Wolves Don't Lose Sleep-3

1084 Words
Akon ft. Gwen Stefani- The Great Escape Victoria.      "... Cause I'm a freak. I'm a weirdo. What the hell am I doing here? I don't belong here..."     This son of a b***h has been singing the same f*****g song for two months now. The irritation in me wants blood. I growled out making him stop for an instant before the piece of s**t started up again.     "Can you shut the f**k up already?" I cried out.     "Please," the girl across from me agreed. "I thought you were mute, Bonita,"     "I had nothing to say until now," I sighed, leaning against the silver bars.     "Doesn't that hurt you?" she asked her head hanging off the cot, her legs propped up on the wall.     "Yeah. It's the only thing keeping me sane right now,"      "My name is Azul. Azul Riviera," she laughed, waving at me.     "No s**t?" I smiled.     "No s**t," she confirmed. I listened to her heartbeat. She isn't lying.     "I'm a fan of your work," I laughed. "Victoria Romano,"     "No? THEE Victoria Romano?" she asked flipping off the bed getting close to the bars. I nodded a smirk on my lips.     "How the f**k did we end up in here?" she asked shaking her head. "I'm a fan of your work too. I doubt anyone isn't,"     "You said Romano?" broken iPod on repeat asked.     "I did," I confirmed, nodding.     "Ya Sabes?" (Do you know?) he asked.     "What?" I asked looking through the bars over to him.     "El Americano took your home," he mused, making my stomach flip.     "What are your sources on that?" I asked sitting up.     "Todos saben, bonita. Tiene a tu hermano," (Everybody knows. He has your brother) he smirked. "He's the bait,"     I pressed my face into the bars the pain keeping me from losing my s**t right here. My little brother. That son of a b***h took my little brother. Why? We had nothing to do with what my parents did to him. He had settled that debt in their blood.     "How long ago?"     "Four weeks,"     The night alarm went off, indicating dinner was about to be brought down. I looked over at the pretty little thing Azul is and she smiled at me like she knows what I'm thinking about doing. She nodded excitedly as the doors at the far end of the corridor were opened. The two guards walked in with the trays of food. If that was what you called it. I was waiting for an opportunity but I can't wait anymore. Enough is enough and Frankie is in danger.      The American had come for my parents. Alpha Quinton Wheeler. His father had been my mother's old alpha. Peter Wheeler had lost his mate in a raid. A fight for territory and he had chosen my mother to replace the fallen Luna. He had almost claimed her when my dad strolled in and took her. He had been in his prime. He had been the most notorious killer at the time. The top assassin for the Rogue King. No one denied him what he wanted. In short, the son of that alpha was hidden until a couple of years ago when he took it all back and then some. His twin sister at his side. Those two are a force separate I can only imagine together.     Since then, my parents knew their days were counted. Quincy and Quinton Wheeler had made it clear that they were coming for them. It was never a secret. It was why we established somewhere secluded. He wanted some peace before he got what was coming for him. He probably didn't even fight him. They had been tired of this life for a while. It was rare for rogues to make it as far as he did for as long. He had made his peace with me a few days before this contract came in.      "Feeding time rogues," my target shouted taking his button hitting against the bars making noise as the other one followed behind him. "Good evening ladies," he greeted crouching down next to me on the other side of the silver bars. "Looking filthy today,"     I looked over at Azul as the other guard approached her cell. The one on my side had the keys. She gave me a nod. As he reached to slide my tray into the cell I reached out to strike taking hold of his wrist pulling as hard as I could slamming his face into the cell. His arm popping loudly as I bent his arm down and held him reaching through the bars for his keys. I unlocked the cell walking out, snapping his neck so he wouldn't come after us. Not dead, but in deep s**t.     "Aye Bonita," (Hey pretty) iPod shouted after I let Azul out. "Abre la puerta," (Open the door)     "f**k you. Open your own door pendejo," I growled spitting at him.     "So you're walking into a trap?" Azul asked as we snuck out.     "He's my brother," I reminded her, looking ahead.     "So what's your plan?" she followed behind me.     "Kill anything in my way," I shrugged as we crawled low out of the borderlines. That was a little too easy for my liking. This pack should have never had me in their dungeon, to begin with.     "Cool. Can I come?" I turned back to look at her.     "Why?" I asked.     "We were stuck here for almost two months. I feel like this will make up for lost time," she smiled widely.     "Alright. We got to whip back into shape. That f**k has one of the best security formations in the nation. I know three wolves that made it out of there barely alive,"      "Bueno. Let's take a car. No me Gusta caminar," (I don't like to walk) I laughed shaking my head. How the hell was she third on the top five assassins in the world?     Being a rogue is as easy as taking something that doesn't belong to you. That's how most end up in this life. Kicked out for taking something that didn't belong to us. Somewhere between taking the Luna's pearls or some ass hole's life. The laws of a rogue are a lot different from a pack wolves. A lot of them think we're free wolves. No, all rogues must report to the Rogue King. Those who don't, get killed. Those who don't pay tax, get killed. Those who don't follow the laws of a rogue, get killed. Small prices to live as outcasts. 
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