
1509 Words
The Weeknd- Often      I woke up with the taste of his blood lingering on my lips. That was wild and a whole lot of fun. It's been a while since I've woken up swore and completely satisfied at the same time. I looked over at Ben, to see him turn over onto his other side. The bite marks on his neck and arms give me a slight satisfaction. This isn't where I thought my morning would end but it was very welcomed.     Getting up is not an easy task. Stretching out the kinks is worse but it had to be done. I began to make food for the two of us as I cleaned up the mess we had made. I picked up my phone to see I have a missed call and a voicemail from Beck and a couple of missed messages from Remus asking me where I was. Before I could send my response his name came up on my screen.      "Yeah," I answered.      "Are you okay?" he asked. I looked up at Ben who raised his head barely able to keep his eyes open.      "Yeah, are you?" he let out a sigh of relief.      "I was just a bit worried when you didn't reply,"     "I was asleep. I'm heading over there in a bit,"      "Kryssa wants to meet you. She wants to know who the king's new right hand is. I'm pretty sure she knows about the other stuff,"     "That's fine. See you in a couple of hours," we hung up.      "Good evening," I said pointing at the food on the stove.      "Yes, it is," he smiled. I laughed at the sound he made when he tried to get up. "You know when you said I need you to f**k me up a little I don't think I agreed to you f*****g me up to,"      "You weren't complaining," he groaned finally sitting up with my sheets wrapped around his hips. He pulled on his boxer briefs and then his pants. "There are t-shirts in the top drawer behind you that you can use,"      "Have a lot of male friends come over?"      "No, b***h. I like to walk around in a loose t-shirt only. Sometimes," he smirked like he liked the idea of me walking around like that. "What time are you expected at the manor?"      "I was expected last night," he laughed. "I called it in,"      "You called what in?" I asked looking down at the voicemail notification from the missed call I had from Beck. I put my hand up telling him to keep his mouth shut as I checked my voicemail.      "I guess I deserved that with what you're coming home to. You never seize to surprise me, Sage. I want you here as soon as you can. Kryssa wants to introduce you to her men so you can fit them into our rosters. Try not to be too late. She's not a very patient person,"      "I bet," I sighed putting my phone down.      "You in trouble, Stretch?" he asked picking at the food on the stove.      "Not more than usual," I laughed. "Eat up. I'm going to shower,"      "Thanks," he said grabbing a plate off the dish rack.      I am a mess. There are bite marks all over my chest and they kind of sting. There's bruising along my arms where Ben gripped my arms tightly to keep them over my head or behind me. A laugh rocked my body as I got in the shower. The hot water helps to dim the bruising and marks a bit. Easing the areas that hurt the most.      I can cover most of them but the bruising around my neck where his fingers dug deep are going to be a little harder to conceal. Not to mention what Beck is going to say. I walked out to see Ben was on the phone. He looked up at me and for an instant, he paused looking me over as I walked over to my closet.      "I'll call you back, Aron," he said.     "Go ahead and shower. Do you have spare clothes in your car?"      "I do but I really don't feel like getting dressed right now,"      "We have to go. I have a lot of s**t to do tonight. New members in the guard gotta sort them out," he nodded. "I'll get your things. Take a shower,"      "I'm keeping the shirt," he called out walking into the bathroom as I pulled my boots on. I laced them up grabbing his keys.      Of course, he's going to be driving a f*****g Aventador. Wolves are like that. They like to show off their power and while the rest of the world is distracted with their toys they take what the want and give nothing back. Pack dogs are the worst. They have their own communities and live in their own little worlds waging wars on one another for entertainment.      Wolves like Benjamin Greene answer to the Alpha King. He's part of the royal guard. The eighth prince in line to the throne should the other seven ever kick the bucket. He can care less about his titles, so as long as he gets to go out on the field, he lets his siblings hash out the political problems. His little infatuation with me makes it easy for the alpha king to get the intel he wants and vice-versa. We need to him have access to the alpha king whenever Beck needs something from the wolves.      When the great war settled Alpha King Elias named Ben the successor of Romania. No wolf business happens here without him knowing. Once he receives orders from his king he gets to work. When we were drawing out the laws with the Romanian Prime minister, the demonic council, and late Jacob Sterling, Ben was out with Diana taking wolves who had been caught and enslaved from human prisons.     I located them. They broke into high-security places. I distracted the alliance and the wolves who had been pets to these mother fuckers were freed. They disappeared into the pack lands. No goes in there. Not humans, not vampires, and definitely not demons. No one ever comes back out. It's the only reason why werewolves and vampires walk hand in hand in all of this. We don't butt into each other's terrain. Nothing is more important than that.     "Thanks," he said as he pulled his clothes out of the duffel bag.      True to his word he kept my shirt on. I braided my hair back to keep it out of the way since I will be dealing with soldiers today. I looked back at Ben and tossed him my loft keys. He caught them easily.      "Really?" he asked with the cockiest grin he could muster.      "When Beck sees me and sees you. He's not going to want you under his roof,"      "You ever do to him what you did to me?" I shook my head.      "No, it means something different for us to bite one another. Something a little more intimate,"      "Mating marks?"      "Something like that,"      "Well, as long as you have those on your skin you kind of belong to me where I come from," he shrugged.     "Back at you," I laughed. He nodded going over to the mirror examining the bites on his neck. "They won't f**k with you in the manor. They know those are my marks and with you wearing my shirt for scenting. You're practically my b***h,"      "Alright, let's get going before we keep the new Vampire Queen waiting," he laughed looking back at me.      "Take your car. I don't know if I'll be able to come back with you later," he nodded walking out before me. I grabbed the backpack I had gotten from the lab and walked down to my car.      By the time I got to my car, he was long gone. I looked around my car scenting something off. This is a new car. I haven't let anyone ride with me which means only my scent should be present. I got out catching something else. I dropped down on the floor to see someone had been working on something under it. I grabbed the backpack and stepped away from it.  "Nice try," I whispered pushing my affinity towards it. The sound echoed in the garage shaking the whole building. The alarms all went off. It didn't take long for my phone to ring.      "Please tell me that wasn't you," Ben demanded.      "Not me but my car," I sighed walking towards the exit.      "I'm headed back,"      "Okay," I said hanging up. I dialed for Beck.      "I'm not excusing an absence," was the first thing he said.      "Someone put a bomb in my car,"      "What?" he asked. Ben's car pulled up in front of me and I got in.      "Yeah, I'm headed to the manor now. Where is Remus?"      "I haven't sent him out. Are you okay?"      "Yeah, I'll see you in a bit," I hung up before he could respond. I don't have time for petty s**t like this right now.      "Well, I can officially say you are the most interesting woman I've ever been with," I looked over at Ben and laughed.      "Anyone ever try to kill you?"      "All the time. What gave it away?"      "New car. Whoever it was hasn't been eating healthy. They have a strong B.O.," he shook his head.      "Noob mistake," he laughed. 
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