When will you come home

1283 Words
Nadine Pov The wedding day had been a whirlwind of emotions and activities, but now that it was over, the joy and excitement seemed to have vanished. A sense of emptiness lingered in the air as if the once-bustling atmosphere had been sucked away. Edward had been missing since the wedding night. Grandpa William had broken the news to me, explaining that an emergency had arisen at the hotel Edward managed, and he had to rush back to handle the situation. I tried to accept the news gracefully, but deep down, her heart was heavy with disappointment and hurt. I had dreamed of a first night as a married couple filled with laughter, tenderness, and love. Instead, I found myself alone in a house that still felt unfamiliar, waiting anxiously for my husband's return. Days passed, but there was still no sign of Edward. I tried to distract myself with household chores and errands, but the constant worry gnawed at me like a persistent itch. I couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. During my week-long break from work, I found myself needing help to fill my free time. I had opted for a leave of absence, but now I'm second-guessing my decision. To keep myself occupied, I resorted to completing paperwork, even though it wasn't particularly stimulating or enjoyable. One Week Later As the days went by, I anxiously waited for any updates from Edward. However, a week had passed, and still, there was no news. I contacted Grandpa William, hoping he could provide some insight. After explaining the situation to him, he kindly offered to check in with Edward and promised to let me know soon. As I entered the hospital, the familiar faces of nurses and doctors greeted me with congratulatory smiles and warm wishes for my recent wedding. Trying to reciprocate their excitement, I thanked them with a grateful smile. Yet, deep down, a faint sadness lingered within me, reminding me of the absence of Edward. Lost in my thoughts, I walked toward my office, hoping for solace amidst the bustling environment. But just as I reached the entrance, a familiar voice called out my name from behind. I turned around to find Rosa, my closest friend and colleague at the hospital. Known for her expertise as a pathologist, Rosa had been one of my companions since our college days. "Nadine, wait up," Rosa called out, her voice filled with urgency. Intrigued, I halted and waited for her to catch up. As she approached, I noticed a hint of concern on her face. Her voice was urgent, and I sensed something important had happened. I stopped in my tracks and waited for her to catch up. She looked concerned, and I wondered what could be the matter. "What happened?" I asked, and my curiosity piqued. Rosa was still catching her breath but motioned for us to enter my office. We sat down, and I sorted through the files on my desk while waiting for her to share what was on her mind. As it turns out, one of Rosa's patients, Mr. Johnson, had recently been diagnosed with Grade 1 brain cancer. As I looked through the patient's file, Rosa kept telling me about him. "Poor guy; it seems that he had just welcomed a grandchild, and now this happened," Rosa said with a big sigh. I nodded sympathetically, trying to absorb the weight of the situation. Cancer was an adversary that could strike anyone at any age, regardless of their accomplishments or hardships. It was indiscriminate in its selection, leaving devastation in its wake. As I read through the files, the patient's information came up, detailing his diagnosis. It seems Mr. Johnson was diagnosed during his regular medical checkups. "Cancer had been caught at an early stage. That's good", I said to Rosa, trying to find solace in the small victory. Rosa's eyes brightened slightly, as if a glimmer of hope had entered the darkness. "Yes, that does provide some hope. Dr. Martinez said they would start treatment as soon as possible." I looked through the folder to find the treatment plan - surgery followed by chemotherapy. It was a long road ahead, fraught with uncertainty and fear. But there was always a chance for recovery, a chance to beat the odds. "Hmm, I'm not sure what more to say. It seems to be the best way forward, and considering that it's only in Grade 1, I think he has a good chance of recovery," I said to Rosa. Rosa nodded, leaning back in her chair. "Yeah, I just needed you to say that. That's all," she said with a small laugh, grateful for my reassurance. I smiled at her, understanding the weight of the situation, and then went towards her to give her a tight hug. We had always been there for each other, both personally and professionally. As we embraced, I couldn't help but notice Rosa's growing belly. "Your baby bump is showing now," I said, my voice filled with joy. Rosa, now 17 weeks pregnant, beamed as I gently touched her belly, feeling the precious life growing within her. It was a moment of pure happiness amidst the challenges we were facing. After some time, Rosa returned to her office, her mind shifting back to work responsibilities, but the excitement of motherhood was never far away. For the rest of the day, I was on clinic duty, seeing different patients who may have come to see the doctor. It was a typical day filled with patients of all ages and backgrounds. From young children with common colds to elderly individuals seeking routine check-ups, the clinic buzzed with various ailments. As the day wore on, time slipped away from me, and before I realized it, the clock had struck 6:00 p.m. The realization that it was time to head back home dawned on me, and I started to gather my things, preparing to leave for the day. A tired sigh escaped my lips as I stepped through the front door of my house, eager to unwind and forget about the long, exhausting day that had just ended. Dropping my bag on the floor, I kicked off my shoes and stretched my weary limbs, already sinking into the comfort of home. My heart skipped a beat as I saw Edward sitting on the living room sofa, his familiar presence injecting excitement into my tired bones. "Edward, you're here!" I called out, my voice filled with joy as I moved closer. It had been days since I last saw him. But now, here he was, sitting casually as if he had never left. As I approached, my smile faltered, replaced by a wave of confusion. Two unfamiliar faces joined Edward on the sofa, a surprise that puzzled me. As I approached, I noticed a man around the same age as me. His friendly, approachable face exuded warmth and kindness. Dressed in a sharp suit, he seemed to be one of Edward's employees. On the other hand, the woman was in her forties and had an air of serenity and contentment. She exuded a soft, happy aura that made me feel at ease. Her casual clothing suited her relaxed demeanor perfectly. They both rose from the couch, their eyes meeting mine with genuine kindness. With a graceful bow, they greeted me in unison, their voices harmonizing in a welcome that sent shivers down my spine. "Welcome home, Miss Nadine," they said, their words laced with an undercurrent of mystery. "Um, thank you," I managed to stammer, my mind spinning with questions. Who were these people? How did they know my name? And why were they here in my home?
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