Meeting the Queen

579 Words
Just as Russel got down from the carriage, he was engulfed in a tight hug of his wife, he let out a soft chuckle as he gave her a reassuring pat on the head; he could feel his wife shivering from emotions. He hugged her tightly as if assuring her that he is here in her arms.   Agnes and her friends stood awkwardly; this is the first-time that even Agnes is feeling awkward, she has never seen such a passionate display of love; scratch that she has never seen and public display of love ever. Lucas coughed a little to get this couple out of their trance; while knights thanked him mentally. Even though knights have grown accustom to this but still it hurts the poor fragile hearts of those single knights.   “Oh My!!”   The Queen broke the hug as her pale white cheeks finally had a deep red coloration of blush. She shifted a little, in embarrassment making Russel laugh out loud; due to which her awkwardness increased to a high level and as a result she punched Russel’s stomach making him groan in pain. Russel gave her a pitiful look but she just looked away and concentrated in front of her, to the guests her husband has brought home. She was surprised to see such young lads. Agnes caught her eyes as she gave a non-caring aura while Jane, Arthur and Lucas were amazed by the size of the castle. Russel seeing this finally moved forward and introduced them.   “My Queen; this is Lady Agnes she saved me from assassins; these are her friends Lady Jane, Sir Arthur and Sir Lucas”   Lucas and Arthur looked at Russel with wide eyes they never told their name to him then how in the world does he knows it. Russel smiled knowing their thought as he answered their unasked question.   “I heard your name when you were talking to each other; and this is my Queen Lucy Fame”   All of them nodded at her as she smiled at them and walked to Agnes who looked at her with questioning eyes. She smiled at Agnes and held her hands making her toy fall from her hands but just before it hit the ground it vanished in thin air making Russel’s eyes widen in question.   “Thank You Lady Agnes for saving my husband- “   Agnes fidgeted and nodded awkwardly; she was not liking the closeness of this lady. She does not like unknown people coming close to her. She tried to take her hands out of Queen Lucy’s holds but she could not do it softly and she did not want to be rude and push Lucy off. She looked awkwardly towards Lucy who was smiling at her.   “Okay My Queen you are making Lady Agnes uncomfortable”   Lucy blinked her eyes as she again blushed in embarrassment; she let go of Agnes’ hands and took a step back.   “I’m sorry Lady Agnes, it’s just that you are really beautiful”   Agnes fidgeted again this is the first time she has ever been complimented on her looks. She could not give any reply; this is the first time someone has ever made her speechless. “And Cute”   Queen Lucy added while Agnes’ friends could not help but agree this is the first time Agnes actually got speechless and blushed like a pure maiden. She always gives sarcastic reply or only act like a cute bunny to escape from their scolding when she makes them worry. They smirked while Agnes shivered she is not getting a good feeling from their smirk.
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