Love Thy Enemy: Eve-1

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Silent Child- f**k you Prologue:      Art comes from some weird part of us that speaks what we can't. It can tell us how we feel inside. Show us things we didn't know we could see. Learning how to draw is one thing but being born to do it is another. She does it easily. With a pencil between her teeth and another in her hands, loud angry music blaring in her headphones, and a canvas in front of her. Eve dances and creates some of the most beautiful paintings I've ever seen.      "You stare at her any harder and she might explode," my brother laughed.      "Shut up," I sighed looking down at the tray he placed in front of me. I pushed it back towards him.     "You need to eat. Dad wants us in the Badlands tomorrow. We have the first watch," he pushed it to me again.      "Did he say what we're watching out for?"      "Northerners,"       He now has my full attention. Northerners don't leave their packs. They have to be looking for something. Our father had gone down there a few weeks ago to settle a score with the Northerner's Alpha. It can't be a coincidence.      "Fine," I took a piece of the burger on the tray and began to eat it. He's the one with a heavy appetite. I can go days without eating so as long as he keeps golfing down food.      "She's not ours. You know that right? An infatuation is different from what we get," he whispered. "You have to leave it alone. Eve is human. You can hurt her. Especially being what we are,"      Eve glanced over at us and smiled. I instantly looked away and continued to eat. He's not wrong. An infatuation is nothing compared to the real thing. But it is in fact an infatuation. Something about that girl calls to me. Her smooth caramel skin. Her dark waves. Her chocolate brown eyes that are completely unaware of all the dangers around her.      I've seen him looking at her. I had found myself wanting her to be what she isn't. I was almost certain of it but he doesn't feel what I do. He just sees. David doesn't feel what I do. The draw and he if he does. He hides it well. He makes sure I don't see it.      "Dom?" I looked up to see her standing in front of our table. David instantly got up and walked away. "Does he not like me?"      "He's an ass hole. What's up?" I asked her. Eve's voice is ringing in my ears. It stirs my wolf up at times. Mother has told me it can be a premonition of some future or a warning.      "I didn't get a partner for the upcoming project in art class. Do you have one?" s**t.      "I don't. Want to pair up?" I asked. She beamed. Her teeth are amazing. The way her eyes crinkle when she smiles. What the hell is this if not the real thing?      "Yeah, that's what I came over here to ask. What were you thinking?"      "Have you ever been to the peak?"     "No," she shook her head.      "What are you doing this weekend?"  Her heartbeat sped up. "Nothing,"      "I'll take you. Once you see it. You decide what we should do,"      "Vague and kind of frightening but, I am game. Do you want me to come over to your house or...?"      "I can pick you up. Dress warmly. Walking shoes. Maybe pack some snacks," I shrugged. She smiled brightly and nodded.      "Okay," she pulled a small sketchbook from her pocket and a drawing pencil from her satchel. She scribbled something down and then ripped out the piece of paper and handed it to me. "That's my address and my number. Text me before you show up. My dad has a temper,"      With that, she walked away. I finished eating and then headed out to the parking lot where David is impatiently waiting for me. He didn't say a word when I unlocked the car. His expression and his low growling is more than enough to let me know he's beyond pissed.      "I just finished telling you," he growled.      "Why are you so pissed about it? So she's not ours. I can have something that's not yours as well," I shot back.      "That's not the problem," he sighed. "We're connected. Your emotions leak into me. If you keep this up-"      "I get it," I stopped him.      "I can already feel it," he shook his head.      Getting to packhouse is always tiring after being around humans all day. The one condition I set for my father after I graduated high school was that the only way I would take the alpha title along with David is if he'd let me continue my studies at the state university here. I should have picked somewhere far away from here. He agreed when I majored in architecture and business.      "You two are late," mom's voice sent goosebumps up my spine. She's worse than the old man.      "Mom," I greeted.     I turned to face her as she stepped down the stairs leading up the top floors. My brother took a step behind me but stood his ground. It's the way they've trained us to be. He stands behind the firstborn. For days now, there's something different about her. Something is making her a little more docile. A slight change day in and day out.      "Your father is waiting for you in his study. Go before you leave. I don't want to hear him b***h you out when you return," she motioned us to walk past her.      "Mother, will you be joining us?" David asked. She sighed and slightly shook her head.      "No, I won't be out on the field with you two for a while," her little smirk told me exactly what the change is. Well, f**k.     "Congrats," I rolled my eyes. "Try to stay calm and close to home. The old man will bite anyone's head off if something happened to you,"      "Sure," she chuckled.      "What am I missing?" David asked as we walked up the staircase.      "My worst nightmare. Mom is pregnant. Dad is going to be distracted once she's almost ready to burst," I stopped him before we reached our dad's study. "He's going to be in a mood. Don't make eye contact unless you want him to slap you across the room. Agreed?"      "Has he done that to you?" he whispered.      "Agreed?" I ignored his question. He nodded.      David was left out of the brutality of my father's training. As of late, dad is starting to realize that the only way this pack can be ruled is if the two of us do it together. David has what I lack and I what he. It's weird. When he's not around, I feel weak. Like a part of me is missing. He does too. There are times when we move at the same time. React the same way. Feel the same things. Yet, we're complete opposites. He takes more of our mother's personality. Cold. Stand off-ish. While I'm more like the old man. I care too much and there's violence inside of me that isn't stated no matter what I do.      "You two like to test my patience," Dad didn't look up at us when we walked through the open door. "Close the door behind you, David,"      "You wanted to see us together?" I asked.      "Yeah. I did, Domino. Is that a problem?"      "What the f**k is your problem?" I growled. He looked away from the papers in front of him. He smirked as he sat back in his massive office chair glaring at me. We can't stand to be in each other's presence for very long and as of late he's been pissing me off with all his unnecessary challenges.      "Of course not. You decided that you want your brother with you at all times. Not me,"      "So what? You think you can treat him like s**t while I'm standing here? f**k you," I turned my back to him pushing David out with me.      "Stop," he growled. His wolf is prominent in his voice. He knows he can't take us both. Not while we're together like this.      "What did you want, Dad?" David asked standing between the two of us. Dad rolled his eyes. He's never hidden the disappointment over having two heirs to the title. He's tried to split us up when we were younger. He made us sick when he sent him away.     "The Northern pack is meeting with the East. Gerardo's only daughter was killed by the hunter a few days before we visited them. He's in need of an alpha to take his place while he's away. I want you two to head East. Pay Zac a little visit. Distract him,"      "I thought you said we were going to the Badlands?" David interrupted. I pushed me behind me when the old man glared at him.     "For?" I asked.      "There's a group of humans that work under the Northerners. Some of the women belong to our men and Jonathan's men. I don't want to attack the man while he's vulnerable. I'm headed North with Enrique and Selena. Your mother will be staying here. Jonathan will be joining us as well. When Gerardo shows up, give him a warm welcome,"     "Congratulations father. Try not f**k the kid up like you did the first time," I growled at him as I turned away.      "You know exactly what you have to do to put me in my place, boy. Your anger stems from your resilence to what you are and what you must do. This is your fault. Take a good long look in the mirror before you point a finger at anyone else,"      "Keep telling yourself that, dad. We both know you enjoy slapping me around because I allow it. You can't break me and it kills you inside to know that. I have to be back by Friday night. Will you be done by then?" I didn't turn to face him because it pisses him off a lot more when I don't address him formally. I can hear the wolf raging inside of him with each breath.     "Come back whenever you please," he roared angrily. I pulled David with me and walked out of his study with a grin on my face.      "You're a d**k," he laughed as we headed over to our room.      "I'll call Zac. Dad wants a distraction. Let's give him one,"      Zac is an only child. His father taught him exactly what my father taught me. How to be the alpha. How to manage what we are. How to harness the power so that we can lead our people and the next generation. His mother, the former party girl of the West, taught him how to ignore those instincts and let go once in a while. Except, Zac doesn't know what once in a while means. He's the, every time he gets a chance, kind of guy.     It's a six-hour drive. The alpha to be is expecting us and is preparing to do what he does best. Taking our team with us will only serve to hype Zac up a little more. He has a thing for one of my she-wolves. She plays her part without giving too much away. Laila loves attention. When things get out of hand, we step in. We'd never let anything happen to her. She's the sister we wanted as kids. The sister we need when s**t hits the fan with the old man.      "Is it true?" Alex asked from the back seat. "Your dad is going to bring the females from the North?"      "Yeah, some of the men want what's theirs. I heard rumors going around for weeks now," David answered.      "My brother is one of those men," Laila added. "The north still trades humans,"      "Yeah," I sighed. "We're going to have to fix that when the old man steps down,"      "You two would have to step up first. It'll be a little impossible without being mated," Derek scoffed.      "We don't have to be mated. The Luna is with child,"  They quieted down for a moment.      "That changes everything. Older wolves pay full attention to their young. He got you," Derek sighed. "That's not how we wanted to ascend,"      "No, it isn't. We have no choice now. Let's get this last play in. Our time on the run is up,"      "Sir," they all agreed. David looked over at me and smiled.      I can feel his pride and excitement inside of me as if it were my own. We'd never admit to one another but he feels what I do. Fear. I am afraid of what's to come. How I will handle things from now on. I've put becoming the Alpha of the pack off as long as I could. I know it. He knows it. The pack knows it. I have to gain the respect and values that I lost when I declined the first time.      I also have to find the vigilante running around our pack lands. The pack members are terrified of him. A human well versed in the ways of a wolf hunter. So far, he's only gone after rogues. He never misses his target. Rumors say that he's looking for Alpha's now. He got his first one, twenty-two-year-old Vanessa Alleman. The heiress of the North. That's going to be his last hit on any alpha. He has to get through us now. 
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