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It’s been four years of hard work, Tom has been with me every step of the way training me to not only survive but win my matches, I have become the undefeated champion in the women’s division of the shifter fights, me and tom decided a year ago to shift to fighting male shifters, and I have won every single fight so far, we were able to pay off Thad even with his 13% interest. He was thoroughly pleased when tom handed a wad of cash last year paying off his debt and a little more for his good faith as tom put it.  Thad had since disappeared from toms’ radar After the s*x trade had mysteriously been busted by the SA/WG. Someone had given them an anonymous tip on all the locations and major players involved in it. But even in hiding Thad has all but taken over as the Leader of the slavers. I had learned a lot from tom over the past year about shifters, I had no idea there was a whole government in place. The WG of course is the Wolf government, but the SA is the Shifter alliance which is like the CIA equivalent to the supernatural world. Apparently, Tom knows a lot of heavy hitters in the WG and SA, though many people in the Underground fight club do not know that. Tom always has a new burner phone ready to go so he cannot be tracked, and it was true when he contacted the SA after finding out the last location of the hideouts, they did not know whom had given them such precious information nor did tom want them to know incase they had spies in the organization. “Hey, we have more than enough money saved, you no longer need to fight.” Tom said as he flipped through tv channels. It was true we had a large nest egg saved up from my fights we have even been able to renovate the whole warehouse to be homier. “I know, I’ll probably only fight when I need to, but I think it’s still a good idea if we go to the fights, we still don’t know where Thad went into hiding and maybe we can find a way to lure him out. “I said sitting down next to tom handing him a bowl of popcorn. He smiled at me taking a hand full “the WG AND SA are starting to catch wind of the fights we might have to lay low after what happened last month, everyone’s on edge.” Tom said as he found a movie. I thought back to the last time we were at a fight, I was set to fight a bear shifter name the bone splitter, but the SA/WG busted in before the fights even started like idiots, they must have had bad information because half of the fighter/slave owners weren’t even there yet me and tom were just pulling around the corner to downtown Jacksonville when we saw the ruckus and black SUV. We could immediately smell them on the wind, Tom looked just confused as I was. He began to make a U-turn and I smelled the most wonderful scent lingering through my open car window. It was like fresh rain and cedar wood. My wolf Silvey stirred in my mind yelling mate, as hard as I tried to find who the scent from coming from it was dark and Tom drove away before I could pinpoint which man it was coming from.   I was pulled from my thoughts as tom poked my forehead. “What are you thinking about with such a serious face?” he looked a little concerned. “My mate” I admitted, I tried not to hide to many things from tom. When we had gotten home that night, I had told him what had happen and how Silvey had called out mate, it was a familiar word, but I hadn’t quite known exactly what it meant. Tom told me each Wolf shifter was blessed by the Moon goddess with a mate, a live long partner that will love them unconditionally no matter what, or so it is supposed to be. Tom never sugar coated anything with me. He told me Mate bonds could be broke and sometimes mates are just as cruel as they are loving. My wolf spirit had found her mate, though she didn’t know who he was she now had hope he was close. “What about your mate?” he said turning down the volume on the tv. I sighed before answering, “I know its best that I wait until we make sure Thad is locked up for good and the fights are stopped, but my wolf has been so silent since I told her we aren’t going after our mate. Also, she now whimpers thinking of how he never came for us.” I felt a tiny twinge of pain in my chest, normally nothing can stop two wolves from coming together once they have each other scents. “Alyssa, it will be hard, but Silvey will surface soon, you need to communicate with her more, but remember the night we went to the fight you were wearing that citrus perfume we got at the farmers market. A pungent smell like that can cover up your scent making it difficult to track.” He was trying to reassure me. “I know I don’t need a distraction of a mate but until I have Silvey back fighting will be difficult so I think your right about not fighting right now, but we should still go spectate and bet on the fight for this upcoming Saturday, its only about 50 minutes away in Ybor from us so at least we won’t need a hotel” I said gabbing a fist full of popcorn. “We will have to be cautious but ill contact Phil let him know we are coming so he can save us a seat” Tom said turning the volume back up There were some descent people like tom involved in the underground fight club, Phil being one. He went rouge after he lost his mate and found his way to Florida from Montana. Him and tom have known each other for a while, he’s the bartender at a club in Ybor that host shifter fights in the hidden underside of the club. He has bought a few fighters from slavers who were about to kill them and or sell them as s*x slave and he has them working in the club as waiters/waitresses. He doesn’t like the slavers any more than tom does. As it got later, I excused myself and went to my room, I had not paid attention to the movie Tom had picked out. I plopped on my bed and stared at the ceiling. ~Silvey are you there~ I tried calling to her in my mind but got no response. I could feel her presence, but she hadn’t spoke to me in weeks. ~Listen Silvey, If I’m being honest, I don’t know if I want a mate, we know nothing about this person …. But I will make you a promise if you make me one~ I paused as I felt Silvey stir in my mind I knew I had gotten her full attention. So, I continued ~After we take down this Fighting slave trade, I promise we will go look for our mate, but I need you with me until then, I can’t do this alone we need each other ~ I felt my heart race as Silvey made my energy spike. ~YES!!!!!!!!~ she shouted in my head ~I will never abandon you again if you keep this promise! ~ she was running laps in my mind excited. I chuckled. ~I promise, just give me half a year and then we will look~ she halted when I said half a year. ~That’s too long~ she whined calming down. ~It may not take half a year the fast we find Thad the faster we can look for our mate~ I said making her perk up again. ~then let’s start searching now, ill rip his throat out to find our mate~ she said with a low growl. I smiled my wolf spirit was a newer one a lot of the time old spirits get past to shifters from the moon goddess, but I happen to be one of the few who gets a newer spirit. I drifted off to sleep easy, I was at peace now that I had Silvey back talking to me again, I wasn’t as excited about finding our mate as she was. With my luck id end up with a cruel mate, for all I know my mate could have been one of the Slaver the SA managed to capture, but the thought of not know is what was killing me, I needed to know whether my soul mate was evil like so many of the people I have had to deal with… or if he was good, like tom. The next few days went by fast as Tom was able to get us two tickets the fights from Phil and he was able to get some new information on Thad, apparently, he was in town on business and might make a trip to the fights. This was going to be our shot at taking down Thad, me and tom had planned it all out. If he showed up, we would weasel our way into sitting area and it would be my job to convince him to take me back to his hotel with him for some “fun” I shuttered as did tom when we went over this part of the plan, once there Id subdue him as Tom took out his guards and we would hand him over to the SA along with the information we have been gathering for the past few years
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