Wolves Don't Lose Sleep-2

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Kendrick Lamar ft. The Weeknd - Pray for Me Frankie:     "Dove e Victoria?" (Where is Victoria?) father looked over to me questioningly.     He had asked me earlier today to watch the soccer game with him for the first time in my life and I sat here enduring the last hour and a half of this boring ass game without any complaints and now, he wants to bring up small talk? We don't have a particular relationship with one another. As a matter of fact, we barely speak to one another. I am usually regarded as the boy in arguments among, him, my mother, and my sister.     "She still isn't back, Papa," I answered looking up from my book.     "E Stato settimane," (It's been weeks) he said turning off the television after the game ended.     "Victoria is a lot like you, Frank," mom said walking in.     She had also been gone for a few days. This is actually the first time dad and I had been left alone for more than just a few hours. It wasn't pleasant. It wasn't anything really. Just peace and quiet. She took her jacket off dropping it on the floor next to me with a loud thud. She then began to remove the knives from her vest. I smiled trying not to laugh. This is normal in our home.     "Il mio amore," dad greeted her when she finally finished removing her things and went over to him.     I looked away, taking my things, and putting them in my backpack. I excused myself and walked up to my room. It's hard to be a Romano. Our lives have always been about the running and finally, we had stopped somewhere no one would try to kill us. So dad says. Victoria is a little more realistic about what we are. She doesn't put fake hopes and dreams in my head. She hates this life probably as much as she hates my dad.     This is the life of my family I know. We are free outside of the wolf system. No one tells us what to do or how to do it. The downside is having to look over our backs constantly. Watching our backs from other rogues, pack wolves, and my least favorite hunters.     Victoria does this a lot. She'll find a contract and disappeared for days. This is the longest amount of time she's ever been gone. Three weeks going into the fourth. Any longer and we'd have to give up waiting on her to come back. It's hard to assume the three stages of a rogue contract. One: She's still not finished. Two: She's been caught. Three: She's dead.     During this length of time, my prayers go for One and Three. Two would be the worst possible thing that could happen to us as rogues. They make wolves like us wish we were dead. Alphas and Hunters aren't too different in that department. All of them disagree with what we are. No one to blame. It's either you kill for a cause or you kill because you like it.      I jumped up when the silent alarm was triggered. My ears caught on to the extra heartbeat in the house. I grabbed the colt from my nightstand and quietly made my way down to the living room. As I rounded the stairs my mother rushed towards me placing her finger to her lips urging me to be quiet. She put her hands on my face with a bright smile.     "This is where our paths end, baby," she kept that same smile. There is no sadness in her eyes, she has accepted her fate. "Tell Victoria we love her. Do not try to mend this. We did this to this man. Now we're going to pay the price,"     She took the gun from my hand and began to back away from me with the same serene expression on her face before she disappeared into the darkness of the kitchen. Two shots were fired. I opened the cupboard under the staircase and pulled out my dad's sawed-off shotgun and loaded the thing with shakey hands.     I aimed it at the shadow that formed in the darkness of the kitchen doorway. The man radiates power, not a hunter. An alpha. He's wearing all black, his face is covered with a hard mask, only his eyes are visible to me. He reached up removing the mask. His glare is piercing through me as his glowing red eyes look back angrily at me. I pulled the trigger not letting him come closer to me. The gun f*****g clicked or I would have blown the mother fucker away. He took a step back surprised that I had pulled the trigger. He smiled at me.     "s**t luck, kid. Where's the other one?" he asked.     "Not here," I answered lowering the useless thing.     "Then you're useful for now. Get on your knees, hands on your head," I did as he instructed, dropping the shotgun next to me. "How old are you?"     "Sixteen," I answered as he came up behind me.     "How old is the other pup?" he asked.     "Twenty-three," I sighed. I f****d up, Vic. The one thing you tried to imprint in my head, I did.      He cuffed my hands behind me. Before I could ask who he was, a sharp pain struck me on the side of my head. When I came around again all I had were my prayers inside a cell with silver bars keeping me trapped here. The one stage we're taught to never allow is the one stage that I'm in. I shook my head in disbelief. I might die here and in the process, if Vic is still alive. She's going to kill her way through these people to get to me. Dead or alive she'll take me from this place. I just endangered all of these people. They have no idea what's coming. 
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