
518 Words
A little girl sat down crying beside her other whose eyes were open but no life was left in them. She looked at her father’s back as he stood in front of her with a sword protecting her from whatever killed her mother. She could see her father bleeding; his legs wobbling yet he stood tall.   “Papa”   She weakly called out; the man looked back as he pushed a smile on his face while his head was bleeding. He looked at his wife's lifeless body, a tear rolled down his face.   “Don’t worry everything will be okay”   She sobbed loudly as her father walked out and closed the door behind. The girl did not want him to leave, she stood up in panic and walked out crying loudly calling out her father.   “Papa…Papa. Don’t leave me papa”   She walked as fast as her five year old legs could take her, she looked at her clansmen dead bodies lying down on the floor. She was shaking in fear as she wobbled her way trying to search her papa. She looked up and saw her father fighting a man, just as she was about to call him out the man passed his sword through her father’s neck, killing him instantly. She watched wide eyed, no word came out of her mouth; tears were streaming down her face as she stumbled back and fell down on her butt; making a sobbing noise.   Suddenly the man looked at her; his face was shadowed making her unable to see him clearly but just as he smiled showing her his white teeth; a shiver of fear ran her spin; she is dead.   “Miss..miss...miss please wake up”   Agnes woke up and sat up straight startling the maids. Looking at the maids she sighed and wiped the sweat from her forehead.   “I’m sorry for startling you all”   Maids shook their heads and said that it was okay. They all left the room after preparing clothes and bath for her knowing that Agnes would not like them bathing her for sure.   Agnes sat at chair near window looking out and hearing birds chirping, it has been so many years yet she can’t get over this; just how many times has she relived that moment in her sleep. Experiencing it all over again.   She stood up drank some water and walked inside the bathroom to freshen herself. She laid down the bath tub as usual, warm water relaxed her tensed muscles. She closed her eyes; she just wants a good night sleep for at least once in her life. It has been several years since she has been able to sleep peacefully.   After soaking for sometime she walked out drying herself, seeing a princess dress, she frowned even though she wore a dress yesterday as well it was not as gaudy as this one. She reluctantly wore it as she had no option she needs to adapt to this Queens and Kings era. She walked out as she met her friends she again stopped at a window seeing those same knights riding horses and racing against each other, after observing them for a minute or two she continued her way to hall.
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