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(Tayla's POV) The next few days, I saw how quickly the girls got comfortable with Walker's pack. Eva and Logan were talking tech babble and Ivy was sharing her background checking and such. Eva had been and still kinda was a computer tech for the government. Ivy had a police background. So, like Walker said, they had impressive backgrounds. Unlike me, a champion ice skater, I had been looking into becoming a famous chef. What I had to become was a leader, an investigator, and a protector. Along with all that, I have learned to read people better. I could tell people their state of mind. Like Walker, he was learning from past mistakes, more likely his father's, and was making sure he didn't repeat the same mistakes. Logan has deep daddy issues you wouldn't think, but he's a control freak, but also again learning from past mistakes, he tries not to go past a certain point. I kept my distance from everyone that first week, but I couldn't hide for so long. The next week was a full moon, and even if we didn't need it, the guys wanted us to join their hunt. Ivy and Eva dragged me with them. They did a whole thing of camping, tents, food and sleeping bags. This gave Maia and her little girl a chance to join us. A while ago, I noticed the little girl had two different eye colors, strange but unique at the same time. I heard from David that her mother was attacked by a wolf when she was pregnant. The woman died and Darcy was born. Walker heard and adopted the little girl. She was always keeping an eye on me, she'd come and sit next to me at the table or would help Ruth bring me food to the room, but never said anything, just stood and stared. "Can you hear her?" I heard one of the guys say as the giant orb arose from behind the mountain. They closed their eyes, as if feeling a breeze of fresh air. Ivy and Eva just looked around, but soon did the same. When Ivy looked at me, her wolf was looking right back at me. I looked up at the moon,as the warmest embrace and a sudden ache touched my heart. Like how I felt when I ate the chicken broth, my wolf missed being able to run, to give chase to her prey. "I know." I said softly, touching my hand to my heart. But as I did, the ache became bigger, and soon my lungs weren't pulling enough air. I fell to the ground, trying to catch my breath. Then I felt something trying to rip through my head. "Tay?!" Ivy came to check and soon Eva did too. "What's wrong!?" I heard someone say, but then I felt someone take my hand in theirs. I looked up. It was Walker, his wolf looking right at me. "Shhh, Tayla, just let her come, she needs to be freed." I knew what he wanted me to do, to let the change happen, but as much as I tried to relax, I felt like I was being ripped apart on the inside. Something trying to claw it's way out. I started to cough up blood, and scream in pain. "STOP!" I screamed at myself, and, like when it started, it ebbed to a stop. I was on the ground breathing heavily and shaking from head to toe. The silence was heavy, everyone stood speechless. "What the hell just happened?" asked one of the guys, as Maia and Ivy helped me stand up. Walker stood there not believing what he had just seen. Then he stood up and crossed his arms over his chest. "You weren't kidding when you said you couldn't undergo the change." "Why would I lie about something like that?" I said with a bit of a bite. "I've just never heard of anything like this. Maia, what do you think?" She gave me a look, but shrugged. "I wouldn't know for sure until I run some tests, if you permit me." I looked up at Maia and nodded. "If it will tell you what's wrong with me, sure." "Okay, but for now, let's get you away from the others." said Maia, helping Ivy get me away from the others, in a camp chair, and in front of the fire pit. I sat there looking into the fire, letting the warmth seattle my shaking body. "Does that hurt?" I heard a small voice ask. Looking to my left, Darcy stood next to me. "Yeah, a little, but I'll be fine." "Daddy always says that you should never give up on things." I looked at her and smiled. Which I now realized I hadn't done for a while. "Your Daddy is right, you fall you get up and try again." She gave a small smile, and soon came over with some marshmallows and graham crackers. We made smores and she told me how to make the perfect ones. I was just chewing on mine, when another truck came driving in, and it parked next to the rest of the trucks. "Uncle Logan!" Darcy called, running toward Logan, who picked her up, and she gave him a hug. "Hey, Darcy!" I heard and looked around, as a woman came out of the passenger side of the truck. She went over to Darcy and Logan. She was beautiful. Long black hair, she was all thin muscle, the kind you see on a pilates instructor, and medium height. So a little taller than me. They walked toward the fire pit and Darcy came to sit with me again. "Hey, Darcy, who's your new friend?" Darcy didn't say anything, and it seemed Logan wasn't going to move to say anything either. I looked at her, and noticed she wasn't wolf. I leaned over and put out my hand, which she just looked at. With the fakest smile on her face I'd seen on anyone. "I'm Tayla..." "Nice to meet you, I'm Brielle, Logan's girlfriend." she cut across me and hugged Logan. She was making it clear who she was, like a b***h pissing on something to mark her territory. "Nice to meet you, Darcy, let's go find Mom, she'll need help with dinner." I got up carefully, and took Darcy by the hand and led her to Maia who was tying a bag and pulling it up into a tree. I helped her with that. "Hey, what happened?" "Brielle is here," said Darcy with a frown. "She actually came?!" she asked and looked over to where we left them by the fire pit. Brielle had a bear trap grip on Logan's arm. "I don't like her." said Darcy, kicking a rock. "She's human." I said simply. Maia being the only other human partner I've seen. "Yeah, she's some kind of super model. Logan started to date a few years ago." My stomach twisted in discomfort, he had moved on so quickly. "If they've been together for so long, wouldn't she be considered his mate?" "No, it's not as simple as them sleeping together, he hasn't marked her as his, and she doesn't live within the pack." My eyebrows went up, that's what it took for a couple to be considered a couple. "Hey Maia, where's Walker?" Logan said right behind me. I just stood there not turning to look at him. "He's out with the others already." said Maia, a little annoyed, as she glanced at Brielle. "Don't worry, she's not staying, I'm going to catch up with the others." he said, walking in the direction the others had gone. "Huh," said Maia, she sounded surprised by something. "What's wrong?" I said, looking around, because her eyes were on me curiously. "I've known Logan for a while, and he's never brought Brielle out like this, and TMI, those two, barely if ever, leave a room." I looked at her. "So?" I asked, not really catching on to what she wanted to say. She just looked curiously after Logan, then back at me. "Logan hasn't really talked, visited, or shown any kind of interest in his brother or anyone for the past three years. Not after his little one-night stand." I tried not to flinch, as I looked up at her. "What happened?" I asked curiously, because I was interested in hearing what happened after that night or was I? "Walker believes that Logan found his mate that night, the two dumbies played games, and it came back to bite Logan in the ass. He hasn't heard from her and has no idea what she looks like either. It's affected him more than he's letting on. He used to work along side Walker, was easy going but cautious. I don't think he really let his guard down until he found her." What Ivy said that night was now echoing in my head. I had found my mate that night, and I walked away. After Logan, I've never been able to be with anyone else, or dared try to be with anyone else. "Ahhh, I'm not getting any service up here, but I'm headed out anyway. Tell Logan to call me Maia." "Will do." said Maia, as Brielle complained about cell service. She then turned to look at me. "Kayla, can you walk me to my car?" she asked, mispronouncing my name. We stared at each other for a while, then I followed her. Once, we were heading behind Logan's truck, I noticed the car. I hadn't heard it or hadn't paid attention. She suddenly stopped and turned to look at me, all niceness gone. "Okay, listen to me carefully b***h, Logan is mine! Got that and if you try to get between us, I will end you!" She was right in my face. I looked at her and fought the urge to laugh. She wouldn't be worried if the relationship was solid. From the looks of things, she was making the big moves here. "Don't worry, I'm not interested in him." "Please, I've seen how you look at him, drooling like some thirsty w***e!" I have to laugh now, this was pure jealousy. "Don't worry about me, you should be worried Logan doesn't get sick of your little act, and hopefully, you will find an actual way to keep him interested." "Oh, please spare me your little pep talk, I can keep my man happy just fine. So stay away from him!" "Yes, ma'am." I said with a little mock salute. She glared at me, and walked to her car. I walked back with Maia and Darcy. They both looked up at me as I arrived. "What happened?" asked Maia. "Lady put down the law, I'm to stay away from her man. You know same old same old." "Did she really?" "Yeah, hey am I always drooling when he's around?" "Not that I've seen. Why?" I shook my head and just chuckled. I helped Maia and Darcy with dinner, by the time everyone else got back. Everything was ready, the power of the change was still fresh on them, so I had to step away. I walked a ways and found myself looking out at a lake. Looking around, I realized how far I had walked, the sounds of laughter and talking were distant. The camp fire barely a glow, but it didn't bother me. I sat down by the bank and just listened to the crickets and little bugs of the night. My guard was down, and I wasn't expecting anyone to surprise me from behind. "What are you doing out here?" I heard and jumped up and was looking at Logan. "Nothing, just enjoying the night air. What are you doing?" Logan's eyes were still white, so I knew the change hadn't passed all the way yet. He walked over to me, and I realized he was completely naked. His sweat-covered skin was giving off heat. You could see the steam. I took a step back and stepped on a rock. The next thing I knew I was falling back, until I hit the water.
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