Love Thy Enemy: Cade-4

1276 Words
Lo Air- Day and Night      Taylor is standing right outside of the door when Jonathan and I walked out together. I introduced them before she began to show me around. This school is a lot bigger than my last one. It makes sense since it's very diverse. It's amazing, more than anyone will ever care to admit. I'm kind of resenting my dad for keeping me from this.      "Your next class is Economics," Jonathan announced when we walked into the grand hall where everyone eats. There are blood pack vending machines here for the day walking dampires.      "I know," I said equally displeased.      "Alpha Marvelle isn't that bad," Taylor whispered. I smiled up at her.      "It's not that he's bad," I said.      "Right, your families hate each other," she whispered confidently. Jonathan and I smiled at one another. She's too cute.      "Basically," he said. I offered Jonathan a cookie.      "She made them,"      "Is that right?" he asked taking one. He took a bite. "Wow,"      "Right," I agreed. She slouched back her hair falling forward creating a curtain between her and us.      "What pack are you from?" I asked.      "Gold Moon," she answered from inside her protected area.      "Strong pack,"      "Not as strong as yours,"      "Not everyone's can be," I shrugged. She chuckled making me grin.  I like her.      "Are you ready for tonight?" he asked me with a smirk on his face.      "I am. I didn't think he was going to go with it," I said sitting back. "I thought he for sure would find some flaw in it,"      "He gave you the car back. Guess that means you're off the hook for Cooke?" I shook my head.     "Not yet. You in?" I asked. He grinned looking back at me.      "f**k yes. I am so in. When?"      "Wednesday of next week. We're crossing into Montgomery,"      "Time?"      "Eleven,"      "P.M?" I shook my head.      "No, we're doing this in the morning. It's crowded at that time. The more people that see it. The bigger the hype it will get. Geo wants a body. Let's give him one,"  He chuckled. "Your feud with the alpha is going to be the death of one of you,"      "I can take him now. Imagine what it's going to be like when I ascend. He knows it," I smirked. He looked down at Taylor.      She looked between the two of us and when her eyes met mine I winked at her. We both snickered when she squeaked using her hair to cover her face again. This girl feeds my ego a lot more than it should. When the bell rang she excused herself.      "You shouldn't get attached to her. You can't save them all," he warned. I glanced at my beta before looking back in the direction Taylor had went.      "She doesn't need to be saved. She's already defeated. What she needs to let that anger out. Taylor doesn't need to feel shame for what that son of a b***h did to her. She needs to rage,"  He smirked. "No one rages better than we do," he whispered. "Let's bring it out of her. Invite her,"      "I was thinking the same thing," I laughed.      Jonathan has an equally f****d up dad. I'm not sure why we have this sympathetic side to us. Why we care about the world the way we do. None of the adults around us seem to think that there's a world outside of their pain. Beating the s**t out of someone because you can isn't how things work.  At least, not in this world. Brute force causes more problems than it doesn't.     My thoughts slipped when a cold chill came up my spine stopping me from walking in the direction I had to go in. I can feel the surge of power that came over me. The instinct to hunt vibrated in my bones for an instant. I looked around to see other students walking by going about their business.      I shook the feeling taking in a deep breath to try and calm down. That's when I caught onto what my body is feeling. The scent is something beyond what words can describe. My jaw locked with the ache that came with it. Saliva rushed into my mouth, my heart began to pound in my chest, and my hands began to get clammy.      "f**k," I whispered.      I let my instincts guide me in the direction of the scent. I was basically running when I stopped right outside the classroom. The classroom I have to be in right now. Other's were walking into it chatting away while I'm having a mini existential crisis. I took a couple of steps back and pulled out my phone.      Using the black screen as a mirror, I looked myself over. Not a hair out of place. I have been prepared for everything today, everything but this. How does one prepare to meet the one person you're meant to spend the rest of their life with? The bell made me jump. I shook off my insecurities and straightened myself up.      As soon as I walked in all eyes are on me as usual. With one more deep breath, I looked up to see the source of the scent.      Those brilliant green eyes looked back at me and my entire existence shattered. To rest of the class, we are just two enemies glaring at one another for the first time. The ache in my chest took my breath away. Out of all the wolves present here now, why does it have to be him? The universe has to have it out for me for sure. I swallowed back the lump in my throat and stepped towards him taking my schedule from my back pocket. I placed it where everyone else has placed theirs without taking my eyes off of him.      "Choose where you please to sit," he said the sound of his voice raising goosebumps over my skin.      I didn't answer. I know everyone expected me to but I had nothing to say for once. I turned to look at everyone to see there are two seats right up front, unoccupied. I sat in the one directly in front of his desk. Everyone began to whisper. It made me want to laugh. They can think this is a challenge all they want. They can spew whatever crap they want about us. His eyes didn't move away from me until the second bell snapped him out of it.      My low laughter echoed in the silent classroom when he sat down equally as shocked as I am. The sound startled him his eyes changed. They darkened before the red in them flashed at me. I laughed again shaking my head. No one said a word.      "You want to get out of your system now or are we going to have a problem, Alpha Marvelle?" I asked.      "How do you suggest I get it out of my system now?" he asked meeting my challenge his eyes sparked again. This time staying that way. The hostility of his gaze is cute and it's making me nervous. I laughed again.      His reaction was exactly what I expected it to be. He stood up coming over to me. His hands slapped on the desk in front of me making everyone around me jumped at the sudden outburst he's displaying. He let out a full dominating growl without taking his eyes off of me. The sound of it vibrated the windows of the classroom.      "Better?" I asked amused. His defeated growl made me sit up when he pulled away.      "I'm sorry," he whispered before stepping out.      Everyone turned to look at me. I sat up wishing I had a curtain of hair to cover me up right now. I laughed full-heartedly this time. The somersaults in my belly are not going to die down any time soon. So, I might as well ride this crazy train.  Sweet mother moon, what have you done?
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