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(Tayla's POV) I felt my heart rip into pieces in my chest. As I looked at the picture, there was a little bean but there it was. "How are you pregnant...we were always using protection?" asked Logan firmly. "I don't know, but I'm pregnant." she said, throwing herself at Logan. I couldn't listen anymore. I turned and walked into the house. I felt sick. As I walked in I guess Maia told the others, because Eva and Ivy gave me looks of shock. I just kept walking, they soon followed. "Tay, you know that b***h, could'v done anything to get pregnant." "Yeah, I do like poking holes in the damn condoms or stopped taking her damn birthcontrol. Either way, I'm not going to stand between Logan and his baby!" "She can't tie him down with a baby, at most she can get child support from him!" "You really think she'd give him the choice? It's her and the baby or me! I knew...I knew this was a f*****g mistake!" "So you're just going to give up? Just like that!?" "Ivy, the choice is already made for us. Logan can't let that baby grow up without a father, and I won't be the one to stand in the way!" "Tay?!" Eva pleaded. As she said that, a throat cleared behind them, and found Logan standing there. Ivy and Eva looked at us then walked back downstairs. The tension settled as we sat there for what felt like forever. I forced myself not to cry. "Tay..." "You don't have to worry about me, I won't stand in the way of you and your baby." A look crossed his face, but then he walked over to me. I didn't want him to touch me, or have him say that he loved me. "Tayla, the baby doesn't mean we need to..." "We all know what Brielle intended with this, Logan, she'll make it to where you have to choose, and the poor kid will be put through some damn court hearing, and I'm not willing to let that happen, not to it and not to you." "Tay, just give me time..." "I can't! I might sound like a b***h, selfish, and something more! I can't wait and I won't. I'm just going to face the truth! We weren't meant to be Logan." He suddenly pulled me tightly to his body, his eyes burning into mine. His lips were inches from mine. "Now say everything you just said, looking me in the eye. If you really believe it, say it!" he growled, holding me and getting closer and closer. "Logan..." "You're my mate, you are the one I want to be with Tayla, we are meant to be." He said in a calm but firm voice. It made me shiver from my toes to my head. As his lips covered mine, I felt a wave of heat wash over me. Even with the news we just got, this felt right. When he pulled away, we were both breathless. "Just give me some time, that's all I ask." he whispered, giving me another peck on the lips. "Okay." I said as he let me go, and walked away. Later on that night, I heard that he and David had gone somewhere. I asked Eva. She had no idea where either. A while later, Walker came in and the sinking feeling hit me again. "What happened?" I asked. "Elijah's pack was attacked. I have no idea what happened." "Let's go!" I said, and we all headed out. The ride was tense and silent. The feeling was getting heavier and heavier. It took us an hour to get there, but even before arriving I could smell burning wood. The pack house was burning down. We could see people trying to put it out. That would explain the fire extinguishers Walker had us load. We all took one and got to work, putting fires out. After a while, we were done, and the fire was out. I went with Walker, he asked what had happened. The only one there to explain was Elijah's second. They were ambushed by our friends in uniforms and motorcycles. They shot and took Elijah, and a few other wolves. "Did they take any of my girls?" I asked. He shrugged, I looked at Ivy and Eva. They nodded and we started to look around. It was a while of looking, when something caught my attention. An arm was sticking out of the ruble, with a tattoo I knew. Erica. I started pushing stuff off of her, and screamed when I saw her body. I sobbed for my little girl. These assholes had cut her open. The others came running, Eva and Ivy came and knelt next to me too. Their cries of hurt and anguish pierced the air. "Tay-tayla?" We all looked around and Cassie was covered in ash, but otherwise unhurt. "Cassie!" I said, running to her. She was shaking from head to foot. I looked her over, then hugged her. "That's Erica? I heard someone screaming but...I didn't know they were doing that to her!" she was shaking so badly, then I noticed she smelled like Naomi. I looked around but I didn't see Naomi anywhere. "Cassie, where's Naomi?" Cassie broke down in sobs. "Cassie, what happened?" "Elijah told her and me to run, they shot her with something, she started to have a seizure, then...she started to foam from her mouth...I didn't know what to do, Tayla!" I hugged her, and looked up at Walker. He looked grim, but after a while. I got her settled down, we tended to our dead girls, as we kept looking around, a man in the black uniform came crawling out of the dry brushes. One of the wolves had bitten him. Walker had the remaining pack members take him back to Maia. "Tayla, they took Sophi." "Did they? I bet she really gave them a run for their money." She nodded. There were no other bodies. From what I could see was that they took wolves. Their intentions weren't to kill. I still wondered what the hell they wanted wolves for. The wolf named Austin was Elijah's second, came over to us, as did Walker. Looking around, four other wolves followed shortly after. They were dragging the black uniform-covered bodies. "What the hell was this? Walker, the last time you spoke to Elijah was after your attack." "Yes, it was and I was sure they would never find you. There's something in all this, but what is it?" I sat there for a minute, and my guess was that Walker came to the same thought as he looked at me. "Has Leo been attacked yet?" "Even if he has, he's up in the mountains, not so easy to ambush. Then again, it's not like he's telling us anything. He and Elian would definitely never expose the truth that they were attacked." "Elian?" "That's the other Alpha, the one that sided with Leo." "Right." I said now, thinking hard about all this, " Someone should go check on them, see what's going on." "Tay, I think they were looking for you." Cassie finally said. We all turned to look at her. "How do you know that?" "They asked me about you by name. They had an old picture of you. It didn't show your face too well, but it had your name." I looked at Walker, who sighed. "So it's true what you told us, Walker, this one is one of their experiments?" "No, Tayla is one of their victims, they did things to her and, thanks to Maia, Tayla is fully recovered. What I find strange is they're still looking for you." "Your guess is as good as mine," I said, because even I didn't know why they wanted me back. I looked at Ivy and Eva, they knew what was going through my mind, but didn't say anything. "We'll have to move everyone to our secret location, besides that house is better equipped for all this," Walker said. We all nodded and got in the SUV. I noticed that Austin kept looking over at me, until Walker spoke up. "Don't even think about it." "What I didn't get to meet either one of them." "Logan will rip you to shreds, Austin." "That old wolf is all bark no bite." said Austin, but sat back and stopped looking at me. Once back at the house, we all piled out. I headed straight to my room, with Cassie and the girls following. Once there, I sat her down on the bed, and I started to pack my bag. "You leaving isn't going to do much good, Tay." "We all have one thing in common, and that's me. These bastards are looking for me, but my thought is how did they know?" "I really think we're forgetting someone here, and I have two people in mind: Brielle and Leo." "Why Brielle?" "Something about her just doesn't seem all there, and her obsession with Logan for someone that successful, it's really sad." "Well, now I know who to look into out there." "Tay." "I mean it, I can't put the rest of you in danger. From what I heard, people have been at this for a while, werewolves are disappearing. Whatever they're using or doing, is killing them." "Tay, what about Logan?" Eva asked. I stopped for a second, but then shook my head and kept going. "He's got enough on his plate." "Tay, why do you keep running? What good does that do?" "None, but I can't stay here." I said, getting done. I looked at Eva and pulled her into a hug. "Tay." "You guys are happy here, have found a home among these guys, I can't pull you away from that." " So do you, if you just gave it that chance," said Ivy, coming to stand next to me. "I'll keep in contact as much as I can, but you guys move...I guess I'm on my own. I love you girls, good luck." I gave a kiss and hug to them as if they were my kids, picked up my bag and headed out. Once I was a ways away, I went into the forest a bit, took my clothes off, and sprayed myself with camouflage spray, put my stuff in my bag, and turned into wolf. I jumped around when I heard someone behind me, snarled but calmed down when I saw it was Walker. "I know why you're doing this, but I also know you being out there takes the target off us. I thank you for that. That's what I'll tell my brother. I can't promise he won't come looking for you. Good luck out there Tay." I gave him a small bow, grabbed my stuff in my mouth, and ran into the forest, into the night. (Logan's POV) I wanted to look into things. With Brielle suddenly pregnant, I needed to be sure what was going on. The irony of all of this is that the doctor that had checked her was gone. Nobody knew where. All I could find was that she was two months pregnant. I'd have to get back to the house, and get to work. I wasn't losing Tayla over this. Walker had called me and told me what had happened, so I didn't get to do more digging. David and I got to the house, and I could see only five of Elijah's wolves. I looked around and found Eva, Ivy, and another girl. They look somber, obviously because of the loss of their girls. I walked over. Eva looked up at me. "Hey, Logan." "I'm sorry for your loss girls." "Thanks." "Where's Tayla? She must be taking it pretty badly." She and Ivy exchanged looks, but Eva looked back at me. "Yeah, she did. She took it so hard, she left." My insides twisted in discomfort. "Wait...What do you mean she left?" "Just that Logan, both attacks had her name in common, so she left." "Logan." I looked up and my brother was calling me up stairs. I followed, once up stairs. He turned to look at me. "Eva is telling the truth, Tayla is gone." All I could do was glare at him. I couldn't believe she actually left.
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