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Tove Lo- Habits (Stay High) Hippie Sabotage Mix     "You look terrible, Stretch," he said looking me over.      "Yes, please come into my home and tell me I'm a mess, Alpha Prince d**k," he laughed.      "This is actually what I pictured when your mom told me you had moved into your own place. Never thought you'd leave the den," I sighed going over to sit next to him.      One of my first fights ever was with a wolf. I killed him. He was one of Ben's betas and his best friend. I had gone off on my own after my first argument with Diana. She didn't like that I was getting so attached to Beck and he told her to go to hell. It was ten months after my transition into a vampire and I felt invincible. Ben taught me just how close to death a vampire can feel. While I wasn't afraid to die as a human, this life. I will fight to my last breath for.      When I almost killed the two of us with my affinity he backed off. He kind of liked that I didn't use it on him right off the bat. He thought it was because I thought I could take him on without it. The truth is, I didn't know how to use it outside of being afraid back then. Which is why I almost killed him and severely injured myself. Beck and Diana were very upset at the two of us. Him for attacking me and me for attacking him back.     "What are you doing here?" I asked without looking back at him.      "Came to try and convince you not to marry king douche,"  I laughed. "What?"      "Royal wedding in a couple of weeks. The King is about to tie the knot. The Alpha King wants us to attend. Since I'm the alpha here, he sent me to see if you guys needed anything,"      "Beck is getting married just not to me," I smiled. He sat up looking back at me.      "Diana would never let that happen. You're like her favorite baby and everyone is convinced you're the next queen bee,"      "Diana is dead," he stood up looking down at me with the worry from earlier. He looked around before his eyes came back over to me.      "That explains the way you look and the gun. What is going on?"      "Jackie Sterling killed Diana last night. She was f*****g around with Justin Sterling and they didn't like that. They raided the blood dens. We had other casualties. King Beck wants me back at the manor until this blows over,"      "You're going to war with the Sterlings," he said. "That mother fucker is making you lead the war while he sits in his f*****g tower with his new toy. Fangs, I don't like this at all,"      "I didn't want to be by his side. What we had was cute but I'm not the type to sit behind him and be his b***h for all eternity. Can you imagine it? Me at home taking care of a s**t ton of kids holding down the coven while he plays god with humanity?"      "I guess not but that's not all it is to be the queen bee, baby," he sat down next to me giving me his back. "I'm sorry,"      "For?"      "Diana was a friend to us. You two freed a lot of us when they had us locked in cages. This is going to stir some serious s**t up,"      "Yeah," I agreed looking up at the ceiling. He lied back looking over at me.      "I guess I won't be starting a war if I do this," he whispered. He scooted closer to me pressing his lips to mine.          He pulled away looking at me. Another time I would have told him to get the f**k out after breaking his jaw but not tonight. I sat up straddling him sliding my hands under his t-shirt. He smirked placing his hand on my thighs.      "I'm probably going to take a lot more than what you're willing to give," I promised as my fangs began to ache.      "Take whatever you want, Sage. I've had dreams about this,"      A growl ripped through my chest as the need to have some kind of relief from all the bottled up emotions swimming around the edge of my soul ached inside of me. His hands came up my thighs over my ass and under my top. He was quick to unclip my holster. I pushed it away letting it fall back on the floor.     The sound of my pistols hitting the ground echoed in the high ceilings of the loft. The sound of my buttons scattering across the floor came next. His hands are warm. The sound of his beating heart is pounding in a frenzy loudly as if it were drumming inside of my ears.     My fangs sliced through my gums crying out for attention. I gripped the center of his shirt and ripped it right off his body. In a second, I was pinned to the bed with his mouth on mine. I unbuttoned his pants while he unbuttoned mine. He pulled away pulling my pants with him. He pushed his own down before coming back up to me. I reached for him but he didn't let me touch him.      Ben pinned my hands up over my head while he continued his assault on my neck biting and licking from my ear lobes down to my chest. He let a growl out before he ripped the center of my bra away. The cups were moved away exposing me a little more to him.      This is the first time I sleep with someone this warm. Someone this alive. I thought s*x was ecstasy among my kind but this, this right here is so much better. A gasp left my lips when he slipped his hand under the lace of my panties. He growled liking how ready I am for him to take me.      "This is really happening," he said ripping them off.      "Oh yeah," I laughed he looked down at my exposed body looking down at the battle scars he has inflicted on me when we had met and smirked.      "Tell me something, princess. You like it rough or gentle?"      "I'm a fan of both but right now. I need you to f**k me up a little," the grin that spread across told me he's completely on board with this and thank f**k for that because I will fall apart if he treats me like a lady right now.      "Rough it is, fangs," he growled letting go of my arms.      His massive hand wrapped around my throat. He pulled me off the bed turning me over without letting go. Yeah, this is so much better than me having to look at him. It works. He gripped my hair pulling me back until I arched back enough to look at him.      "What the f**k are you waiting for?" I growled. He laughed. I cried out when he pushed inside of me with on rough stroke.      "Shut the f**k up, fangs. We aren't socializing right now," he growled pulling my hair a little harder. 
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