Episode 4

1252 Words
I walk steadily towards my room where Freya was waiting for me. It has been a long tiring day for me, not that i usually got some rest though but the presence of Ava in my home makes it all so tiring. The green eyes of hers filled with passion and sincere apology, her plumped red lips and her shyness makes me feel awkward somewhat. I shook my head to cast away Ava's thought from my head as I reached the door knob and turn it. I step into my Grandiose room with my features frozen. I wonder when last i have laughed heartily. Probably eight years ago when i still got many things to laugh upon. On my massive bed was Freya, the younger sister of Alpha Darien of Pride pack. She laid on the bed staring at me lustfully. " I have been here the whole time, where have you been? " She asked in a slurry tone, i know she did that on purpose but i ignore it. I wouldn't know how to address the relationship between us if ever i was asked. She wasn't my girlfriend, not my friend and certainly not my Luna. She was more like my s*x slave, if that wasn't too cruel to say. " I was attending to some guests " I replied while leaning against the wall gingerly, not that i have any reason to relay my daily routine to her. My blue eyes boring into her body which was already half naked. Her brother , Darien and i were somewhat friends and i respected him for being a good , competent Alpha. I knew he would be glad if i finally get married to his sister. No doubts he knew how much Freya loves me. She stood up from the bed slowly, her face lace with angry expression. My eyes were on her chestnuts hair, shining in the soft artificial lights as it fell on loosely around Her shoulders. " Why is Ava back? Cyrus ... Don't tell me you want her back " She is one out of few who address me only by my name. I didn't say any words for a while as i Continue to stare at her intensely without blinking. " No " I said finally. After a long moment, she relaxed a little and smiled at me. " I'm sorry i bring her up, i met her a while ago in the hallway and i thought... " " Enough Freya, if your visit today is to talk about a woman who had cheated on me with my brother then i would as well ask you to leave " i told her harshly. She shuddered in fear as she saw my eyes flashed with anger. " I'm sorry " she walk towards me and sighed " actually i came here to remind you about us " " We have had this conversation a billion times Freya, right now i can't get married and putting it bluntly you need to find your mate as well " " I do not want anyone except you Cyrus. You know deep inside you that i desire no one else except you " I look down into her eyes, the sincerity in them. She stared back at me as i clenched my jaw. Marriage my foot. To think i will ever get married seem like an impossible nightmare. I took a long stride to the couch that was not too far from the bed and started watching the lady with an unread expression then she started to undress, It has already been a usual thing for me, maid servants, nobles and lunas from far and near has always been so willing to invite me to bed. Freya walk slowly towards me while undressing under my keen eyes. She sat on my lap , pressing her body against my hard chest. the pleasure she felt was so priceless, and she moan into my ears softly. I took the lead, i have always does. I wrapped my hands around her waist to bring her much closer. My mouth seeking her pink n*****s earnestly, giving it a soft bite that makes her quiver and moan. I has always been woman hungry , my lust for woman is insatiable and no matter how many women i took, i just never got satisfied, that was because there is only one woman whom i love, who is capable of satisfying me. Ava Aries. So easily as if she weigh nothing than a piece of paper i get on my feet with Freya in my arms, her legs wrapped around me. I pinned her against the wall kissing her very deeply. My tongue thrusted into her mouth, teasing and teasing. I pulled off her clothes roughly,the sound of it tearing sounds amusing to the pretty lady against the wall. I carried her to my table where i always have my meal and opened her lap. she gripped my arms for support and shiver uncontrollable in my arms. Gently i sticked two fingers into her and curled them over, then i pulled them out but now they were sticky. My d**k hard underneath My Black baggy trouser. I held out my two fingers and stuck it into my mouth sucking onto it with Passion. Freya could only watch with anxious and passion filled eyes as i skillfully lowered my head down to her clit. " Cyrus " She called hastily, jerking at once when i suck on her clit " Please " She begged shamelessly but i didn't listen, instead i suck her hard until she was closed to her c****x. " Be still " i ordered hoarsely Earning a moan from her, i carried her to the bed and sat down staring at her body for a while then i get undress too hastily. I pulled out my d**k out for Freya to suck and she didn't wait for any further invitation before she grabbed the lengthy hard bulge and begin to suck on it slowly. with a hand at the back of her head, i pushed hard into her mouth, hurting her throat. I moan roughly then pull her to the bed where i pushed into her gently at first. I increase the pace, thrusting and thrusting until finally my body shook with the pleasure that flare in me. I rolled on my side and settled her against me with her head resting on my arm. I pulled the satin coverlet over us, and she burrowed close to me, her eyes staring at me. She felt replete, fulfilled as i gathered her into my arms. " Cyrus? " " Hmm ? " " I love you " She whispers against my neck and i pulled her closer. I wish i love her just like she does but no... My heart won't listen to the reasonable voice in my head. I turned to face her and i realized she was drifting off to sleep. I placed a kiss on her forehead gently as I watched her eyelids drops close. " Good night Freya " i mutters softly. I ease away from her and stood up to walk slowly towards the window where I peer out. The thought of Ava clouding my thoughts. " She would only be here for the time being, till Devan cease to be a threat " I told myself reassuringly. Yes, just for a while... Then i would be free from her unpleasant sight.
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