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Three Years Later (Tayla's POV) After our little spying escapade, we really buckled down. We made sure all the girls were moving in pairs. I didn't want them alone. The only one that was putting a full target on her back was me. Eva took Cassi with her and I would communicate through text with everyone. For a good two years they seemed to forget about us, but then the girls were reporting that strange guys were asking about them by name around work or just following them while out. Luckily, they were always able to run away. The guys were serious when they said they wanted all of us to stop. Then, suddenly, it got too quiet with my girls. For a while I thought they might've gone into hiding and just forgot to inform us, but when we started to look into things. We were told they had moved out of the apartment. Everything was gone in the places we had set them up to live in. Eva tracked their phones. They were off, she even turned them on via computer, but they were in different locations. I wanted to start panicking but I had to keep it together. Until it was just Eva, Ivy, Cassi, and me left. We stayed in a safe house, only going out at night. I hadn't dared go back to the bar after that night, but I was desperate. So one night, I informed the girls, and I headed to the bar. The place hadn't changed much. I looked around as I walked up to David, still wearing my mask, but....it wasn't David. "Hi darling, what can I get you?" he talked in a Texan accent, as I slid him a fifty on the counter. He gave me a suspicious look. "Information." I said. He nodded," what do you know about the girls that have disappeared?" The guy took the bill, then leaned in. "Rumor has it, the male packs weren't so happy. Those women were moving around in their truffs, so they're putting a stop to it." "How?" I pretended to be excited. "One of the Alpha's has them girls, in captivity. I have no idea where." "We can show you where." I heard right behind me. I turned and was face to face with David. I felt betrayed. "So you've been reporting me back to your Alpha." I simply said. "I'm sorry Lala, but I think you should come quietly." He took my arm and I let them lead me out. Once outside, I rammed into David and then the other one on my left and ran at full blast into the darkness. I ran all the way until I reached the place we were hiding at. It was an old apartment, on the bad side of the city. It was so run down you really had to look close to figure out someone was staying in there. I went through the back and I didn't find them in the kitchen. I ran in further, and froze. "Try anything and I'll blow her head off!" I heard and recognized Otis's voice. A group of wolves had the girls on the floor gagged and chained. Ivy's eye looked puffy, Eva had a busted lip, and poor Cassi was in tears on the floor. I heard footsteps behind me and I turned to face Otis. As he smiled smugly, his eyes ran over me. "The great female Alpha, well not so great, right!" he teased, touching my cheek. I pulled away. The smile was gone so fast, and replaced with full fury. His fist hit me so fast, I didn't have a chance to brace myself. I fell to the floor. "What the hell are you doing?" I heard David's voice coming in. "Teaching this b***h her place!" He kicked me once in the stomach, but just once. "Touch her again, I'll bust your f*****g leg!" I heard David say, shoving Otis away. "I'm an Alpha's son, how dare you touch me!" shouted Otis, sounding five. "You're lucky that's the only thing I did, take them to the SUVs", David said, helping me up to my feet. I was sure I had busted ribs and a broken nose. Once in the SUVs, I turned to look at the girls. They too looked worried. "Are you three okay?" They nodded as the men got in, and we drove off. The windows were so tinted, we couldn't see out, but we didn't move to do anything. The situation was serious if they found our safe house. There was no place we could hide now. After an hour of driving, we reached our destination. The SUV rolled to a stop, the door opened again. I was surprised to see Otis. " Father has a few words for you, take them with the others and take this one up to him." "Lala?" David was being polite, but the other wolves weren't being so nice as they pushed me out of the SUV. As I was led in one direction, I suddenly heard Cassi screaming in horror. I turned and they were forcing a fabric bag over her head. I quickly ran back and hugged the poor girl. "Hey. Hey!" I said firmly, looking into her eyes. She was shaking so badly but kept eye contact with me. "You promised me I'd be safe with you." she whimpered as tears ran down her face. "Now is not the time to have a melt down. I'm sorry you got dragged into this, none of us asked for it. We'll see what happens. Okay?" She nodded and I stepped back. They soon led her and the other girls away. Taking a deep breath, I turned to follow Otis and David. We walked up a tunnel through the side of the mountain, up until we reached a door. Otis knocked twice, and the door opened. We walked into a mansion. Our steps echoed over the tiles as we climbed the stairs, then down a hall and finally to an office door. Otis knocked and the door opened. I was pushed inside the big office. My guess the three men standing there were the Alphas. Carefully looking around, I didn't see Gan. Part of me was relieved but also partly disappointed. "We finally met the great female alpha." The one I guessed was Leo. Breathing seemed to stop, as they all saw my face for the first time. "Armstrong, mentioned seeing you on camera but those videos don't do you justice." said one of the Alphas. I got creeped out but didn't say anything or make a face. "Where is your Alpha?" asked another man to David. "He'll be here in a while, he too is excited about finally meeting the female Alpha." "She is not an Alpha! She's a rogue giving our women stupid ideas that they don't need us! Women belong to men!" I bit my tongue. This was exactly why I didn't want to turn to them for help, because of this stupid idea that we belonged under their thumb. Not next to them as equals. Suddenly, Leo grabbed my hair, yanking my head back, and glaring down at me. "You're just scared that a woman can lead better than a man!" I said finally, not being able to keep it in any longer. That comment got me a punch to the face, the hit was so hard it knocked me out of the chair I had been sitting in. "Leo!" I heard the others call firmly, but the man grabbed me by the hair again, forcing me to look up at him. "I will show you what real power is!"He punched and kicked me in the stomach a few times. "That's enough Leo!" The doors swung open, and a voice rang out. I coughed as David and someone else came over to help me up. I about passed out when I saw the person next to me. Gan. "Was this what you wanted to find them for?" Asked the man that walked in to the others. "These bitches need to mind their place..." "May I remind you, these women didn't choose this life, they were attacked and forced into it. As their leader, Ms. Nelson was looking after them, and from what I just witnessed, better then we as Alpha could." "You're actually siding with..." "Our numbers are dying, Leo, we need their help, in more ways than just repopulating our kind. I'm taking all of them under my care if you three are not willing to put the toxic way of thinking away." One other, Alpha, quickly came to stand next to the man, the other next to Leo nodded, but Leo himself just looked pissed off. With that, the one that arrived late to the party, turned and walked out of the office, while the rest of us followed behind him. After a while, a rumble of voices and suddenly hands and bodies surrounded me. "Are you okay, Tay?" "Oh, my gosh what did they do to you?" "What's going on?" "It's fine, I'm fine girls, but now we've run into a bit of an issue." I looked up at the two Alphas, as did the girls. "My name is Walker Armstrong, this is my brother Logan, my Second David, and this is Alpha Elijah. It's definitely an honor to meet you all, the first ever female pack, and the most impressive female Alpha." "Yeah, we can tell how impressed you are!" said Ivy, helping me onto a couch. I hadn't realized we were in a living room kinda area. "Leo is very old-fashioned, and I apologize on his behalf..." "Because he's too proud to do so himself," I added. "Our plan wasn't to force anything on you ladies, more to ask you to join our ranks. Once my brother knew who you were, he provided information. All of you have impressive backgrounds." "You keep saying you need our help, with what?"asked Eva. "That's where we need to work together. We're not one hundred percent what there is, and why is it affecting our numbers?" "Here comes the hard part," said Ivy. "I would like Ivy and Eva to come work with us," said Walker. "What about the rest of us?" asked Sophi. "I can't host you all," Walker said. "We'd be taken in by Elijah." I said, who nodded. Ivy seemed to be thinking hard about things, then looked at me. "Three and four, they can go with Elijah, while Eva, Tayla, and I will go with Walker." she gave me a look. As I glared at her she just smiled sweetly. "Okay?" said Walker, a little confused. "I don't want to cause trouble if it's okay..." "Tay, don't you need help with that one condition of yours?" Eva and I glared at Ivy, as nobody else knew about my condition. "Her condition?" Nomai asked, " is she pregnant or something?" "No, it's nothing like that, but anyway, I guess it's okay with Walker and with you ladies to split that way." The girls just stared at me, probably surprised I had thrown in the towel so soon, but if I didn't I felt like Ivy would spill both my secrets. As best I could, I sat up and got to my feet, walking over to Cassi. She looked better, but I could tell she was still scared. "We need to adapt. Unfortunately, are you okay going with Elijah?" She looked up at him. I could tell she was impressed. These men had an impressive pull. I could feel it too, you just felt comfort in their presence. "Yeah, I'll be fine." "I'm not going anywhere. I'll come see you girls as soon as I can." Sophi, Naomi, Erica, and Cassi came to give me a hug. After a while, they followed Elijah out of the place. They weren't little girls, but they were the youngest of the pack. Soon, Walker came to stand next to me as I kept looking even after the girls were gone. "Shall we?" Struggling a little, I followed the others out of the damn mansion, and into a different SUV.
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