
576 Words
Xavier looked up from the papers and saw her mother smiling at him; he returned the smiled and put his pen down. Getting up he and Ava sat down on the sofa as a maid came in and placed two teas and some refreshments in front of them. Xavier looked questioningly at the maid as Ava nodded at her while she walked out.   “I called her in”   Ava said getting a look of understand form Xavier as he nodded and picked up his cup of tea. She smiled at him and sipped her tea; she sighed and looked at her son who has not been able to sleep at nights due to all pressure created by the elders.   “Your father can handle those elders for you if you want”   Xavier looked up at his mother and smiled he knows she wants what is best for him; he is her only child. He shook his head and kept the tea down.   “What kind of King will I be if I cannot handle bunch of old guys. Don’t worry they won’t be able to do anything unless I allow it”   “That’s my Son”   Xavier looked at the new voice as he stood up and smiled at his dad Adam Blackwood the most powerful werewolf in the world; the winner of the war. Adam walked towards his son and engulfed him in a tight hug and patted his back showing how proud is he. Even he could have not gone so far without his mate and Xavier is not only sane but has brought lot of prosperity to the kingdom.   They broke the hug and took the seat keeping Ava in between who smiled at her boys. Xavier could not help but be thankful to Moon Goddess to give such loving parents.   “I have heard that your wolf urges have been out of control”   Xavier nodded his wolf has been restless and even though he let his wolf form free he cannot run outside the kingdom which is his most particular urge. He has been trying his hard to control but it is getting more and more difficult to control.   “What is the urge that you are having?”   Adam asked with grave voice which made Xavier and Ava tensed. Is something bad is happening to Xavier; he has never felt like this. They have wolf instinct under control all the time and it is the first time he is having such hard time in controlling this.   “Running out of the Kingdom”   Ava held Xavier hands tight as if afraid of losing her only baby, her hand shook in fear while Xavier caressed her hand to calm her down. Adam furrowed his eyes as he sat back lazily and asked another question.   “In some particular direction”   Xavier gulped and nodded; he has noticed that whenever he is in his wolf form his wolf always run towards a particular direction and why is that he does not even know. Even though the kingdom in that direction is an ally yet he cannot just run inside there he needs permission.   “Avascus Kingdom”   Adam smiled in relaxed smile as he said   “Seems like I was right. Seems like your mate is there”   Xavier stood up all of a sudden as he and Ava shouted.   “WHAT?!!!!!”
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