Episode 1

1892 Words
Ava's Pov The weather was perfect if you like hot and hotter. It was noon Saturday, and by my own standard this seems to constitute desperation. It was May ,and the season of the year between Winter and summer. Spring is here already and i was angry and scared. Just as the mood that represents the current season. Angry that Devan won't let me off and scared that i will be in the presence of Cyrus after eight years. I could feel the hair from my pores standing at the end. It had been a long, exhausting weeks with a whole bunch of terrifying moments, starting with the incident at Quilt pack. Yes, Quilt pack is my home and my father, Aries is the Alpha. I have been receiving death threats from Alpha Devan , the cruel leader of Shallow pack. He has been to Quilt pack for some ceremony and according to him, he had fallen in love with me so he asked me to be his Luna which obviously i have refused. Apparently my refusal has annoyed Devan so much that he sent a message to me. " I am coming for you Ava, i will destroy your pack and make you my s*x slave " My dad who was weak and wane already can't protect me nor his beta who already has much on his plate concerning the situation in the pack. In other words, Quilt pack is the weakest of the twelves packs. We all knew Alpha Devan meant all his words so my father has suggested that i should go to sky pack, to Cyrus for protection. Till we are all Sure Alpha Devan isn't a threat anymore. Evie, my hand maid smile at me encouragingly and i smile at her dryly in return. She must have noticed my aloof mood as she sat beside me in the car. She is a slender beautiful woman with golden long hair and brown eyes. We are on our way to sky pack. Yes! Sky pack. I couldn't believe fate would be so unkind to me that it would put me in a corner as tight as this one. I wind down the glass window of the car and sighed softly. My dad was in the car behind mine ,on our way to meet Alpha Cyrus. Alpha. The last Time i saw Cyrus he wasn't the alpha of sky pack then. Well, now he is and I'm on my way to meet him, to plead with him to rescue me from this formidable Devan who has been lurking in my shadow for about a few weeks now. I would have preferred we ran to another pack for help but no, my Dad and i knew Cyrus was the only one who would keep me safe. A man who is the most feared Alpha of all the twelve packs. A man whom i loved with all my heart, i still do. I shut my eyes against the painful memories and sighed again softly. The expression on his face eight years ago when he caught me in bed with his brother, Ralph clouded my thought and i gulped down nervously. He would never forgive me, i know. I wouldn't beg for his forgiveness too because i knew i was at fault, i was too stupid to have fallen victim of Ralph's Acts. When Cyrus has caught me with his brother, he never listen to my explanation. Never have i seen him so angry and murderous as he was that night. " I swear to you Cyrus i didn't know what happened " That was my only feeble defense. My only explanation but he never listen. Truly i didn't know how or what Happened. I recalled i have visited Cyrus just as always one wet night, the massive gate was open for me by Ralph , Cyrus younger brother. " Cyrus is in the training room, here have some tea and relax. I will go ahead and call upon him for you " That was the only words i have heard from Ralph that night. I remembered receiving the cup of tea from him and .... The Next thing i saw was Cyrus staring at me in... " We are here! " I heard Evie said in a singsong voice dragging me back to reality. I realized the massive gate of sky pack has been opened for us, the gate that only opens for a good tangible reason. My heart caught up in my throat at once when the car ease into sky pack. The richest and most peaceful pack there is. The wind splashed across my face wickedly and i lowered my eyelids. The man who have been driving , sorry i didn't know his name, alighted and turned around to open the car door for me. I stepped out reluctantly to stare around the vicinity. My Green eyes caught the sight of happy children playing around. My acute hearing overheard the laughter from the people and instinctively, i smiled. The man who has opened the car door for me now was busy carrying down my luggages from the car bonnet. I turned towards the second car, just in time to see my father alighting. He wore a long pants trouser and a black shirt. His grey hair was combed back neatly and he was smiling. I c****d up an eyebrow in confusion, i turned to the direction he was staring at. There a man was walking towards us. He look quite murderous and angry, his face seem as though it was carved out of stone. He drew closer and i heard Evie gasped softly. I would have gasped as well if i haven't been practicing my etiquettes. This man right here is breathtakingly handsome. " Liam " I heard my father says while smiling happily. The man he had called Liam nodded stiffly before bowing slightly before my dad. They both seem to know each other. " Ava, This is Liam. He is the beta of sky pack and Alpha Lure's son " My heart dropped right into my stomach as soon as i heard my father's words. Liam? Oh! No wonder they knew each other, i failed to attend Cyrus Coronation day. The day he become an alpha and the day Liam has been appointed as his beta, that was seven years ago but my dad has attended. Sir Waylen, Cyrus father's death has been a shock to everyone including my dad who has been his best friend. My dad has rushed at once to console Cyrus about the demise of his father and i would have tag along if i wasn't so sure Cyrus won't grant me an audience. Seems long but the feelings and memories are still fresh in my sad heart. I willed myself to look up at the man's face and i shuddered violently when i saw the death look he offered me... Or was he that way?. " I'm Ava " I heard myself says with a fake smile and he nodded. " Liam " He answered with a wrinkle of his nose. He darted his brown chocolate eyes away from me and faced my dad " Alpha Cyrus has been waiting for you. Please follow me " I blinked rapidly when i heard his words. Cyrus has been awaiting us?. Liam didn't wait for any response , he turned and lead the way. His broad shoulders make me look away as he walk away into a Large building. Liam leads the way through the narrow hallway where a maid quickly ran to us. He stopped suddenly and turn towards Evie with his nose still wrinkled as though he was perceiving an unpleasant scent. " Follow this fine lady with your luggages, she will show you your room " He said dryly still staring at Evie. No one speak for some seconds until my dad nudge me from behind. " Won't you follow the beta's instructions? " My dad whispers from behind me and i jerked back to reality. Oh was he speaking to me? I asked myself in awe. I turned to Evie and back to Liam who was still busy staring hard at my hand maid. Suddenly, the scent of Flowers combined with scent of blood clouded my thought. I gritted my teeth to steady myself when i perceive this familiar scent. The scent of my mate, the scent of the man i have loved and still do, the scent of Alpha Cyrus. I reluctantly raised up my head only for me to see a silhouette of a man at the end of the hall. He is the one, I'm sure of it. The man at the end of the hall started walking towards us until finally we could make out his face. Immediately i regretted ever retuning to sky pack at that moment. He drew nearer and i would have swore this is my First time in witnessing such beauty and elegancy. Handsome in an understated way, his basalt jaw and Spartan broad shoulders spoke of the strength he possessed. His hair was a casual jumble but it was at the same time neat and flowing.I realized he possessed a latent, leonine power and that he was walking with purpose and authority. His crescent of moon eyebrows were thin and narrow, his was Mariner blue eyes and i saw it gleam with an unread expression and also vigour of youth. I yelped at his presence and to my surprise he smiled brightly. At once my worries vanished to the wind. I was about to broke into a smile when Disappointedly i saw his eyes actually on my father. " Father " He called out in delight. His voice was deep and mellifluous to my hearing while the swirl of his loamy cologne had me swooning in thought. He dashed towards my dad for a tight hug and i look away guiltly. Who was i kidding? That Cyrus would hug me after all i have done to him?. " Look at you... All grown up " I heard my father said to Cyrus as he pulled back from his embrace. Cyrus usually address my dad as " Father ". He never changes it even though he actually has changed. " Let's go in father " Cyrus says in a deep mesmerizing voice. He turned to Liam and clenched his teeth " Get them settled down and come at once, i need you " He instructed coldly before walk away without casting me any glance. Them? As in i and my maid? I sniffed back tears of regret and sighed softly. No doubt, he never forgives me after this many years. " Show them their room Ellie " Liam whispers to the maid who had kept mute the entire time. He walk slowly towards me and i frown in confusion, i stepped backward in somewhat fear " Steer clear of the Alpha, i won't let you hurt him again " He whispers into my ear before walking away. I gulped down nervously as i watched Beta Liam retreating back after he sent me a warning. I sighed roughly as tears of regret and fear threaten to trailed out. There and then i knew i am not welcome in sky pack ... not at all.
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