
523 Words
Agnes and others were accompanied by their respective maids and butlers assigned to them by King Russel; to their rooms. Jane was admiring the magnificence of the castle; it was huge. Arthur was just humming while walking beside Agnes, looking around as if in carefree mode; but his friends knew better; he is taking his time to analyse the route and infrastructure for if anything goes wrong and they need to get out of here fast. Lucas was trying to analyse the butlers and maids; they all were treating them very politely and no sign of hostility could be seen on their face.   Agnes was just walking, not caring about her friends' careful attitude bouncing her Jack-In-The-Box. None of her friends know why does she always bounce the toy; they have never seen anything coming out of this toy which was supposed to happen.   She stopped all of a sudden making Lucas and Jane who were walking behind her crash into her. They looked at her and followed her line of sight wanting to know what caught her eye; surprisingly they saw the same group of knights who escorted them training. They smirked and looked back at Agnes wanting to tease her for being smitten by these knights but stopped after seeing her narrowing her eyes at those knights for a brief moment. She then without a word continued the path making her friends and servants question her behaviour.   *There is something wrong with those knights; their eyes seemed clouded as if they are not in their right mind* Agnes could not help but think.   “Do witches exist in this world” came a voice from Jack-In-The-Box which could not be heard by anyone but Agnes.   “Don’t know, I guess I need to find out”   “Do that, witches are rare creatures; even we don’t have many in Dark Void. Maybe I can transport some there and then subdue them to work for us there”   Agnes just ‘hmmed’ in response making others again look at her again but as usual she did not care and kept moving forward.   Maids showed them their respective rooms and wanted to bath them but instead these servants were thrown out. All of them looked at each other with confused expression while one maid looked disappointed.   “I really wanted to help Lady Agnes”   The other maid assigned to Jane huffed and replied.   “Don’t fool me you just wanted to look at Lady Agnes body”   The maid blushed shades of red and turning her face she said.   “Can you blame me; Lady Agnes’ skin looks so soft and she is so beautiful I just wanted to admire her beauty”   Butlers who were listening to their conversation shushed them knowing that if anyone heard them and told King Russel, they will be punished for even having these thoughts about his guest and that too his saviour. King Russel and Queen Lucy both liked Lady Agnes and anyone could see that.   Agnes threw the toy on the bed where it disappeared in thin air as she entered the bathroom; taking off her clothes she laid down in the bath tub which has already been full of warm water and some fragrance oil. She closed her eyes relaxing herself finally.
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