
Loving You shattered My Heart

arranged marriage
office/work place

When Nadine Garcia and Edward were abducted as children, little did they know they would be each other's only source of comfort during their harrowing captivity. Years later, Nadine receives a marriage proposal from Edward's grandfather and, despite her reluctance, accepts it. However, fate has a cruel twist, and Edward's heart belongs to someone else. As Nadine's marriage becomes a nightmare, she yearns for a way out. Will she find it before it's too late? "Loving You Shattered My Heart " is a heart-wrenching story about love, pain, and the courage to start over.

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"Dr. Garcia, your patient is ready." I turned to find the nurse standing by my office door. "I'll be right there," I answered back to her. I've worked as a neurologist in this hospital for four years. Life has been moving forward, but the trauma of the accident still haunts me. I still try to forget the horror and pain that it put me through. The only thing that helped me was the thought of the little boy with me during the kidnapping and his smile, which helped me feel less scared. As I went to the examination room, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, trying to compose myself before entering the patient's room. As I entered, I found a young girl lying on the bed, visibly distressed. She was clutching a stuffed bear tightly in her arms. Her name was Emily, and she had been suffering from seizures for the past few months. Her parents had brought her to me for a second opinion. I sat down next to Emily and introduced myself. Her eyes were filled with fear and uncertainty. I explained the treatment options we could explore, but she seemed distant and unresponsive. Sensing her unease, I decided to share my own experience with her. "Emily, can I tell you a story?" I asked softly. She nodded, her attention piqued. I took a deep breath and started recounting the incident that had shaped my life. "Several years ago, I was involved in a terrible incident," I began. "I was scared, hurt, and didn't know what would happen next. But in the midst of it all, there was a little boy who was there with me. His smile strengthened me and helped me find the courage to keep going." Emily's eyes widened as she listened intently. I continued, "That little boy reminded me that even in the darkest times, there is always something to hold onto. It may be a simple smile, a comforting hand, or the knowledge that someone else understands your pain." As I finished my story, Emily's expression softened. I could see a glimmer of hope in her eyes. She spoke up for the first time, quivering, "Will you be that person for me, Dr. Garcia?" Touched by her vulnerability, I smiled warmly and replied, "Of course, Emily. We'll face this journey together, and I promise you won't have to do it alone." As I left the examination room, I whispered a silent thank you to that little boy from my past. His smile had given me the strength to overcome my trauma and allowed me to become a beacon of hope for others who needed it most. And though the pain of that fateful accident would always linger, it was now intertwined with a newfound purpose and a renewed hope for a brighter tomorrow. I returned to my office, ready to finish my shift and meet my grandfather later. It had been a particularly busy day, filled with endless meetings and back-to-back assignments. But when my grandfather called that morning and asked if he could see me, I couldn't say no. As the clock ticked closer to the end of my shift, I lost focus on my work. Thoughts of my grandfather and what he wanted to talk about consumed my mind. I was curious and excited, eager to hear what he had to say. At precisely 5:30 PM, I finished the last task on my to-do list and closed my laptop. It was time to head out and meet my grandfather. I hurriedly packed my belongings into my bag and approached the exit. Just as I was leaving, another doctor called me into his office. "Can you stay for another hour? We need your help with this urgent project," he said, his tone urgent. I wanted to protest, to explain that I had made prior plans, but something in his expression made me hesitate. Reluctantly, I agreed to stay, reassuring myself that it would only be an hour. As the minutes turned into an hour, I kept glancing at the clock, increasingly anxious. I knew my grandfather must be waiting for me, wondering why I hadn't shown up at our agreed time. Each passing minute felt like a waste, stealing precious moments I could have spent with him. Finally, at 6:45 PM, I completed the project and rushed out of the office. I hailed a taxi and instructed the driver to take me to the café where I was supposed to meet my grandfather. The journey felt agonizing, filled with the constant worry that I had kept my grandfather waiting too long. As the taxi pulled outside the café, I quickly paid the fare and rushed inside. My heart sank when I realized my grandfather wasn't there. I looked around, searching desperately for a familiar face, but he was nowhere to be seen. I felt a wave of disappointment wash over me, regretting the lost opportunity to spend time with him. Just as I was about to leave, feeling defeated, a familiar voice called out to me. "Nadine, over here!" I saw my grandfather sitting at a corner table with a warm smile. Relief flooded through me, and I hurried over to him, embracing him tightly. "I'm so sorry, Grandpa. I got caught up at work," I apologized, feeling a mix of guilt and gratitude for his patience. He smiled and patted my hand. "It's okay, my dear. I understand. Life gets busy sometimes," he said, his eyes filled with understanding. "But remember, family should always come first. Time with loved ones is precious and should never be taken for granted." We spent the evening talking, sharing stories, and laughing. Throughout our conversation, it felt like Grandfather had something to tell me, and finally, he started. "Child," he began, his voice filled with excitement, "a family has recently asked for your hand in marriage." I nearly choked on my tea, my heart pounding against my ribcage. Marriage? Was Grandfather serious? It felt like just yesterday I was playing with dolls in the backyard. He continued, sensing my confusion. "You see, they are a respectable family. Mr. Hale is an old friend of mine, and he's come all this way to speak to me about it." Mr. Hale. The name was vaguely familiar. I racked my brain, trying to recall any memories associated with him. But all I could remember was a distant face from my childhood. "His eldest grandson is the one they propose for you," Grandfather explained. "A fine young man, I must say. His name is Edward, I believe." The idea of marrying someone I barely knew seemed daunting, especially when my dreams of becoming a doctor loomed large. I longed for the opportunity to gain knowledge and experience in the medical field. My grandfather's sudden interruption caught me off guard just as I was about to decline the offer. "He was the boy with you when you were kidnapped," he said, sending shivers down my spine. It was Edward who was with me that terrible night. I couldn't help but ask, "How do you know?" Grandfather sipped his tea before answering, "Our family had military connections. The officers caught the kidnappers that night and brought Edward back home. I found out then." "Why didn't you tell me before?" I inquired. "I didn't want to remind you of that terrible place. You used to cry every night because of the nightmares that haunted you for a month after that incident," Grandfather explained as he placed his teacup back on the table. I understood Grandfather's worries. I was shaken up back then. I didn't leave the house for months, scared I might get kidnapped again. With newfound resolve, I looked at Grandfather and smiled. "If Edward is the one who has asked for my hand, then I will accept," I said, the words filled with nerves and anticipation. Grandfather's face lit up, joy radiating from every pore. "I am so proud of you, my dear," he whispered, his voice filled with love. "I know that this is the best decision you could make." And so, with Grandfather's blessing, I embarked on a new chapter of my life. The path ahead may be filled with uncertainties, but one thing is certain: love has once again found a way to guide me. And for that, I will be forever grateful.

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