Alpha Xavier

1744 Words
I sat in the back of an SUV flipping throw papers Alpha Dax had given me about his uncles gambling debts, it turns out he owed to one bank, based out of central Florida, one commonly used by shifters since the SA created it allowed for large sum of money to be load out for pack house renovations and support money for new packs, Human banks wouldn’t understand the reasoning behind it. But for some reason Dax’s Uncle was able to withdraw four large loans for packhouse repairs within a six year period which made no sense, this should have been flagged by the WG and thoroughly investigated but it was not. I furrowed my brow as I flipped through all of Dax’s uncle’s receipts for lavish hotels and plane tickets if my theory was right, these were locations of possible slave trades and fight clubs. A buzzing in my pocket pulled me from my thoughts. I pulled my phone out and saw it was My beta, William. “Hello?” “Alpha, we got a lead of another big fight happening in Tampa Florida tomorrow night” he said before continuing “we believe a lot of big players will be there”. “Ok, set up the hotels and transport ill head towards the airport now, I want 20 of our best warriors and request assistance from the bear clan in Florida” I said before hanging up. “Head towards the airport” I told my driver as I reached into another pocket pulling out a small bottle of perfume. The driver began heading south to a privately own airfield. I stared at the perfume as I pondered if my mate would be there. I recalled a month before we helped the blue moon pack the first mission we had to bust the shifter fights but unfortunately the information we had was wrong and we showed up to early , it had also been the first time I had smelled my mate, it was very faint it was hard to make out over the scent of citrus perfume but I manage to get a whiff of mint and lavender it was so wolf was pacing in my mind recalling the night. We didn’t see her, but we saw the car speed away that she was in, it took everything in me to stick to the plan and not chase after her. My wolf has not been the same since, he is worried she might be someone’s slave forced to fight or worse, it has caused quite a lack of sleep over the past few months. I pray to the moon goddess she is safe and will be there tomorrow night so I can rescue her and take her away from such a horrid life. About an hour later we pulled up to a tar Mack and I was greeted by my beta and 12 of our warriors. “Alpha” they all said in unison bowing. I nodded and turned to William my beta. “And the others?” “Aye, the other eight are flying out later tonight they are helping Vic secure the pack before they fly down south. The bear shifters will meet us at the hotel” Will said. We boarded the plane as we left Georgia and headed down to Florida, it was a quick flight and one we landed three black SUV’s Pulled up I looked at will. “We need more discreet cars this screams SA, find me a nice sport car for tomorrow night, a few cars for 5 of our warriors and Utility vans for A/C companies to transport everyone else.” I got into one of the SUV’s  “Aye Alpha” William said as he entered in the passenger seat and started calling around making sure to fulfil my request. The drive from the airport to the hotel was quick William did good with selection we had a view of the how city from the rooms we had, he had of course rented me one of the penthouses and spread out everyone through the floors. Later in the evening the bear shifters showed up Along with the rest of my warriors and everyone gathered in my room. “Ok the plan is as follows, me, Rick, fallen, Kent, Liz, and Trent will go and get tickets for the fight, in the packets William made is the exact instructions on how to get them, don’t f**k it up or you will alert them. We need to blend in with this scum remember that. The rest of you will be waiting outside in Utility vans waiting for my Signal, William will lead Scott and Randal to secure all the exits except one when the fights start, Quinten leader of the bear Shifters will guild everyone towards the other warriors where they will tranquilize everyone they see, we do not want any casualties so unless necessary do not kill anyone. Also, as soon as this starts The SA will come swarm Downtown Ybor to apprehend everyone and transport them to a remote location. Are there any questions?” I said looking around to the room of warriors. No one said a word but nodded and bowed before leaving. I laid in Bed as My wolf Levi became anxious. ~what’s wrong? ~ I ask ~I Have a feeling we will see our mate tomorrow~ Levi said as he tried to imagine what she might look like. ~remember the plan comes first, we will save our mate, but we must make sure we do it safely~ I said, and Levi grunted in return. The next day was filled it fine tuning our plan and making sure everyone was fully prepared and equipped with everything they might need. I took a quick shower preparing for the night, hoping out I tossed on some black trousers and a black button up. I slicked my dark hair back and sprayed a light mist of cologne on. I grabbed my blazer and put it on over the button up and began with my jewelry first the watch then a few rings handed down to me from my father. A knock on the door let me know it was time. I drove the car William rented to the from of the club I could smell all types of shifters around me even the valet was a shifter. I bypassed a line of people waiting to get in As I let my alpha scent overpower me for a second, a lot of the wolves bowed in submission and the bouncer eyed me, he was an older wolf who looked like he was ready for a fight.  He nodded and opened the door allowing me to pass. I surveilled the area ad saw people dancing lounging about, the music was loud with a deep bass no doubt to drowned out the sound of the fights. Walking towards the bar I noticed one of my warriors talking to the women hitting on her, very poorly I might add. Shaking my head, I looked at the bar tender “I take a bloody bourbon on ice” that was the code to buy a ticket, I only hope the information I was given was still current. The bartender eyed me then nodded “Right away alpha” With in seconds the bartender set my drink on top of a napkin “I’m sure you know the price” he said eyeing me. I pulled out a roll of five grand and slid it across the bar. “Keep the change” I said as I grabbed the drink and the napkin heading over to a booth in the back. I unfolded the napkin and saw the ticket that would gain me access to the back the only thing to do now is wait until I was invited. I sat in the booth holding a glass of aged bourbon as I surveilled the area, I could see the five pack members were all here some had glasses of bourbon in their hand while the others were on the dance floor. I took a sip as I stared at the receipt, after our last attempt of trying to surround them on all ends, we found they were smart enough to have hidden ways out, we will not make the same mistake twice. I looked around scanning for possible signs of danger but also scanning for something else. I told myself not to get distracted like last time, to focus on the mission. A scent of citrus hit my nose and I knew she was here; the scent did indeed nullify her own scent but there was no hiding the undertones of fresh mint and Lavender it made my wolf stir. I looked out in the crowed and saw the most beautiful she wolfs dancing with a group of people. Her long black hair swayed with her movement and the long-sleeved short black dress she wore clung to her slender frame. I had caught a glimpse of her emerald, green eyes. ~she would not escape from us this time. ~ My wolf grunted in agreement. Looking closer I noticed no type of restraints on her like the others we had freed from the slavers, does this mean she’s not one of their captors and is one of the bad guys? It is going to be a shame we will have to arrest her for her crimes but maybe we can plead with the council since she is out mate. A tap on my shoulders drew my attention to a frail looking boy who was dressed as a waiter. His scent let me know he was a wolf, “Alpha” he said bowing. “Your table is ready if you would follow me”. His voice trembled slightly as he stared at the floor. I got off the barstool I had been sitting on and allowed him to lead me to the back of the club. He pulled back a curtain and I saw a bear shifter dressed all in black waiting at the top of a flight of stairs. He eyed me up before speaking. “Ticket”. His arms were crossed over his chest. I casually pull a ticket from my suit pocket and hold it up. He grunts then step aside as I ascend the stairs to the fighting ring.
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