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I went up the stairs and listened carefully to the conversation. As I drew closer, I realized who she was talking to. Darcy. "You know you're adopted right?" "What's ado..." "It means your parents sold you because they didn't want you." "What..." I heard Darcy start sobbing. I walked in and took Darcy by the hand. "You had no right to say any of this!" "So it's okay to lie to a kid?" "It's not your place to tell her anything, as if you know everything!" Brielle suddenly slapped me across the face, and glared at me. "You think I don't know it was you that got between me and Logan?" I looked at her and just rolled my eyes. Then I turned to walk away, but she grabbed my arm. I had to fight not to knock her head off her shoulders. "Let go, Brielle." I ordered, firmly pulling my arm, but again I was holding back so I didn't hurt her. She glared at me smugly, as she looked over my shoulder, my guess at Darcy. "As you wish," she said, dropping my arm, I walked away again. I had Darcy in front of me, not wanting her behind me if Brielle tried anything. When we got to the stairs, I suddenly heard the fast stepping toward us, but when I turned I just had time to get Darcy out of the way. As Brielle pushed me down the stairs. "Tayla!" I heard Darcy scream when I hit the floor with a grunt. I wasn't hurt, but Brielle didn't know that. Darcy ran toward me, as did Brielle. "Oh, my gosh what happened?" Brielle put on an act. As Maia came to check what had happened. "Darcy! What happened?!" "Tayla...Bri..." she stuttered. "Tayla must've missed a step, she fell down the stairs!" covered Brielle. Soon everyone was there. Ivy and Eva came over to help me up. "I'm fine, I'm just glad I didn't drag Darcy with me." I said, glaring at Brielle. "Come on, let's go sit down." I suddenly felt my anger flare, it was my wolf. Eva and Ivy looked at me worried, but I just shook my head. Eva quickly took me to sit down. Once in the living room, I took some deep breaths, trying to keep my wolf under control. "What did that b***h do, Tay?" "She tried to push me and Darcy down the stairs. I moved Darcy just in time." "What the hell is her problem!?" asked Ivy, as the others came in. Darcy came over to me and gave me a hug. "Tay are you okay?" "Yes, I'm fine, but you and your parents need to talk if you have some questions." Maia and Walker looked at each other, then at their daughter. "Um...mommy..." Darcy looked at her parents with tears in her little eyes. "Darcy, what is it?" Maia looked intently at her daughter, then the little girl turned to look at me. "Brielle informed Darcy about where she came from, it wasn't the talk either." I explained. It dawned on Maia and she was suddenly angry. But she looked at her little girl. "You are my baby. You understand? I will always love you, and if you do have questions, I will talk to you okay." Darcy nodded and she hugged her mom. "Are you okay, Tayla?" Walker asked. "Yeah, it hurt but I'll be fine." After a little while, the girls helped me to my room. On the way there, I leaned on the girls just in case Brielle was watching. My suspicion was right when Brielle came walking toward us. "Hope that teaches you not to mess with me." "I know that's probably not the worst thing you've done." The scariest and craziest expression crossed over her face. As she got closer to me, "I did warn you not to cross me." she looked at me, then at the other two, then walked away. "That chick is bat s**t crazy!" Ivy suddenly said. After Brielle walked away, I stood up straight and stretched. "She's not even hiding the fact that she did it." said Eva. "She's pissed. What do you expect? Logan broke up with her, she needs to blame someone." "She had to be one of those types," said Ivy, glaring after Brielle. "Yeah, well, I have a feeling...but I don't think we'll be getting rid of her that easily." The girls looked at me. "What makes you say that?" "Eva, this chick is the girl that's not been told no, you really think she's going to let this go?" Eva looked at me for a moment. Once she realized I had a point, she shook her head in disbelief. We headed to my room. Once there, I said good night to them. I walked in and right anyway I knew I wasn't alone. "Your girlfriend is looking for you." I said into the darkness. Logan was sitting on a chair. I walked over and sat down on the bed across from him. "Not my girlfriend anymore." "She's still being a menace. You could kick her out." He huffed a little laugh, and smiled. He was being really serious. I wondered why? He was also avoiding meeting my eye. "Logan, what's wrong?" I finally just said in a calm voice. That made him look up at me, his eyes were white, which meant the wolf was in charge. I didn't get scared, I just stayed composed and calm. I was expecting him to pounce or just get really rough in a moment. What I wasn't expecting him was to calmly get up and walk over to where I was. He sat down next to me, his eyes on my hands that sat on my lap. Carefully, he took them in his, then looking up at my face. There was a pause, as his eyes scanned over my face. The whole time, I didn't move. That's until one of his hands came up around my throat. I gasped in surprise, and for a second I thought he would actually try and hurt me, but then slowly the hold became a caress along my neck, then up to my cheek, then his thumb along my bottom lip. My heart was racing at his touch, I started to feel warm all over, and the old longing started to wake. "How could you walk away?" he asked as he came closer. I couldn't move or more like I didn't want to. How could I when his lips were so close? His scent was so intoxicating. If I were a damn cat I would be purring loudly. "I...I didn't ..." I couldn't think, straight. I was tripping over my words, but I knew why I had left. His lips lightly grazed mine, a soft whimper escaped me. What the hell was this man doing to me? "You still remember that night?" he asked, his voice husky and low, " I sure as hell never forgot, you've marked me, Tayla." "I..Logan...what are you doing?" I finally whispered. I felt so...heavy but also light. Like when a trainer lightly pushes their pet's body to teach them what they should be doing. Was this what submitting to someone felt like? Something suddenly clicked in my head and the moment was gone. I got to my feet, and I glared at Logan. "Why do you do that?" "No, why are you trying to force something that according to you should be happening naturally?" He took a deep sigh and got to his feet too. "If you'd stop fighting it, it would be faster." "Logan, you just broke up with Brielle, I know for you it was nothing but s*x, but at least let the woman leave before you decide you want to get into bed with me! You have no respect for anyone's feelings in this situation!" "That's because I make things clear from the beginning but it seems nobody listens! I told you that night I wanted more, you said no when it was obvious what you feel! I told Brielle, this wasn't serious! We were nothing serious! Suddenly she wants to spend time with me! Wants to meet and hang out with my family!" I stood there and unfortunately for me, understood what he was saying. I had walked out, now I wanted him to break up with his girlfriend before coming after me, but now that he has...I was pushing him away again. "I need more time." "For what? For you to run away again? For me to spend the next three. four. five years looking for you again? I need and want you Tayla. Stop running and for once look at what's right in front of you!" He was mad, and with that he walked past me and out the door. My wolf was scolding me in my head, and my heart ached. I flopped onto the bed, and soon fell into an uneasy sleep. The next day Brielle was gone. Nobody saw her leave or how but she was gone. That afternoon the guys came over for game night, and they started to mockingly speculate how she had left. With some saying she had stolen Ruth's broom and had flown back home. Others actually talked about a jet or a UFO. We all laughed at the different guesses. Darcy was quiet most of the day. I could tell that the news from yesterday still haunted her little mind. I mean that was a lot for a six year old to take in. I took turns with Logan, Walker and Maia playing candy land, or any other game she wanted. She seemed better by the afternoon. Logan was really now putting distance between himself and me. He wouldn't sit in the same room or area alone with me. at dinner he was almost the last, he got up and left. As we traded turns with Darcy he made sure not to cross my path. I hated to admit it but all those little bumps and touches between us, were starting to be missed. It was just day one, I started to get a flash of what my future looked like. I felt uncomfortable. "Tayla?" I heard and turned to look up at Walker. "Yes?" "We're only a couple days before the full moon, how has your progress been going?" "Three..almost four weeks and I feel great. I finally hear her voice again, my wolf is settling back again." He gave me a a worried look. "This is going to be as if it's the first time you're changing, I know you ladies don't need the moon. I would like to see if we can't tempt the wolf out before that day." My insides twisted in discomfort, but a felt a moment of joy too. "I um..." "Only if you're up for it. I would just like to see where we stand with her." I thought about it. Then realized how the others had gone quiet and still. They were nervous too but also excited. I looked at Eva and Ivy. Both nodded, letting me know they were prepared. "Okay, let's do this." Walker nodded and went to talk to Maia. Who then led Walker, the girls and I down to the basement. It was big enough to have all of us there. More then room, there was a big kinda cage thing. Walker and I would be able to stand in there. Ivy and Eva would sit outside and keep watch. Walker walked in and took his shirt off, making himself as vulnerable as possible. Maia, also suggests I go down to my underwear and bra too. I did and I felt my wolf seem to acknowledge that Walker was an Alpha. Her Alpha? Probably not but she could trust him. We both stood in front of each other, and Walker called upon his wolf. I felt my knees buckle under the weight of his power, my wolf ducked her head and her tail was between her legs. That was a start.
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