2017 Words
(Logan's POV) When Tayla took her shirt off, I realized who she was. First it was a bucket of ice-cold water, but now it's anger. I heard what she said to Ivy and Eva. She's been staying away from me on purpose. This explained so much. Why I felt so calm around her, the rightness in having her having her so close. The attraction between us has been undeniable. I dropped onto the bed now feeling exhausted. I had found her, my mate. She felt used because I was now with Brielle, well. I can fix that. There wasn't a real relationship between Brielle and me. She knew this from the beginning. I've been clear about that. But I noticed that just in the last few weeks she's been wanting to be more involved with the family. As if that would change something in my mind. It was an asshole move but I was going to need to break it off with her. Brielle was getting too attached. Meanwhile, I was going to work on Tayla. I knew who was going to help me with that. I got up and headed out to find Ivy. Headed down to the showers, where she was coming out from. "Ivy," I said softly. She turned to look at me. "Hey, what's up?" "I need to talk to you, and have some questions." She looked a little worried, but she followed me to the library. Once there, I made sure nobody else was there, before asking her to take a seat and I sat across from her. Now she looked a little worried. "So what's this about?" she asked but didn't meet my eye, she knew what I was going to ask. I calmly sat back, just looked at her, but she kept her cool. "I know you know," I simply said. That made her look at me. "I know?" she asked, as if really wondering what she knew. That made me chuckle. I had to hand it to these women. They fight but are truly loyal to one another. "Let's get down to it. I know you know about Tayla and me." I finally said. That made her now look regretful. "I don't know anything," she said and was about to stand up to leave. "I heard everything, and none of what she thinks is right. I haven't moved on, I'm merely staying afloat." "Yeah, by using another woman, that's what has her pissed." said Ivy simply. "I never thought I'd see her again, but now that I have, I'll be damned if I let her go again." I said calmly but with bite. Ivy looked at me, and sighed. Then she took her seat again. "What do you want from her? She's not a sit at home woman, Logan, and if that's what you want her to do, then you two will be making each other very unhappy." "I want to keep her safe..." "That's the problem, you males think that by doing that, it means caging her up and throwing away the key. Sometimes all we want is for you guys to have our backs. Tayla...from what I've found out...use to be a rich girl. I've seen her accomplishments, good grades, champion ice skater, she was offered a chance to go to the Olympics. After her Mom died, she trusted nobody. I dug around, she had a boyfriend, but I have no idea how they left things." The idea that another man was so close to my mate, made my insides twist in anger. It made sense somewhere Tayla's trust in the males was broken and nobody has really proven her wrong. "So what do you suggest?" I asked, curious to see what they thought was a good starting point. "Don't start heavy on her, just get to know her, and if you're serious about her break up with Brielle. There's nothing she hates more than men two-timing." I looked at her and considered her advice. It's all a waiting game, and playing my cards right. "Fine, but I need your help.." "No can do, boss. As much as I want this to work out, I can't do that to her. I'll guide you from time to time, but nothing more." "Ivy..." "See ya!" she said, walking out the door. I stared after her. This was going to be harder than I thought, but the idea of the chase was a little thrilling. I'm willing to put in the effort. (Tayla's POV) After our camping trip, we all kept a low profile. The others went home and agreed to keep in touch in case of anything. There were six pack members. Three were married and had kids, the others weren't even with anyone. Not counting Ivy, who was keeping her guy very secret from Eva and me. Everyone was really trying to keep their families safe, and I felt bad. I have brought this upon everyone. Even Walker was more on edge, he would go with Maia to the store and made sure both his girls were safe. With everyone else gone. Ivy, Eva, David, and I were the only ones staying with Walker and Maia. Logan would come and go as he pleased. For the most part, we were mostly at the house. Eva and David were still looking into the LAB. Meanwhile, Maia ran some blood tests, x-rays, scans and just any other test she could think of. Then we got the results in a week. "Your receptors are damaged." Maia said once she had the results in her hands. I sat there lost a little, then it clicked in my head from my biology class in high school. "But it's keeping me from changing. How?" "My guess with that, is that it's more in here than up here." she said, pointing to her heart, then to her head. "But I want to change. I've been trying to for the past five years, I can barely feel my wolf inside of me." "I think with the help of the drugs, and the stress of everything, you've been able to suppress her very well. What we need to do is get her more active. It's going to sound bad, but it's like being out of shape, and getting back into shape." "I really don't think it's that easy. It's not like I want to complicate things even more, but I don't think it's that simple." "Maybe, or maybe not. If you don't try, then we'll never know." I sat there thinking for a moment, then she got up and walked over to some papers. When I turned toward her in my seat, "What do I do first?" I asked and she gave me a big smile. "Let's start with a detox. Then make sure you're sleeping, eating and distressing better. I know with everything that's going on, it'll be a little hard, but I have faith in you." I nodded and got up. She had to order some things, and then we'd get the ball really rolling. I walked into the kitchen for some water. Right then the door flew open. Making me, Ruth and Miguel jump. "Hello family!" Brielle shouted in the middle of the kitchen. David and Eva came in from the living room and Ivy came down from upstairs. Maia came up from the basement where her office was. We all stared at Brielle, who had an unfluttering smile. "Um.. Brielle, what are you doing?" asked Maia after a while. "Isn't it obvious, I'm staying with you guys for a while. My next photo shoot isn't for a month, so I wanted to take this time to hang out with my Loggie and with you guys!" We all looked at each other, then back at Maia. "Brielle, Logan doesn't live here..." "Bri, what are you doing here?" Logan and Walker walked in at that moment. "Hey, babe! I was just telling everyone that I was going to be staying for a while, so they got to know me and me them! Doesn't that sound amazing!?" Maia glared and that was the first time I knew why no one messed with her. Logan gulped and looked back at Brielle. "Bri, now is not the best time." "I know baby, but if I'm to be part of the family, we can all make sacrifices." "What I mean, Walker has a work thing going on..." "Oh, does Walker invite all his work partners to camp?" Logan was cornered, he couldn't tell Brielle about us, and he couldn't back track and say we were visiting family because, apparently, you don't lust over your family members. From the looks of it, Logan hadn't shared his home with Brielle and she was really trying to find out where home was, even if it wasn't Logan's home, per say. Logan looked over at Walker, who gave him the 'you fix this' look. Logan sighed and helped Brielle to a room. We later found out that she was upset because he didn't take her to his room. We were going to have to stand her for a month, none of us really stuck around to talk or interact with her. Not that she was complaining. She kept Logan all to herself, even after he had meetings with Walker, she'd walk in and interrupt them. When he sat down to talk to any of us, it was a big fight. She was beautiful but very insecure. I stayed as far as I could from both of them, only sharing a nod here and there. To actually be alone with Logan, not a chance. After the first week of Brielle's stay, the medicines Maia ordered had arrived. "I need you to take Brielle and get her out of the house." said Maia one afternoon to Logan. He looked surprised at the sudden request, but he did as he was asked and the next morning they had gone out for the day. I went to the basement. Maia asked me to come with an empty stomach. Soon she had me hooked on an IV. "Okay, this is going to suck, but it's a quick detox. It will work faster by IV. Over the next few days, your body will feel more tired than normal. If you have sudden convulsions, just ride it out, now if by any chance you feel like you're going to change, call Walker or Logan. I have a feeling your wolf won't be happy being locked away for so long as the first chance she has, she'll try and push through.Either one will help keep her under control." "Okay, let's do this." I said, sitting back and just relaxing. She opened the valve and soon little drips came down. The cool sensation went up my arm and for once I was calm. "Also you'll be going to the bathroom and throwing up for most of the day." "Thanks for letting me know." I said, not opening my eyes or moving. I must've dosed off because the next thing I knew I was running for the bathroom to vomit. I was puking up vile and by the end some blood. Once I was done, I felt so worn out. "How are you feeling?" she asked, now hooking up a saline bag into my IV. I sat back down but a while later I was running to the bathroom again. After a while, Maia took the IV out and asked Ivy and Eva to help me get to my room. I stayed in bed for the whole day. Like Maia said, I felt exhausted. I was sleeping so much I lost track of time. By the time I had more energy, three days had already past. Ruth and Darcy would bring me light food to eat, and I'd be back in bed. There were times I would find one of the girls sleeping in bed with me or even Darcy. There were times I didn't see anyone, but I knew I wasn't alone in the room. My body was too tired to worry.
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