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Agnes looked back seeing as Lucy walks out fuming; she looked back at Russel raising her eyebrows in question. Russel sighed looking at her, his eyebrows furrowed in tension, Lucy has gentle temper until someone tries to harm someone she loves.   He wanted to follow her but he knew he can’t say anything to make her change her mind. He has a soft spot for his knights and guess what; those f*****g bitches took advantage of it. He will need to confine his knights and God knows how many soldiers. These witches are clever they waited for so long to take action against him. They sure were waiting for the right time to strike. Seems like they want to weaken their hold; but they don’t know that the most powerful group of soldiers are under Lucy and her alone.   Lucy walked down the hall ordering a maid to call all of her husband’s personal knights. The maid bowed down and walked away; just as she did a man came behind Lucy and started walking beside her.   “Go tell my husband he is not allowed to come out of study; also, tell Lady Agnes and her friends to come to the throne room”   The man bowed and followed the orders; while Lucy walked to the throne room, instead of sitting on the Queen’s throne, she sat on the King’s throne making everyone gasp. Queen sitting on King’s throne can only means one thing that King is so unwell and it will take a long time for him to recover; till then The Queen is the one who will take care of the kingdom.   Agnes and her friends entered the throne room; she smiled seeing Lucy sitting on the King’s throne. Lucy; instead of looking gentle she was looking like an emperor a real emperor. She is liking this new Lucy; she is strong and has the guts to take decision on spot. It is good that Lucy is taking preventing step fast because God knows what could those witches have done in coming of the times. Now that all of the sudden King has become weak, witches will have to take action soon because right now according to them kingdom will be on verge of chaos as there is no male leader and Queen alone will not be able to stabilise the kingdom. And this will be the right time to attack.   The knights arrived as they gasped seeing their Queen on the King’s throne. They immediately bowed down not knowing what they should do. While Lucy was having a hard time to suppress her growl seeing how knights’ eyes glittered seeing her on the throne. Thankfully she knew that they are in control otherwise she would have teared them apart.   “Stand up, as you all would have come to know that suddenly King Russel fell ill; the cause; right now is unknown. From now on you all will be my personal guards”   The guards nodded while Agnes smile widened and so did Lucas’ smile while Jane stared in horror thinking why would the Queen keep them close to her when she knows they want to harm her. Arthur did not look affected at all, he just looked at them and shrugged thinking what will he do in the war between these vampires and witches because the war is not inevitable.  
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