Episode 5

1217 Words
Ava's pov I sat still on the couch staring into blankness as the incident from earlier crossed my troubled mind. My encounter with the nameless Lady and also Cyrus. I shut my eyes when I remember the pleasure I felt from his touch that afternoon when he helped me to my feet. I knew I still love that man. Why won't I when he is my true mate. Tomorrow my dad would leave me here, at sky pack alone with the sexy alpha and his grumpy beta. I felt like crying , well not new. I have always been close to tears whenever Cyrus is concerned. Instinctively I heard the front door open and closed. It was Evie because I already perceived her scent. We , werewolves from Quilt pack smells different and I recognized the scent anywhere. " Ava dinner will be ready in thirty minutes time " Yes! she addressed me only by my name sometimes. why? Because she wasn't a real hand maid. she was actually found at the river bank in quilt pack seven years ago. I took her in, heal her with my powers. she was without memories of her past so I keep her beside me, tells her my stories and she believed in me. I raised up my head to stare at her. " I won't be eating tonight Evie, I will Skip dinner " " Uh... Not me. Alpha Cyrus was the one who invited you and Alpha Aries to dinner " Instantly my mouth went dry. " My dad and I ? " I asked in awe and she nodded in positive. Oh common! Not again. I really don't wish to be in Cyrus's presence tonight. Not at all. I am tired from the journey and would love to get some sleep. Although I doubted if slumber would be merciful enough to engulfed my Body but sitting with Cyrus while eating dinner seem very awkward. I know It will be rude if I refused but who care? I could feign sickness or bring up a fake injury just to avoid the dinner but no. They all would see through my fake Acts. " Alright let's get ready then " I said as I rose to my feet. I walk away to take a hot bath. After about fifteen minutes I stood before my dresser to get dress. I changed my mind several times about what to wear, had been tempted to wear slacks and a summer top, but I didn't want to embrass myself because I knew dressing up for dinner will be expected. There is no doubt in my mind that my dad would take delight in seeing me in one of those nice dresses I brought along but still I don't wish to overdress for this simple awkward dinner. Finally I chose a bright red sheath with a short, tight skirt and spaghetti straps, the simplest and most colourful of all my dresses. I wore two pair of silver earrings that swung just easily with the turn of my head. Still, in some ways I felt as if I am dressed for a costume party, but deep down I knew I will be meeting Cyrus tonight and I felt faint excitement churning in my stomach. Was it from joy or fear? I didn't wait to find out because time is up already. I know how much Alphas can be very busy. Maybe Cyrus won't be present for dinner. Maybe he has left to attend to some other things and, I will have a nice dinner with my lovely father without having to face Cyrus inquisitive eyes. Ellie, the maid whom Liam had appointed to me lead me out of my room , down the main hall, past the solarium and she took a Left turn. There is a small family dinning room that overlook the back garden and stone patio. A lovely, breathtakingly beautiful spot , it sure is. Upon reaching there hope was born as I paused for a moment in the doorway. The room was beautifully furnished in ivory and Burgundy. A crystal chandelier with loops of ropes glass glitters over a round table, and gold tinted Ivory chairs with burgundy Velvet seats flanked the table. My rounded green eyes varies around the table where my father has already seated alone, the mirror buffet facing the door reflected on me. I offered my dad a Happy smile as I thought my assumption had come to pass but no, I was wrong. Slowly the solid figure of a slightly built man wearing a white shirt and dark trousers turned around from a small bar at the end of the room. Cyrus! I exclaimed inwardly. His hair was combed backward and his lips... Those mesmerizing plumped lips of his became so tempting that... " Take a seat Ava " My dad's voice jerked me back to reality and I quickly smile in apology. Lately I have been loosing focus and was starting to go insane if I were to put it blunt. I lowered myself slowly beside my dad with a dry smile. I am aware of Cyrus's eyes on me from behind. His footsteps walking towards the table steadily. He smiles politely at my dad and finally took a seat. He was sipping his scotch and soda drink. I darted my eyes away from the sensual movement , down to the table where the food has been served out already. I challenged myself to raised up my head to stare at Cyrus. Surprisingly I noticed he was sweating. I frown in confusion as my heart leap for fear and concern. " Is everything okay? " I heard myself asked even before I could restrain the words. Both the men stop what they were doing abruptly to stare at me. Just as his Blue eyes locked mine, I felt my body shuddered in great fear. He sent me an unread expression but he didn't reply at once. " Yes " He finally says in those deep voice of his. Gently he turn his attention towards my dad and smile at him. Earnestly the dinner began and they both, my dad and Cyrus Have a blissful conversation. I barely touches my food but no one noticed me. Cyrus ate just as much as my father without sparing me a glance. He literally behaved as though I wasn't there. Maybe I wasn't, Maybe none of this is real. We finished our dinner and was about to start eating our dessert when the woman I had collided with earlier in the afternoon appears in the doorway. I was holding on a glass cup as at that time but it fell and shattered on the marble floor into million pieces when I saw the woman in Cyrus's shirt. His SHIRT!. My heart lurched sickeningly and I look away quickly from her. I was trembling violently as I rose to my feet, the tears that has been threatening to flow now suddenly trail down my cheek. I was shocked beyond anything comparable and I felt so stupid, so miserable that I thought I would pass out but luckily, surprisingly I didn't. I only rose to my feet, crying like crazy, I ran blindly out of the dinning room and towards nowhere.
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