Not well

541 Words
Agnes came down to the dinning hall; she had taken a nap because bed was comfy. Russel and Lucy smiled at her while her friends just raised their eyebrows in question.   “Sorry I fell asleep”   An expression of understanding went over her friends face while King and Queen just smiled. “Ah! You must be tired don’t be worried about it; come sit down you guys need to eat; you all are still growing up.”   Agnes sat down without saying anything further and started eating; food was delicious and fulfilling. All of them were treated very carefully as if they were some kind of gem; which actually made them more uncomfortable. They have been to missions where they could have died and they have never been treated like this, this is highly unusual for all of them.   They were eating when they heard Queen cough; all of them turned to her while her cough grew louder and intense; she was having trouble breathing while Russel was patting her back trying to make her drink water but she could not stop coughing for even a minute.   Agnes stood up and walked to her taking out two leaves from her pocket she placed it in Lucy’s mouth after crushing it a little. Just as a little juice of those two leaves went in her throat, her cough calmed down and finally stopped altogether. Lucy panted while looking at Agnes with grateful eyes; who gave her a tight smile in return and went back to her chair. All maids and butlers looked at Agnes with wide eyes while Russel made Lucy drink the water; Lucy swallowed the leaves while drinking water coming to her sense she stopped abruptly.   “I swallowed the leaves is it okay?”   Agnes nodded as she replied.   “Those leaves were meant to be eaten”   Lucy nodded she wanted to ask many questions but she knew she had to wait, she got to relax a little and have to wait till Agnes has had some rest. They all went to their respective rooms; Agnes opened her bag as she looked at a large supply of leaves; she is unsure if they could find these leaves here… these are Sangeevne plant leaves; the plant is known to cure any and every disease. These leaves are supplied to her on regular bases seeing that she would die if she trains without eating these leaves between her training sessions.   She will need to find if this plant could be found here; she might me needing more seeing she needs train and control others. Missing this opportunity of taking revenge would be stupid; knowing she might only get this one chance in her whole life. She sighed and laid down on bed looking at the ceiling. She closed her eyes and finally slept. ………………………….   “Lucy are you okay?”   Russel asked as he saw her coming out of the bathroom. She smiled at him in return and answered.   “Actually, I’m great after whatever Lady Agnes fed me; my body actually feel great”   Russel nodded thinking what Agnes might have fed Lucy to make her body feel good, he has called every doctor to check on her but none have any solution, everyone just said one thing; Queen has weak body and they can’t change someone’s body. Seems like he owes Agnes a lot now.  
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