Wolves Don't Lose Sleep-4

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Future- Life is Good Victoria.     My blood ran cold. Chills broke out all over my body as I pushed the opened door open all the way. I aimed the small Kahr Cw9 looking around. I can't pick up on anything inside. This is the only gun I found in the car we had taken from one of the rogues at a bar yesterday.      I looked down at the door to see he had walked right in. The doors were never locked so there was no need for a forced entry. The smell isn't as bad as it should have been considering it's midwinter, but the stench of death lingers thickly in the cold air of the house. I lowered the gun stopping in the living room.     My dad sitting in his favorite armchair. His blue eyes open and glazed over after weeks of being dead. The ugly greenish tint of his rotting flesh wasn't as bad as the rot around the gunshot wound in the center of his forehead. I put the gun down next to him and reached forward to examine the wound. They had talked for an instant before he was shot.      The amount of blood over the headrest of the chair told me he had died instantly. I walked back over to the loveseat to pick up my mother's jacket. I pulled the tweezers out of her grooming kit. I walked back over to him and pulled the small bullet out. Silver 9mm. One-shot was all he needed. I looked around to see my dad had pressed the silent alarm on the wall next to him probably trying to get my brother out of the house. A small smile came over me at the thought of him caring enough to warn him.     "Over here," Azul called from the kitchen.     I walked over to her to see my mom laying on the floor. A shot to the center of her chest another to the head. My brother's colt on the counter. I flipped it open to see that the two bullets had come from his gun. I sighed as I walked over her towards the hallway. My dad's shotgun is on the floor. I picked it up.     "Busted," I scoffed when I couldn't get it open. "He must have put the bullets in wrong,"     "f**k," she shook her hed. I nodded. "He must have been nervous,"     "Or in a hurry. Frankie is always in a hurry," I really hope he didn't f**k him up too bad or I'm not just going in there to retrieve him. "Let's get what we need and torch the place," The alpha hadn't taken anything except for a few things from Frankie's room. I grabbed Frankie's backpack and a few of his favorite things, after taking what I need; weapons, gadgets, money, clothes, and new identifications so we can lay low hidden among the humans until I could get back into shape for this s**t. Azul used a couple of spare gasoline tanks to get a good fire started. She helped me move my mother over to my dad. We lifted her up and sat her on his lap. They way they liked to watch T.V. together.     I walked out unable to stay here any longer and sat on top of my jeep rolling a blunt as she walked out nodding to herself, approving of her work. She came over to me leaning against the car next to me. I tossed her the keys to my mom's red Rubicon. My mother had insisted we have matching jeeps. She wanted me to get a red one like hers, but blue is the only color for me. She smiled looking back at me. I couldn't return it.      "Lista?" (Ready?) she asked and I nodded.     I lit my blunt inhaling deep until my lungs refused to take more. I blew out the puff of smoke looking at the house one last time. I smiled finding the irony of what this place is. He had built this with the intention of never having to run again. This is where he ended it all. Didn't even fight. My mother had given her killer her gun of choice. I looked down at it, climbing into the jeep.     "Fino a quando ci incontriamo di nuovo," (Until We Meet Again). I said and fired at the entrance. The fire started, licking up the gasoline spreading through the house relentlessly.     When the fire rose I could see it from my rearview mirror. It hit me hard. A deep dread spread through me, a knot forming in my throat, my eyes blurring with tears. I had to blink them away. I didn't have a great relationship with my dad. He was a cold man. It was hard to believe that he gave a s**t about us at all. When he had found his mate, the woman who raised me. He killed my birth mother. She tried to fight against him when she found out he was leaving her. I was about to be seven at the time. I remember the way she cried out begging him not to go and the sound she made when he ripped her throat out with one sweep of his claws.     Bonnie, his true mate. She took me in like I had been hers from the very beginning. A year and six months later she gifted me with the greatest gift of all. Frankie. My little brother. From the moment he had come into my life, everything felt so much better. She never treated us any different. Four years later, the Rogue King came to claim the next generation of assassins. It was then that I knew I'd become what I did to protect him. I'd do anything for him.     Tears dripped down my face and onto my chest thinking of what he must be going through at the mercy of this f*****g alpha. The alpha that hates my family because his piece of s**t father wasn't man enough to accept the fact that he was going to take something that didn't belong to him.  Frankie.     "What's your name kid?" the alpha asked leaning against the wall on the other side of my cell. He pushed forward handing me a Hershey's chocolate bar. I took it thanking him.     "Francisco Mateo, but everyone calls me Frankie," I answered, breaking the candy bar in half and offering him the other half. He smiled taking it.     "Frank Jr. then?" I nodded. "Do you know why you're here?"     "My dad killed yours when he wouldn't give up my mother," I shrugged, taking a bite.     "Crazy right?" he asked going back to the wall.     "Not that crazy," I scoffed, finishing the chocolate. I'm a rogue. "There are worse revenge cases,"     "Is he coming for you? You've been here a while," he commented, sliding down the wall.     "He?" I smiled looking at him. "There is no "he". My sister is coming for me,"     "Sister?" he asked confused.     "I think it would have been in your best interests if you would have killed me back there with my parents," I informed him. He smiled. He thinks I'm cute.      "That's a bit morbid. Don't you think, kid?"      "Not at all. It would have been the best decision. Alpha Wheeler, my sister has destroyed lives just because she could or because she was getting paid for it. My father taught her everything he knew as a rogue and my mother taught her how to hunt. Who taught her to hunt sir?" realization hit him. He hides his emotions well, but his eyes give him away.     "We did," he answered and I nodded.     "I was given a normal life. It's not because my parents gave me this life out of the goodness of their hearts. My sister didn't want me to live as she does. If she's alive a lot of your warriors have a time frame above their heads already," a flash of something I can't place flashed in his eyes.     "You sure about that kid?" he smiled.     "Unfortunately sir," he stood up and was about to walk away, but he stopped and turned back to look at me. "She never had a reason. Now she has all the reason she needs,"      "Why did you share this information with me, Frankie?" he asked.     "To thank you for the chocolate," I shrugged, resting my head on the wall. "My sister taught me how to be appreciative,"     "Are all rogues like this?" he asked.      "Maybe, if you'd give em a chance," I laughed.      He let me out. Assigned me two guards and after a couple of weeks, I made a few friends.  At least, I think we're friends. I was given my books back and was allowed an iPad so I could catch up on school. I ate with them, I worked out with them, and they let me train. He is always watching me. I can feel his eyes on me all the time. Always watching.     I emailed her. Wherever Victoria is I know she wouldn't be checking her email anytime soon. At first, the pack members were skeptical around me. I'd taken my place in the ranks and when they saw I liked to keep to my books I was left alone. It had been two weeks since I sent the email. I was listening to music when the bing rang in my ears. I brought the notifications bar down to see her name pop up.     ~I'm coming~ is all it read.     I removed my headphones and looked around as a loud alarm echoed from inside the packhouse. Marcus, the head hunter rushed into my room and grabbed me. He began to shove me outside. The packhouse is empty as we walked out.     As we made our way through the outskirts of the territory I almost broke down. I had been right. There are bodies scattered all over the place, both in wolf and human form. I had grown accustomed to being around these people and she had ended them like they had been nothing. It's what she does best.     Quinton Wheeler stood half-naked in a pair of shorts with claw marks all over his torso. That wasn't my sister and it is unlikely she had brought back up. She isn't exactly the type to take her friends on killing sprees. I can feel her in the darkness of the trees with another wolf. Just the two of them did all of his damage. Has she found her mate? Who is he? 
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