Episode 2

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Ellie, the maid lead Evie and i to a massive comfy room. It has a sitting room of it's own and two rooms. One for me and the other for Evie. " I will help you unpack Ma'am " I heard Ellie says and i nodded in response. I Left both of them Alone in the doorway while I wander around my new abode. I walk slowly into the living room and nodded in acknowledgement. Two comfortable brown settee and a centre table was set in the living room. It was very beautiful and i would have been very Happy about it assuming i wasn't in deep sorrow. I made my way to the window, to peer out. i could look across the garden to the back of the house from where i stood. There my gaze caught two Ladies glaring at each other, they seem to be having a conversation. One wore a flowing White dress while the other wore a faded Jean and a white top. I wasn't the type who eavesdrop on any conversation but my curiosity won't leave me be so i applied my acute hearing to overheard the ladies conversation. " Well we should stop arguing about it then if you won't listen " The one in flowing gown says. " He will never allow you out of this vicinity. We all know how strict our Alpha is " My breath caught in my throat when i realized they were having a conversation about Cyrus. I stilled myself to hear their words clearer. " I know but ... If i can speak to him, I'm sure he will listen. " I Heard the other one in Jean retorted " I prayed he opens the gate and let me go " As i stood still in my new living room staring out and eavesdropping on the two Ladies , my cellphone buzz from my hip Pocket. Hastily i pulled it out and answered the call in Haste without checking who the caller might be. " Hello Ava " Devan voice boomed out from the other end. My heart dropped into my stomach and i stiffened. " You thought i would give up on you now that you ran into sky pack for help? " I heard him laughed harshly from the other end before he continues " Remember you can't run away from me Ava... Never " He said firmly before disconnecting. I heaved a shaky sigh and my shoulder sagged with frustration. Suddenly i shuddered when i felt the presence of Liam behind me. I whirled around to see the beta of sky pack behind me. My breath came out shakily , feeling scared and insecure under his dark intensed stare i lowered my eyelids. We didn't speak for some seconds until finally he speaks out. " Alpha Cyrus would like to have a word with you " Cyrus? Me?. I gritted my teeth again before nodding politely. " Yes, sure " I replied. Liam walk out of the room and towards the hallway. He took a turn and walk into a Large room used as an office. A comfy couches was at the centre. A desk with piled of neatly packed files stood at the farther with a wooden chair besides it. I saw my dad seated on the couch staring at Cyrus who leaned against the wall gingerly. He wore a long baggy trouser with a tight, fitting top that shows off his massive chest. I gulped down nervously when i saw his eyes darted towards me. I lowered my eyelids at once and i sighed. He look More stunning than ever. " Take a seat " I Heard Cyrus Said gently to me after some seconds, my heartbeat began to race that i thought i would die of Shock. I did as he said, i sat besides my dad but my eyes were still on the fine marble floor. " Now tell me about this man , Devan " I knew he was speaking to me and i knew i would have to answer him whether i like it or not. After all i am the one who needed his help, his strength, his care and his wolf. " No matter the difficulty you find yourself in, never forget you are the only one Quilt pack look upon. You are stronger that you would ever know Ava... You can do it! " My dead mother's words crossed my mind and i bite my lower lips. Act matured Ava, this isn't eight years ago anymore. The voice in my head told me harshly. Slowly i raised up my head to face Cyrus squarely. His nearness was unsettling, and i wished that he'd forget about being the polite host. " He uh... He met me two months ago when he came to Quilt pack for a ceremony. He uh... " i stuttered stupidly since I could not ignore the musky masculine scent of Cyrus's cologne, not when it teases my senses. Nor could i ignore the way my body seemed to be reacting to him. " That's enough " He cut in, probably because he noticed my uneasiness. He turned to Liam and again with a clenched jaw, i realized he never joke with his men when anyone's safety is concerned " Get some able men ready, they will accompany father back to Quilt pack tomorrow morning. Father follow me, i will show you to your room " Seconds later I heard the sound of the door open and closes, indicating my dad and Cyrus has Left. He never once address me properly which leaves a bad taste in my mouth. " I believe you know your way back to your room... Right? " Liam voice came out invading my thoughts. I turn towards him and nodded absently. " Good " He only mutters before walking out, leaving me alone in the massive office of Alpha Cyrus. I blinked back tears once again as i stood up from the couch i sat on. No doubts, Liam have heard the story about Cyrus and i. I could feel his gaze accusing me, sending me a warning. I wish he'd know i am innocent, that i am Oblivion on what had happened that night. Now i started to feel regretful about coming here at all. I walked out of the office ,to my room actually, when i realized all the rooms seems the same. To say I'm frustrated would be an understatement. " You are Ava... Right? " I heard a small voice behind me. I turned around to take in a woman's presence. She was a lot taller , slender woman in a tacky, tight fitting Short dress. Okay, she was beautiful and would have been more, if she hadn't try too much with the heavy make up all over her face. " I am " i replied watching the smirk that has suddenly formed at the corner of her mouth. She seem to be familiar with me and i wasn't surprised. The event of how i have broken my mate's heart was well known. I wouldn't be shock if she gave me a cold stare just as Liam did. I deserved it and more. One has to pay the price if you manage to turn a good, innocent man into a monster... Right? " Why are you back? To make him fall for you all over again? " The woman asked harshly. I would have laughed right at her face if i wasn't tired already. The night is drawing near and the howling from the werewolves won't let me be. I smile brightly at her face and turn to walk away but she caught my wrist, which actually surprised me, and pull me back roughly. I was suddenly out of breath and i felt my wolf threatening to emerge. I gritted my teeth to keep it in as i snatched away my hand from the vicious Lady. Now I'm mad. " Get your hands away from me, you think i will be here if i have any ill intention? " " Oh really? " The lady retorted " Good! Now let's get something straight. Alpha Cyrus is mine and you will not come between us " She emphasized on the last word and i saw the sparkle in her eyes. She meant every words. I stare at her for a while, unable to speak or move. She glare at me before walking away leaving me alone with more sorrow and fear. Who is she? The question hanged up in my troubled mind. Who is this lady and why was she so hell bent in keeping me away from Cyrus?. Well, without being said i knew i am an unwelcomed guest in sky pack. I continue on my way, in hope that i will be lucky enough to meet Evie or Ellie on the way but i was unlucky... Why? Because i collided with the man i was actually running away from. Alpha Cyrus.
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