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(Tayla's POV) I rolled over one morning and bumped into a furry body. When I looked, it was a beautiful silver color but its legs were white. I knew all the girls wolves, but this wasn't one of them. When I looked, I noticed it was a male. I carefully got out of bed, but my legs gave out from under me. I hit the floor, but couldn't move. I heard the bed move, I heard the soft warning growl, when I glanced up. The wolf was looking at me. "Who the hell are you?" I asked, too scared to move. The wolf jumped off the bed, stood over me. I just laid there, with my neck exposed. He leaned in, I could feel his breath right at my throat, I didn't dare breathe. Then suddenly I felt his tongue touch my skin. I held back a gasp as I felt a thrill run through me. I looked up at the wolf's eyes, and recognized who he was. "What the hell are you doing?" I whispered harshly, finally getting up from under him. Pushing him away from me, he gave me a wolfish grin. I carefully got to my feet, shaking a little. Carefully making my way back to bed. Once I was sitting down, Logan came over. "So what's the plan here? Did you finally tell Brielle what you were?" I asked, curious. The wolf, who was Logan, rolled his eyes at me, and shook his head. Then jumped onto the bed and laid down. I couldn't help petting his fur, it was so warm and it invited me to curl up next to him. I did and laid down again, loving his warmth. Soon I was fast asleep again. A while later, I was facing away from Logan, but I knew he was still lying behind me. I almost jumped out of my skin when I felt a hand slowly run along my side and my stomach. I looked behind me, he was back in human form. "Logan!" I whispered harshly. He opened his blurry eyes, and focused. "Hey, what..." he looked around and realized he wasn't in his room. He just sat up and chuckled as he rubbed his eyes. "What are you doing in here?" I asked. "I thought I was sleeping in my room, but I guess...somehow I got here." Then I remembered how that night his wolf had taken over, how in the forest his wolf had been in control, and this morning again. "Does that happen a lot?" "What?" "You sleep walking?" He rubbed his face, trying to think, but just shook his head. My guess is his wolf was talking to him, and he was fighting to not do what the wolf wanted. Trying to give him space, I got up and went to the bathroom. I would wake up and brush my teeth even if I was going to sleep in a while again. So I brushed my teeth, to stall for time. Once I was done, I hoped he had sorted through whatever he was dealing with at that moment. I walked out, but he was still sitting in my bed. I went over and sat across from him. "So what's the plan?"I asked, but he didn't move. Sitting there with his eyes closed, I was about to get back in bed. When he suddenly pounced on me, and pinned me down on the bed. "Clever little thing, aren't you? You really think I'll let you go after you ran off the first time, you can't run from me!" "Logan....stop...I can't..." I said and I suddenly couldn't breath, and my whole body just seized up, and I felt myself shake. "Tayla?" I heard him, but after a while, all I knew was darkness. I woke up a while later, sore all over, but still in bed. I looked around carefully, and found Maia writing something down. "Hey, what happened?" "You had a seizure, thanks to Logan." "Really?" "Yes, how are you feeling?" "Just a little fuzzy brained, but otherwise, I feel fine." She held her clip broad, and just observed me for a moment. "What?" "I have never seen a 'weak' werewolf, not saying you are! I can only imagine what you've been through, but to see a wolf that's sickly is unheard of. Those people must've really done...God knows what to you." I didn't know if I should feel offended or thankful for her words. I sat up as she kept writing down some notes. "Where did Logan go?" I asked, not looking at her. "He went for a run. Luckily, Brielle had some ear plugs in and took my sleeping pills. She didn't even hear anything. Logan got a little freaked and thought he had hurt you in some way." "What's his s********e kind of multiple personality disorder?" "Kinda, his is more simple. Logan and Walker were born werewolves, but Logan was a late bloomer. Their father took it upon himself to force Logan into the change but it back fired. The night that happened, he almost killed Logan. Now his wolf is out of control, very aggressive, possessive, paranoid. Walker believes he would make an awesome Alpha, but he can't even get his wolf under control." I sat thinking for a bit. Logan had serious trust issues but everyone was calling it differently. Then we found each other and I walked out. It was only expected him to be untrusting of me. "Maia, I was the one that made things worse for Logan. I'm the one-night stand he had." She looked up at me again, just mildly surprised. "I thought there was something going on, you might not have been drooling, but I've seen how that man looks at you. I can't be mad at you either. All I can say is, please don't push him further." "There can't be anything, Maia. He has a girlfriend. I'm not getting in the middle of that." "Tayla, it's not real. That woman is delusional...." "Either way, while they're together, I'm not the third wheel." She gave me the same look Ivy had given me. I just got comfortable and got ready to sleep again. Maia checked me one more time before I went to sleep. "I think the detox is complete. In the next few days, slowly work yourself up. Start working out, eating normally, just try to slowly get your body moving again. Like I said before, once you get the urge to change, try to have one of the guys with you." "Okay, I will." She then left and I dozed off again. It wasn't long after when I heard the door slowly close. I looked up. The room was dark but I could see who it was. "I didn't mean to wake you," he said, looking at me. "What are you doing in here?" I whispered. Logan looked regretful, but also...as if he hadn't done anything wrong. "I came to apologize. I didn't mean to stress you out earlier." "You didn't need to sneak in here to say that, so leave." He gave me a look. I wasn't sure how to take it. As if him knowing what we were, I had no right to refuse him. He gave me a sad smile, but nodded. "I never thought I'd see you again. After that night, I mean, but I wished for this opportunity every night. It might not be starting out so great, but I'm not giving up." My heart was racing in my chest. Deep inside of me I was happy to hear him say that, but my stubborn side wasn't willing to make it that easy. "You have a girlfriend, Logan. I'm not anybody's mistress. So get out of my room." I said firmly. He smiled again but this time he walked toward me. I moved out of his reach, which made him stop. All smiles were gone. "You already accepted me as your mate, Tayla. You can't reject me now." "You're mark is not on me, and as far as I know that's a key thing for me to be your mate." He was glaring at me now. "You want to play, let's see who loses." he said. His eyes were white. Again, the wolf is in charge. "May the games begin." I simply said. With that, he went to the door and left. I released the breath I had been holding. His scent still lingered in the air, making my body react. If I had let his scent draw me in, I would've given in to him. I dropped back onto the bed, and made myself calm down. Then my whole body started to cramp up, my head felt like it was going to split. I clenched my teeth so I didn't scream, then I felt...as if someone had settled into my body, the ache in my head dulled and I could hear...a voice. "Tayla." her voice was still weak, and sounded tired, but I knew it was her. My wolf was finally free. I laid there panting and covered in sweat. I felt her hug me as I did her. "Glad to have you back, old friend," I said. I could feel her smile. "Sleep, we have a hard road ahead." she didn't have to tell me twice. I closed my eyes and was asleep in seconds. Over the next few days, I did as Maia said. The girls and I started to work out again. David would show us the jogging path. After a while, we learned the way. I found my senses were sharper than ever. Smells, tastes, sounds. I pushed myself every day for three weeks. I even went to the ice skating ring. The place was always empty and I would do my old routines. My wolf was amazed that I was so daring. I also noticed that my old scars were actually healing. Of course, they wouldn't be completely gone but they looked better. Then one day I was in my room, and I heard someone arguing down the hall. "We're done, Brielle, I told you from the beginning what this was!" "Logan, we've been together for three years, how can you say they didn't mean anything to you?" "Because I've been up front with you, I'm not looking for anything serious with you, you're the one that's gotten attached!" "Bastard, it's because of her, isn't it!" "Who is her, Brielle? You broke the rules of our deal!" "Because I love you, why can't you understand that?!" They were silent for a moment, as I closed my door. It didn't make much of a difference, I could still hear them. "It's over, Brielle, I'm sorry I dragged you out this long, and gave off mixed signals." "Logan, please..." "You can leave tomorrow." "Logan!" she shouted as he walked away from her. She cried and sobbed where she was for a while. I felt for her, she had gotten her hopes up, but you can't force things. After a while, I couldn't hear her, and I headed downstairs to eat dinner. At dinner, the friendly chatter filled the dining area. Soon Ruth came back with the tray of food she had prepared for Brielle and she looked mad and flustered. Maia walked over and I heard that Brielle had thrown a fit. "She started to shout at me." "I apologize, Ruth, Logan and her just broke up. He's being nice by letting her stay for the night, but I really wish he had found a different place to stay." She threw a glare over her shoulder at Logan. Who cringed a little, but then his eyes met mine. I looked away, in no way was I happy about this, and I didn't want him to think I was okay with him doing what he did. "Grasias Ruth, estaba muy bueno." I said, getting to my feet. I took my dish to the sink and washed it. After I put it on the rack to dry, I heard whispering. Up stairs, it was Brielle's voice.
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