
1999 Words

Me and Tom had arrived at the club at nine, after talking to the bartender tom headed downstairs while I stayed back, since the fights were being set up there was no point in me heading down just yet. I went to the dance floor needing to blow off some of the nerves I was feeling for tonight’s events. About an hour past and Silvey perked up, His scent lingering toward me and that’s when I saw him Tall dark and handsome, it took everything in me to stay on the dance floor pretending not to notice him, I had a mission I needed to stick to. But it was hard not to notice, it looked like he stood at 6,3 with broad shoulders, the stubble on his chin matches his thick black hair. His eyes were so piercing a shade of blue I had never seen before. Silvey was purring ready to take over and walk to h

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