Can’t Go

553 Words
Adam smiled at his wife and son’s excitement; hell, even he is excited. He nodded to confirm what has he said. Xavier smile widened his happiness knew no bounds, finally his mate has arrived finally! Ava took hold of Xavier’s hands as she said.   “Did I not tell you that you will get your mate”   Xavier nodded hugging his mother; he was shaking from happiness and anxiety. He is happy that his mate is near but what if she rejects him what if she does not want him what if she is human who is disgusted just by looking at him. Ava hugged him tight as if she knew all his worries and breaking her hug, she looked him in his eyes   “Don’t think about anything she will love you. You will the best mate for her; don’t worry you are perfect just as you are”   Xavier nodded taking a deep; he cannot back away now just for how long has he been waiting. Adam got up and patted his shoulders and said.   “Don’t worry this anxiety is common even I had that when I first saw your mother. I thought that why would such a beautiful woman accept me as a mate and till today I still think the same but I got lucky”   Ava blushed red and hit Adam’s shoulder who just laughed it out, Xavier chuckled a little his parents are hopelessly romantic hopefully he will have this kind of relationship with his mate.   The moment broke as they heard a knock on the door; Noah entered inside as Xavier gave him permission to enter. Xavier smile widened as he said before Noah could speak a word.   “Such a nice time, prepare for my travel to Avascus Kingdom seems like my mate is there”   Noah eyes widened and smiled widely but suddenly his smile vanished as if he remembered something unpleasant. Xavier gave him a confused look not understanding why did Noah gave such a gloomy aura all of a sudden.   “Your Majesty, we cannot travel to Avascus kingdom”   Xavier growled angrily but Ava held him back and soothed him.   “Xavier if Noah is saying you cannot go, he must have a reason”    Xavier calmed down a little and nodded as he gave an apologetic look to Noah who brushed it off, he knows how their wolf instinct can go.   “I was coming to tell you this same thing Avascus kingdom is on lockdown, King Fame has become gravely ill and the reasons are unknow. Queen Fame has restricted anyone from leaving or entering the kingdom”   Xavier tensed up worrying about his mate what if something happens to his mate and he is not there to protect her. What of he never gets to meet her? Adam put his hand on Xavier shoulder and said.   “Don’t worry if Lucy is handling the kingdom nothing bad will happen there” Ava smiled nodded, she met Lucy through her husband he and Queen Fame are childhood friends who bickered a lot. She immediately took liking to Lucy but Lucy rarely go out because of her weak constitution. Xavier nodded yet not fully convinced.
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