," my Grandfather informed me. I froze for a moment, feeling embarrassment wash over me. Memories of my childhood with Edward flooded my mind. But that was a lifetime ago. We had grown up pursuing separate lives, and now, we were on the verge of reuniting for an altogether different reason. "When would he like to meet?" I managed to ask, my voice betraying a hint of nervousness. "Well, what about the weekend?" My Grandfather suggested it, his eyes twinkling with anticipation. "You have a day off on Saturday, right?" I nodded, still somewhat in a daze. It was settled then - Saturday would be when I would come face to face with Edward again. As I left my Grandfather's room and made my way down the corridor, I couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. Excitement, anxiety, and nostalgia swirled within me like a tempest in my heart. In the days leading up to the meeting, my mind was consumed with thoughts of Edward. I wondered how he had changed, how his life had unfolded, and how he would perceive the grown woman standing before him. Would he recognize the little girl he once knew? Would we still have a connection after all these years? Meeting Edward again after more than 20 years was unexpected. I never imagined we would reconnect as potential marriage partners under such circumstances. I could not sleep the whole night and kept turning around in my bed. The thought of meeting Edward gave me both excitement and nervousness. Saturday arrived, bringing with it a bright sun and a gentle breeze. I dressed carefully in a simple yet elegant outfit, unsure of what impression I desired to make. As I entered the designated meeting place, my eyes anxiously scanned the room, searching for a familiar face. And there Edward was, standing near the window, his silhouette outlined by the warm sunlight. Edward had aged gracefully, his once boyish features replaced by the distinguished look of a man who had lived a remarkable life. His eyes met mine, and in that moment, time stood still.
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