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We sat in the back of the SUV. I was in too much pain to really want to talk to anyone. Ivy and Eva kept glancing at me, their wounds had already healed, and they were wondering why I was still bleeding. "Tay?" asked Ivy. "I'm fine." I winced softly. If I were a normal wolf, I would be able to heal quickly, but thanks to the lab. I healed faster than a human but slower than a werewolf, and I haven't changed into my wolf for more then five years now. "Stop the car!" Eva called. They did. Quickly, or as least as fast as I could. I jumped out and puked up blood. "Hey, are you okay?" asked David. He asked, quickly touching me along my ribs. I winced and he touched right where it hurt." She has bruised ribs, Walker!" "What the hell happened, before we got there?" David, closed his eyes in regret. Walker caught on, and wasn't happy. "Look, I'm fine, I just can't sit, I have to lay down." Walker looked at me but nodded. "Logan, you're a little more adapted to keeping vitals. Don't tell my wife. You can watch over her in the back." "That's not necessary..." Walker just kept walking, as David opened the back, and waited for me to get in. I climbed in and laid down, then Logan climbed in after me and sat down next to me. David closed the door and the vehicle was quiet. I could only imagine Ivy smiling from ear to ear. I could see Logan through the darkness. He looked worse from the last time I saw him. More tired. He actually had dark shadows under his eyes. He also looked thinner than I remember him. His eyes seemed full of despair. I looked away before he caught me looking. "Tayla Nelson," he said in a soft voice. I almost missed it. "Huh?" I said, looking up at him again. "That's your full name Tayla Nelson, born February 19, 1995." "That's right, how do you know all that?" "Like your friend, I'm also good at computers." I looked at him for a bit, remembering how he said he made money for the packs. "Are you an Alpha?" I asked. He snickered, meaning no. I couldn't help noticing how cold he was, he was smiling and snickering, but it was all emotionless. Did I do that to him? Suddenly, we drove over a bump and I winced. "Are you even a wolf?" he asked me. I glared up at him, but like him, I didn't answer. "No. I'm not an alpha, and I don't wish to be either." he was answering my question. So I had to answer his. "Yes, I am, but thanks to a little trip to a lab, they played with something and now I'm a retarded werewolf." "A lab, there's nothing in this world that can cure or affect the wolf." "I was in the lab for about six months, they shot me up with so many drugs and crap, my wolf is nothing more than a whisper." "She can't change either," Ivy added. "Ivy!" I said, but winced. "That's impossible." I heard Walker say. "You can keep saying that but it's happening to me, and the girls can bare witness that I haven't gone through the change in over five years." I glanced at Logan one last time, then just laid back and closed my eyes. Logan was watching me closely, I could feel his eyes burning into me, but I just pretended to sleep as we drove further north, I was guessing. The air started to smell clearer, more woodsy, I could smell a lake too. Then, all too soon, we stopped. Everyone started to get out of the SUV, but then a whole gang of men came out of nowhere. The girls all jumped back into the SUV, locking the door. "That's why you didn't take any of us!" I heard one of them say to David. Who was coming to the back, and opened the door. "Move you guys, Maia needs to get through!" they did and another very pretty woman came into view. She had long dark brown hair, which was tied back in a pony tail, light brown skin, and light brown eyes. "Logan, what's wrong with her?" she asked, moving forward. " Bruised ribs, a broken nose, and the rest she can tell you later." Logan got out and walked away. Maia rolled her eyes and came over to check me. I winced when she touched my ribs. Then she stood up, putting her hands on her hips. Taking me in as I lay there, then David moved forward, offering his hand, which I took and carefully sat up. "Are you a wolf?" "It's a long story," I finally answered. She then had David help me up onto my feet and out of the back. Then up to a room. Where she helped me out of my shirt, and wrapped my middle with bands. She started to look at my other cuts and stuff. "What's all this...from fights?" "skin grafts." I simply said. She looked around at me. Not seeing where the hell they would've put the skin, she didn't ask anything more. But helped me back into my shirt and helped me back down the stairs. I looked around. The place was a mansion but with a different feeling to it. This was a home. It was warm and welcoming. There were family pictures on the walls, pack pictures too. "I'll let the guys know you're okay, then show you to your room." I turned to look at her. "You mean you're not taking me to my room?" "No, the guys know more about this than I do, they'll know what to do." "Wait?" I said as she turned to leave," you're Walker's mate and Luna of the pack, right?" "Yes, why?" she asked, now giving me a suspicious look. I was now confused. I'd always heard the Alpha mates to be great hosts and care givers to new or guest wolves. So far, I've seen Walker doing all of that. After a while, I just shook my head, and she walked away. I followed her but still taking in the decorations and pictures. When I heard footsteps coming toward me, "There you are." I heard David say, as I looked at a picture of Walker, Logan, and another man. "Their father," said David. As I looked, I noticed it. Both men had some features from their father, but my guess they took more after their mother. That's when I noticed the other differences: skin tone, hair color, and eye color. "Different mother?" I asked David, nodded. I looked back at the picture for a moment more, then turned to look at David. "Maia, asked me to show you to your room." "Thank you." I said and followed him when he headed back the way I had come. After a short walk, we arrived. He opened my door and let me walk in. It was a nice sized room, with its own half bathroom. A small couch and closet. A queen-sized bed with clean sheets. David then pulled some sweats out and put them on the bed. "If you want to change, showers are around the corner. Sorry we have to share them." "Where are the girls?" I asked. "They're downstairs. Geeky as it sounds, it's game night here at the house. Walker has a whole system down stairs." Surprises never seized, I guess. I had to chuckle at how normal that actually sounded. "Would you like me to take you to get something to eat?" he asked and I was about to say no, but my stomach growled. "Sure." He carefully helped me maneuver the stairs, at some point, I slipped and he caught me. That was the most painful thing I've felt. "I'm sorry.Are you okay?" "I'm fine." I whispered and he sat, me on a chair. "David, que paso?" "Nada Ruth." I looked around at an older woman, she was cooking along with an older gentleman. They both looked concerned. I just shook my head. "Esto es nada no se preocupe." I said. My mom had been latina and my father was white but also spoke spanish, and they both taught me and my brother to speak it properly. It had been a while though. David looked at me impressed. The lady then came over to me and looked me over. "Did some pendejo hit you, ay nina?" I looked at David who was fighting not to laugh. "Si, un pendejo." I said, which had him chuckling. Ruth was her name. looked me over then went to grab something. A pack of ice and a bowl of chicken broth. With vegetables and chicken pieces. This caught me so off guard. I fought the urge to cry. As I ate the broth, my mom's face came back to my mind. "Ay nina. That's too hard to eat, let me..." "No, no. It's not that. I like it. Thank you." I said, wiping my stray tears and finished eating. After I was done, I noticed David had left and everyone else was now coming in to eat. The girls looked comfortable with the guys. They were laughing and joking with them. When they spotted me, they changed. Then carefully walked over to me. "Sorry, they were playing old games...." "How are you feeling?" Eva interrupted Ivy, who stopped talking. "Better now that I had something to eat. Now I need to lie down, I'm still hurting a little." "We'll take you!" said Ivy, and they both helped me up the stairs. It was quiet for a while, once we got a bit away. Eva spoke. "We're sorry, Tay, we got a little distracted..." "Yeah, these guys aren't so bad..." I turned to look at them, they went quiet. "We're not here to stay. Remember they need our help with something. Once that's done, we go back to our own thing." Eva nodded but Ivy didn't seem so sure. "What if we don't want to go back to how things were?" Ivy mumbled, but it was audible enough for me to hear. "Ivy!" "We've had this talk before, Ivy, they won't give us a place in their pack, we'll be expected to be the dutiful wives and mates, to stay behind and hide." "What's so wrong about being protected, Tay!?" she finally blurted out," for once I would love to be protected, then be the protector, for once someone to care about me instead of me having to worry about someone else!" I looked at her, as did Eva. Shaking her head, Ivy walked away back down stairs. Eva and I stood there in silence. "You feel the same, don't you?" I asked her. She looked at me. "The biggest reason you didn't want us with a pack, was they wouldn't give us a chance, but Walker is. What if we found the right pack?" Little by little, the feeling of betrayal hit me. I was expecting this but not right out the gate. "I'm going to sleep." I said, turning to my room. "Tay, don't be mad at us for being comfortable." "I wonder how long that's going to last?" I said, not looking at Eva, and opening my door and going into my room. I closed the door behind me a little harder than I wanted but I was mad. (Logan's POV) The guys were really excited when they saw the women. Of course, they're the first female wolves they've seen. Females were a rare thing among our kind and they were protected as if they were a treasure. But if Tayla really felt they should be equal to us, then who were we to disagree with a lady's wishes? I had been heading down to dinner when I walked into this most informative talk. Once, Tayla walked into her room and Eva walked back downstairs. I walked to Walker's office. "I think I just figured a way in with the girls." Walker looked up at me.
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