Love Thy Enemy: Eve-2

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Alex Claire- Too Close Chapter One: Moonstones  Eve:      I can still see the red blood staining my hands. I had never taken a life before but she gave me no choice. People are dying and the Northern packs are to blame. It isn't enough that they own have the world but they have to treat us like we're inferior to them. Slaves. They collect humans as if we're nothing but an object. I'm going to show them all that we're not a defenseless as they think we are.      "Evie, dad is home," my brother rushed into my room and shut the door behind him.      "Did he see dinner on the table?" I asked him.      "Are you going out again?" he whispered ignoring my question. That means he did and that he doesn't care if the old man eats or not.      "Yeah, I want you to stay here tonight. I have one last thing to do before we can get out of here,"  He let out a disappointed sigh.      "I hate when you go out like this," he admitted. "You were covered in blood last time. I can't stand to see you hurt like that, Eve. What if you don't come back again?"     "I'll always come back to you. No matter what," he didn't meet my eyes. "How did you do on your midterm?"      "Good," he shrugged reaching for his backpack.      He placed a small packet of papers in front of me. One hundred percent and an extra ten percent for answering the extra credit at the end. I told him that this is how he contributes to what I do. As promised, I took the laptop I told him I would get him when he asked for my help. He overdid it with the extra credit. An eighty percent would have sufficed. I never doubted him for a second. I actually had already ordered his laptop when I gave him my request.     "As promised," I offered it to him.      "You shouldn't have. We should save this money so when we get the hell out of here,"      "We'll be more than well off, Jay. Don't let dad see it,"      He nodded and crawled over to my headboard to start it up. I locked the door with a deadbolt. Since mom died, dad has lost who once was. He spends his days drinking and smoking. There is nothing left of what the man once was. I keep the house clean. I make him food and pay the bills. When I first started working I would give him the money and it would go wasted. When I stopped funding his addictions he started to beat me. I didn't care, I fought him off. It was an endless war every time I paid one of the bills. I drew a line and decided that I couldn't let him do this the first time hurt Jayden.     As planned, the Northerner is calling in a replacement so that he can come after me. Jonathan of the East will be called in and his son Zac will be taking care of the East. I need to take the Moon Stone from East for my contractor. I have three Stones. With the final one, I will get paid. Jason and I will leave this place and my dad to rot here. I need Jay to be safe. Jay is all I care about.      "Be careful," he whispered when I open the window.      "I have to be here before Friday. I won't be gone as long as last time," I reassured him.      I pulled myself onto the rooftop of our home and made slowly walked towards the back of the house. I jumped down into the back yard and caught my dad sitting at the diner table. He's looking down at the plate of food in front of him. There are tears streaming down his face. Had I come down to greet him like before I would have asked why. I would have tried to get him to open up to me. I've tried several times and have gotten nowhere.      That part of me died the night I came home to see Jayden with a black eye and a busted lip. The handprint across his face marked my little brother's face for weeks. It was embarrassing for him to go to school or talk to anyone. He still is embarrassed. He's limited his contact with people. He gave me the cell phone I had given him back because he doesn't want anyone to know.      This is what drives me to do what I have to. I've come too far to let all slip through my hands because of some b***h who doesn't see that treating people like objects is wrong. I don't care what she is or what title she held. She was just a girl at the end of it all. One who lost her life at the hand of a human-like me. She called me a meat sack when she caught me. I couldn't risk her telling anyone else.      I was only able to free half the woman in those holding cells. Once I get what I need, I will go back to free the others. I can't stray from this. Not while I'm so close.      The Easterners are nothing like the Northerners. These wolves are born into a select group of warriors dogs. Generation after generation of killer werewolves bred and trained to be killing machines. I've been researching their bloodlines and almost all of these wolves have high titles somewhere in their family tree.  All I have to do is not get caught.      The person who contacted me had told me that the moonstones in each pack represented the power of the moon. They didn't tell me what they intend to do with the so-called power of the moon. It's so easy to take them. It's like the wolves have forgotten that the stones are in their possession. I found the Southern stone here in the university. The Western stone was among a pile of other stones right outside their packhouse. The south stone was inside their dungeon.      I was holding the stone in my hand when she caught me. I threw it at her when she tried to run back outside. It knocked her down. She didn't realize what it was. She just saw an intruder releasing her prisoners. I thought that was the end of me. She didn't process what was happening fast enough. I had been driven by pure instinct and fear.      I had gotten a car a few months ago. It's kind of a piece of s**t but it gets the job done. It's a six-hour drive to the Rose Lands. I've never been there. I hear it has some of the most beautiful scenery. Since the supernatural world was discovered, a lot of environmentalists have taken to replenish our natural resources and the werewolves are the top dogs in that.      There's one specific place in the center of the US. The Hexagon called the Pack Lands. It's diverse. Something out of reach. I've heard rumors of Vampires, Witches, Werewolves, Sirens, other things I've never even heard of. The place is ruled by one of the world's richest and smartest woman alive. Arcadia Reign who is married to one of the most ruthless soldiers known in the werewolf world, Donovan Marvelle. I hear she's a bit of a savage herself.      When the supernatural world made its debut, they didn't demand to be the dominant species. They wanted equal rights. They got it. I mean what choice did the government have? Give them rights or get wrecked?     The new laws aren't too different. Daywalkers, half-vampire- half-humans are now allowed into law enforcement and the military. Crime has gone down. Not just for us but for the wolves and the other supernatural beings.      That's not the crazy part. The crazy part is that certain humans, I'm included in that. We have something inside of us. A new sense. I can tell you what's what. I know the twins are the Alphas of the South. I know that they're part of a pack because they have this scent to them. Something woodsy. Very intoxicating. I love being around them. There are others at the university. They try to hide it and for the most part, they're successful because those who are part of the South haven't picked up on it. There are rogues in the university. They have a burning scent to them. Like burning wood. It's distracting sometimes. I sit across from two of them in Business Administration and I hate sometimes.      I looked up at my phone when it pinged. I opened the text to find that it's from my contractor. I have until midnight tomorrow to give her the stones. I'm okay with that.      The Rose Lands are quiet, humans are free to come and go. Any place ruled by a coven or pack is free reign. It's just not recommended. Humans, especially in the North, go missing. This place is actually described as the suburbia of the supernatural world. Where people come to retire. It's pricey and very pampering.      I pulled into the motel I got for the night and checked in. It's not on the pack territory itself but it's close enough for me to be able to see the packhouse from the room I asked for. It's alive tonight. The last time I had come here, the packhouse had been very calm. They might be having a party. That doesn't make sense. If the alpha is out, shouldn't the be taking extra precaution. At least, that's what Domino would do.      "This couldn't have gotten any easier," I laughed.      I changed into something casual. There are different supernaturals here tonight. Vampires, Sirens, half breeds, hybrids. All college students trying to get away from the responsibility of their impending future. I walked into the house to see there are other humans here as well. I easily blend in with everyone. Getting into the garden isn't too difficult.      This is insane. Given any other night, I would join them in this. There are half-naked girls fresh out of the pool flirting with the guys. There are beer pong tables set up all over the place. Kegs and bottles. Laughter. The garden, however, is completely empty. Figures. I pressed the locator app on my watch and followed the sound until I got to the tall fountain in the center. It's at the top. Of course, it is.      "What are you doing here?" I turned around to see him standing there.      "David?" I asked. He nodded. "What are you doing here?"      "Working," he shrugged. You?"      "I came to visit my grandparents. My aunt is in town and my cousin invited me to this. I lost her in there. Needed a breather," I lied and gave him a tight smile.      "You should go home. Tonight. This place isn't going to be safe for very long. My brother would kick my ass for seeing you here and not warning you,"      "Why wouldn't it be safe? This is one of the safest territories since the Hexagon,"      "Not for long. Go home, Eve. Please," he turned around and left me here.      I looked around to make sure there was no one looking. I stepped onto the fountain platform and jumped up. I grabbed the stone at the top and tried not to land in the water. Failed. My jeans are soaked. I began to make my way back inside through the crowd.      "Eve?" Oh no. I turned around to see Domino standing there.      "Dom," I greeted him.      "You don't look surprised to see me here. I am completely taken by surprise," he smirked.      "I saw your brother back there. I was as surprised as you when I saw him," I returned the smile. He nodded.      "You shouldn't be here,"      "I was just told that," I nodded.      "Why are you here? You don't have to answer,"      "I here visiting my grandparents. My cousin invited me but I can't find her anymore. She was with some guy," I continued the lie. Can they tell?     "Do you need a ride home?"      "No, I came in my car,"      "I'll walk you out," he motioned me to walk ahead of him. I lead the way to my car. "You don't owe me anything, Eve. But I need you to drive home. Right now,"      "Your brother said the same thing," I looked up at him as I unlocked my car. He tipped my chin with his index finger.      "Good. I can't have you here when the Northerners come. Can you do that? Can you drive home? I can have someone take-"      "I can go home. I'm going to stop at my grandmother's house and tell them,"      "Call them," he insisted. "There are precautions for the residents. You're not from here and they'll know it. Go,"      I got into the car. He locked my door before shutting it. He stood in the middle of the street as I turned my car around. He watched me drive away. I can see him in my rearview mirror. Something inside of me warmed with his concern. David's as well.      I was packing my things up when a siren wailed out in the hall. The loud sound of growling wolves startled me. I instantly shut the door and locked it. I finished putting my night gear on and checked my weapons to make sure they're secure. I held my shotgun in both my hands. I stood next to the door as growling outside grew louder. I jumped when the thing howled.      I can smell them. Like her. They have a pine sort of smell. One of the wolves barged into the room. The door shattered as the massive wolf broke through. I pulled the trigger. The blast of the shotgun echoed in the small room. The wolf hit the floor with a loud whine as I turned the door to see there's no one else but the sound is going to draw them in.      I rushed to the window and began to climb up. I have to get to my car. Four floors down. I strapped my shotgun to my back and began to look around. I lowered myself onto a balcony. I can jump down to the second floor and get the hell out of here. The sound of wolves raiding the rooms is terrifying. The people inside are crying out for help.      I shouldn't have, but when I reached my car I looked back. Chills ran up my spine knowing that I couldn't save them. With tears in my eyes, I got into the car and started it. Drive. Eve. Put the f*****g car in drive. I slammed my hands against the steering wheel and turned the car off leaving the keys in the ignition. I fully loaded my shotgun and pulled my mask on.      "Hey, dog breath! Pick on someone your own size, b***h," I shouted as soon as I stepped into the lobby.      The wolf trying to get into the office turned to look at me meeting the barrel of my shotgun. I pulled the trigger blasting him in the face. The manager opened the door. There's a bunch of people inside with him.      "Thank you," he nodded.      "Get them out of here, old man. Go,"      "There's another group in room two oh six," a lady pointed upstairs.      "Go," I nodded.      I slowly made my way upstairs. There are four wolves trying to get into the room I'm assuming is two oh six. I pumped my shotgun getting their attention. They all turned to me. I started firing as they rushed at me. I can hear the people in the room screaming. Three of them went down before I ran out of ammo. I pulled my handgun from my belt as the wolf ran as fast as it could towards me. I tried to dodge it. His massive mouth opened up biting me on my thigh as I pulled the trigger. The wolf landed on me dead. It knocked the wind out of me. I can't move.      "Get it off of her. Help me," someone shouted. The wolf was pulled off of me. I looked up to see the people coming out of the room.      "Thank you," I panted.      "Thank you," the guy shook his head. He held his hand out for me and lifted me. "Come on. We got to get you out of here,"      "Wait," I stopped him.      I emptied the small Clorox viles I had on me on the wolf and tried to turn my lighter on. He took it from me and did it for me. He took his shirt off and handed it to me. I tied it around my leg before we started heading down the stairs.      "I can give you a ride," he motioned the truck next to my car.      "No, I've been here too long already," I shook my head as I opened my door.      "You were leaving. Why did you turn back?" he asked.      "I don't- I couldn't just leave everyone there to die," I whispered.      "Thanks," he nodded and got into his truck.      I looked down at the bite on my leg. This is really happening. I was bitten by a beta. I'm going to turn soon. f**k. I pulled my mask off once I was on the road, I made the call. She answered right away.      "I have your package," I informed her. "Where do you want to meet?"      "I'll send you the coordinates," the line went dead.  I made it. We made it Jay. 
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