Episode 3

1425 Words
Cyrus Pov She is back and i find it hard, unnerving to believe. Her decanter shaped waist and pencil thin eyebrows eased down gently to her black, beetle's leg eyelashes. A sculpture couldn't have fashioned her seraph's ears and pixie nose any better. She look more stunningly beautiful than she could ever been as i took in her face. I could feel the fear and insecurity from her, good! She should feel that way. She had to. Earlier that week when i have received a call from father, Aries actually, i usually called him father because he has been just like a father to me. Earlier when i receive the call from him, and listen to his complains and plea... I was inclined to say no but for old times sake i couldn't bring myself to decline such simple request. Aries was my father's Best friend when he was still alive. Even before i was born. I knew Ava, his only daughter and child as i come of age. No doubt about my feelings for her, I loved Ava with all my heart. I was ready to die for her, to ... to... DAMN!. But that feelings stopped abruptly when i caught her in bed with Ralph, my younger brother. I was shattered and devastated. Nothing makes Sense anymore and i become a shell of myself, until finally my father's Death. On his sick bed my dad has made me promised to marry Ava. " Make her your Luna my son... I beg you. I would be able to find peace after you do so " That has been my father's last words. His very last words which later plunge me into darkness. I couldn't fulfilled his last wish so I turned away from my normal cheerful self and into someone i, myself couldn't recognize that everyone left me. Even my younger brother was scared out of his wit that he ran away to an unknown place. Good for him to have fled because i would have killed him right in his slumber if he hasn't. The people and place that gives me joy is only sky pack. I love my people ,no doubt and i will do anything to keep them Safe. It wasn't my fault though that i hate any other people out of my pack, she made me this way. Ava Aries turn me into a monster. " I see you have altered everything in sky pack " I Heard Aries mutters beside me, dragging me back to reality. We have crossed the new buildings, away from the garden and now back to a comfy apartment. I turn to him and offered him a polite smile. " Your room father, make yourself comfortable. I will inform the maids to care for you " I turned away ,towards the exit but Aries quickly speak out. " I'm sorry son, for bringing back a sad memory. Would you be okay with her around? " I blinked twice and smile. I knew he was referring to Ava and i. " Yes father, i will take my leave now " I walk out of the apartment and towards my office. I got things to do , especially now that Devan has indirectly made me his enemy. I took a turn towards the hall and suddenly, i collided with Ava. She bounced back and fell down awkwardly in Shock and awe. Thanks to my solid chest. " I'm... I'm sorry " She stuttered in fear. Her eyes on the floor. I stood still for a while, staring at her face. Her shyness, her reluctancy and her regret was all known to me. I took a step closer to her . My hand reached out and gently cradle her elbow, steering her back to her feet. I felt her shivering against my touch, felt her softening at the same time. She rose to her feet with my help. Her pale green eyes caught and held the faint light, turning them into lush, shimmering pools. The sounds of her breathing fanned the hatred burning deep in the pit of my gut. " Thank you " She whispers in her melifious tiny voice that makes me loose focus eight years ago but not now, not anymore. my grip on her suddenly tighten and she wince in pain. I careless, not when I was sure she is a shrew, betrayal. " Liam! " I called out. Seconds later we both received heavy whooshed of air as Liam appeared behind me. " Take her back to her room " I dropped her elbow and walk away to my office where i lowered myself on one of the couches. I buried my face in the hollow of my palm and sighed tiredly as fatigue overwhelmed me. I have been working non stop ever since Dad died, to make sky pack the best and i have succeeded in that quest. I stop abruptly when i heard soft Knock on the door. " Come in " I called out when my nose perceived the scent of Earth. That was how everyone in sky pack smell of except me. My mate, Ava had told me i reek of blood and flowers. I never argued with her on that because my mum confirmed that as well. My beloved mum who died the same day i discovered Ava is my mate. The bittersweet day of my life. The door open slowly and two Ladies walk in reluctantly. I understand their uneasiness. To keep the pack safe i never spare any of my people a smile, i have been very strict. Maybe i went overboard, i might but after all that strictness brings fear into the hearts of my enemies. " Alpha Cyrus ... We are here to inform you about something important " The first one in white flowing dress told me. I became curious and anxious because of the expression on the other lady's face. She seem reluctant and somewhat scared. I Waited patiently, my gaze now on the one in Jean. " Alpha Cyrus, i... Actually i ... " The Lady began to gibber. " Go straight to the point " I cut in coldly. My blue sea eyes on her pretty face. I noticed she shifted uncomfortably beneath her feet. " Actually there is this man i loves from shallow pack, he uh... Promised to make me his wife and i ... " " You want me to open sky gate for you? " I interrupted again and she nodded stiffly. " Alright... Pack your bags, I would inform some men to see you off " upon hearing this, the Lady smile at once. I know she would have hugged me if i haven't been so rigid. " Thank you so much alpha Cyrus. Thank you a lot " She said smiling. " By the way i am Isla and my friend here is Olivia " I stared softly at them before nodding. Gently the door open again and Liam enter this time. The two girls bow slightly before walking out. " Who are they? " " They? " I repeated " Isla and Olivia. Inform Mason to open sky gate for them to go out " " I will " Liam replied gently. I stood up from the couch and towards the window which was on the left side with a sigh. " What do you think about Ava's presence in this pack at the moment ? " I asked Liam, yes my beta. I loved him, i respect him and i care a lot about him. No doubt he feels the same way towards me and I'm sure he would die for me if need be. " Her presence means nothing as threat ... She will be fine but i am worried about Freya " I turned to stare at Liam oddly, quickly he lowered his head in apology. " Freya is nothing to me " " She is waiting for you in your room alpha " Really? I asked myself in thought. I walk up to Liam and reached for his shoulder. " Devan is the one we have to deal with not her " " You know you can tell lie to anyone but not me " Liam replied gently. " I know how you still feel about Ava " I didn't say any more words because he was Right. I needed a distraction so i left Liam standing in my office and towards my room where Freya is awaiting me.
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